The Ultimatum/C19 Chapter Nineteen
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The Ultimatum/C19 Chapter Nineteen
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C19 Chapter Nineteen

I stood at the front of his door and knocked, the door swung open and he was standing shirtless. He is hot..."wha-" I cut him off by placing my lips on his...he took control of the kiss and I wrapped my arms around his neck and moaned into the kiss.

He pulled me into the room and closed the door, he wrapped my legs around his waist and placed me against the door, he detached his lips from mine and traced my jaw with his lips. I moaned his name, I pulled his hair which made him closer and placed my lips on his. I wanted to be in control so we both fought for control and he won. I really needed him right now...

"I-I need you Eros" I stuttered and arched my back, this is a burning desire..."I really need you too, you don't know how much" he whispered in my ear "th-then t-take me" I stuttered.

He carried me and placed me on the bed "are you nervous?" He asked clearly amused at how he is teasing me.

"Eros stop teasing me!" I shouted and he laughed, he freaking laughed??! "I'm not ready to fuck you yet Janet" he whispered into my ear, "wh-why?" I asked and swallowed cause he was too near, "cause when I fuck you won't be able to walk for weeks" he said, oh God, please i need personal space.

Well, didn't you think about personal space when you almost got fucked like two seconds ago...

Shut up!!

I'm always right...

"Okay" I said and nodded. He stopped hovering over me and sat at the edge of the bed.

I stood up from my head tanning my hands through my hair. I have been having these crazy wet dreams about Eros and one of them just happened. It has been six months since we both signed the contract, since we've been living together.

Things have been getting a little better. We started arguing less, he has been really caring and at one point I was starting to think maybe, he had feelings for me. He has been super nice and we have been on a few dates and kissed a lot, even when people aren't watching us. His family finally met my parents alongside with Nathan- he is doing well. He already applied to college.

Jade already out to bed, two girls to be exact. I can still remember that day vividly, it was in the middle of the night when I heard my phone ringing, I wanted to ignore at first but as soon as I saw Jade's name on my screen, I just had to.

Immediately I picked up the phone I could hear her saying, "I think my water just broke. It just fucking broke! Janet, get your ass over here!"

"I'm coming, on my way."

"Just stay on the line."

I could hear her breathe as I looked around the room for what to pair with the black shirt I had on. Due to the noise I was making in my room Eros burst through my door, I don't know, maybe thinking someone broke in.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He groaned when he saw it was just me.

"Jade, her water just broke." I said hurriedly as I put on my blue jeans.

"Okay, do you want me to come with you?" He asked.

"Yes, no, whatever you want to do!"

"Okay, I'll met you downstairs in a bit."

That was how we both made our way to her house and took her to the hospital. I called her parents and then her husband to know what was happening. She finally put to bed safely, but her husband was already around and he went it to see how she was doing.

Jade was sleeping when we entered so that made three of us to have enough time to check up on the two girls. By the time she already woke up her parents were already around.

"Janet!" I heard Eros' voice from downstairs, "we're going to be late for our reservation."

"Coming!" I added final touches to my make up and hair and then out on my nude heels before making my way downstairs.

"You look beautiful as always." He smiled at me as he led me out of the door.

"Thank you. " a small blush crept to my face.

I could feel him staring at me, "aren't you going to tell me I look hot?"

"Nope, you look like a cow." I laughed at the Expression that morphed his handsome face.

"You and I both know that is not true." He smirked at me and opened the passenger door for me.

"But the look on your face says otherwise." I turned around to face him.

"That is because I was shocked you'd say such a thing to your baby."

My baby?

I chuckled and the pecked his lips, "you like dashing." I said and winked at him as I took my seat but not before him pinching my ass making me squeal.

"What do you think?" He asked me as soon as he parked his car at the front of the restaurant.

It looked so fancy and it is so obvious it is meant for wealthy people.

He noticed the look on my face, "if you don't like it we can go elsewhere."

"No, it's fine." I gave him a small smile, "I like it."

"Good." He grinned and then made his way out of the car to open mine. "Thank you." I placed my hand in his and we both made our way into the restaurant.

"What do you want to order?" He asked once we were sitting down by our table, which was far back from the rest.

"Uh," I picked up the menu scanning through it, "I don't know." I chuckled.

"Everything looks good."

"Trust me, everything is good." He grinned. "I can order for you if you want?"

"Sure, I trust you." He looked up at me and I saw something in his eyes, but it left as soon as it came.

He made a signal to the waiter who in turn came to take our orders, "she will have the chicken with marsala risotto while I'll have the permesan risotto with roasted shrimp."

He took notes of our orders as he wrote them into his notebook, "is that all sir?"

"And a bottle of champagne."

The waiter nodded his head and then left.

"You didn't even glance at the menu."

"This is my favourite restaurant and I have been here a couple of times."

"That explains it." I nodded my head.

Our food came in no time and we dived in and I can assure you it is the best food I have ever eaten, well, apart from my mom's food.

"Thanks for the food." I grinned at him.

"My pleasure." He replied and we both continued eating our food.

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