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C9 On the Way(1)

Yuv Ri.

It turned out that he remembered her name and her.

With this thought in mind, she stepped on the accelerator. The black Volkswagen Phaeton rushed out as if it was flying. The scenery outside the window quickly passed by. Ever since she got her driver's license, this was the first time she drove at such a fast speed. Yuv Ri felt as if she had driven it many times, and it was very easy for her to drive.

Hee Xiuyuan took some time to look back at the road in front of him. He pointed at the road and said, "Turn left at the intersection ahead. Take the small path."


The road was indeed a little winding, but after Yuv Ri turned around, she realized that she did not know the road at all. This made it awkward.

"About that, Dr. Hee, you know the road, right?"

Hee Xiuyuan tilted his head and looked at her side profile. She nodded and said, "That's good. Look ahead and lead the way. I didn't walk down the path."

... "Okay."

The small road was really much closer than the main road. With Hee Xiuyuan's excellent sense of direction and Yuv Ri's good driving skills, they arrived at the hospital in a short while.

Yuv Ri ignored the gatekeeper's obstruction and drove directly to the door of the emergency building. Once the car stopped, Hee Xiuyuan looked around and said, "This place is not allowed..."

Before he finished speaking, Yuv Ri had already said, "It's fine. Get out of the car first."

Hee Xiuyuan was still in a dilemma when Mother Juan and Father Juan had already opened the car door and helped his daughter get out of the car. Yuv Ri could not help but urge, "Get out, Uncle is chasing after us."

Just as she finished speaking, the uncle who was guarding the door quickly walked over with a baton in his hand. As he walked, he shouted, "The emergency ambulance passage in front of the emergency building is not allowed to park outside. Hurry up and drive away."

This time, there was really no other way. Hee Xiuyuan opened the car door and just as his back foot touched the ground, the black Volkswagen Phaeton stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

"Dr. Hee..."

"Wait for me to make a call."

Hee Xiuyuan took out his phone and quickly dialed a number. In less than a minute, a female doctor and a nurse pushed the operating bed over. "Dr. Hee, Dr. Hee."

Hee Xiuyuan nodded and helped Juan Zi onto the bed with her parents. The female doctor pointed at the nurse and said, "I have already arranged to go to the operating theater. I will go directly to the third floor."

"Okay, okay."

The nurse agreed and pushed the cart with the patient's family. The female doctor and Hee Xiuyuan followed behind.

"Dr. Hee, did you bring the patient's medical record?"

Hee Xiuyuan had just gotten out of the car in a hurry. The medical record book fell into the car. He shook his head. "The medical record book fell into the car. I have a backup in my phone."

"Okay, let's go into the operating theater first."


After Yuv Ri drove away from the gatekeeper's tracking, she thought about whether she should drive away or not. She turned her head and found that there was actually a yellow sealed cushion on the passenger seat. She took a look and found that it was the medical record book called Juan Zi.

Medical record books were very important, right?

Yuv Ri quickly thought about it. She started the car and went around to find a parking spot. After parking it, she took the medical record car and ran towards the emergency building.

The four people in the hall were long gone. Hee Xiuyuan was not a doctor who was in good health. The nurses probably did not know her, but she did not know the full name of Juan Zi.

She had to take the medical record book and go to the consultation desk to look for the nurse. "Hello, beautiful. I want to ask if you saw the four people who just came in from the door. One. A tall and thin young man wearing a gray windbreaker. A pair of middle-aged parents are holding a girl. The girl is wearing a red cotton coat. "

"There are people coming and going here, I didn't notice. Do you know the patient's name? "

Yuv Ri shook her head and raised the medical record book in her hand. "I have her medical record book, but it involves the other party's privacy. I didn't dare to open it."

"Then do you know who the patient's doctor is?"

"The doctor is from our town. His surname is He, and his name is Hee Xiuyuan."

After Yuv Ri finished speaking, a nurse beside her suddenly interrupted, "Oh, you are talking about Dr. Hee. I know him. He seemed to have gone to the operating theater on the third floor with Doctor Fu just now. The elevator is over here."

"Ah, thank you."

Yuv Ri hurriedly expressed her thanks and ran in the direction the nurse pointed.

Her silver high heels echoed in the lobby of the Emergency Department. If she had known that she would be so busy today, she would not have worn her high heels. She would have suffered a lot.

When her figure gradually faded away, the nurse who was greeted by Yuv Ri just now spoke to her colleague beside her. "Why do you even know about the doctors in other people's town? How do you look? People say that the doctor in town is either old or ugly. "

The nurse smiled." No. That Dr. Hee looks like a talent. He is tall and thin, and he is gentle and cultured. "


"The nurse said, Really. However, with your aesthetics, you probably won't think that he's handsome."

"If that's what you're saying, then when someone appears later, point it out for me to see."


The scene changed. The elevator stopped on the third floor. Yuv Ri walked out of the elevator and went straight to the Operating Area.

Dada! Dada! Dada! The sound rang out once again in the corridor. Standing at the entrance of Operating Theater 302, Father and Mother Juan, who were nervously waiting, turned around when they heard the sound. They immediately saw the girl who had sent them over.

Mother Juan said, "Beauty, are you here to look for us?"

Yuv Ri nodded and switched to running. "Yeah, that's Juan Juan, right? Her medical record has fallen into my car. I'm afraid you'll have to use it."

"Thank you, thank you. Beauty, you're a good person."

... "" Yuv Ri felt very awkward when she was called a beauty by the people in town. "You guys can just call me Yuv Ri. I am also from Wuli Town."

"You are?"

Father Juan's puzzled gaze swept around her. Yuv Ri continued to nod. "My mother's name is Yuv Qing." The name Yuv Ri might not be familiar to those who were older than her by a generation, but their mother, Yuv Qing, they definitely knew.

"Oh, oh, thank you."

It was probably a conditioned reflex. After Yuv Ri finished speaking, she clearly noticed the stiffness in their tone and unnatural expressions. What could she do?

"Then uncle and auntie, I'll give this to you guys. When Dr. Hee comes out later, you guys give it to him. I'll leave first."

"Okay, okay. Thank you."

"It's fine."

Yuv Ri drove out of Ankang Hospital and kept asking herself, Even if she helped others do good things, she can't change the town's prejudice against her and her mother. Will she still do it?

The answer was, she would.

Just like that girl called Juan Zi, who was lying in the operating theater, she had saved the other party's life. She had almost lost her life, but now she had helped again. Her parents had changed after they found out about her identity. But she wouldn't stay away from him just because of this.

If they needed something, if they were willing to accept it, she would do her best to help them.

This was what her mother taught her, the principle of being a human.

Half an hour later, the door of Operating Theater 302 on the third floor of Ankang Hospital opened. Hee Xiuyuan walked out in a sterilized shirt. His parents glanced at him, then nervously came over. "Dr. Hee, how's Juan Zi?"

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