The Ultimatum/C6 Chapter six
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The Ultimatum/C6 Chapter six
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C6 Chapter six

After the dinner I had with Janet I dropped her off at her house and she was silent throughout. She kept playing with her fingers and bouncing her leg.


"Night. And thanks for tonight." She gave a small smile before closing the door.

I just hope she comes to work tomorrow.

I drove straight home, my penthouse. I put off my shirt, turned on the TV to distract myself and then poured myself a shirt of whiskey.

I pulled out my cell phone and then called Kelvin.

"Hey man." His voice sounded hoarse.

"I talked to Janet about the -"

"Janet? The one that works in your office? Your personal assistant?" He cut me off as he continued to throw questions at me.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, "yes. That one."

"So, what did she say?" I heard papers ruffling. He was probably working on a project and I was here disturbing him with my own problem.



"Yeah, but she might come to work tomorrow, so I guess we'll talk about it ."

"Oh, that's good, I guess."

"Yeah. You should come around tomorrow. To talk about how we'll plan the contract?"

"No problem."

"See you tomorrow then." I hung up and then downed the remaining whiskey in the cup.

I was about to pour myself another cup when a call came through my phone.


I groaned aloud. I knew what she wanted to say so I let the phone ring three more times before picking up the phone.

"Yes?" I asked in a bored tone.

"I know you let the phone ring continuously and you should res-"

I cut her off before she started with the respect talk again, "I'm glad you know me too well." I poured another cup of whiskey.

"What do you want Emma?"

"I just wanted to remind you about the family dinner."

"I know, next week Friday." I took a sip from the cup of whiskey in my hand.

"With your Fiancee" she added.

"Shut the fuck up." I groaned and hung up the phone.

She was the eldest out of all five of us. And she was pretty obsessed with getting respect cause she was the eldest. I am the last child and son of the family. I guess that explains why I never had to work for my own money. Two older brothers and two older sisters.

You're pretty confused cause I have older brothers and I'm still the heir to my father's company. Well, I'm the heir to this particular one. My other two brothers are also heirs to the other two he has.

I poured myself another cup until I was sure I had enough. Don't worry, I don't get drunk easily. Besides, I can't get drunk when I know I have work to do the next day.

I switched off the TV and made sure I took a cup of water before going to bed.

I hope Janet takes the deal. That was the thought on my mind before falling asleep.

I woke up around five am with a call from my dad. I was not in the mood for his talk right now, so I just switched off my phone. I put on a shirt, since I already had sweatpants on and worked out in the gym for about an hour or so.

After my gym session I prepared breakfast, bacon and eggs. Because I'm me, doesn't mean I don't know how to cook. As I was eating my meal I was also scrolling through the internet. And guess whose face was already in the tabloids again, mine. But this time it was with Janet.

Thankfully her face didn't show, it was only mine. I rolled my eyes as I read the headline of the story.


I finished my food after reading through the headline, not even interested in the cooked up story. I downed a cup of apple juice after my meal.

I made my way upstairs, had my bath and did all necessary things. I picked up a white shirt, a black tie with white polka dots on it and a black pants.

As soon as I finished dressing up, I sprayed my cologne and made sure my hair was styled the way I wanted it.

I went straight to my car and zoomed out of the garage. In no time I was parking my car in front of my company. I got out of the car as I adjusted my shirt.

"Morning sir." One of the workers greeted me as I entered and I gave him a nod.

The ground floor was pretty busy, people were coming in and going out of the company. As I entered the elevator two other girls, who I presumed to be interns here also entered at the same time with me.

I brought out my phone and checked my schedule, it looked really free today. Well, apart from the emails I had to sort through, that's all.

I heard the elevator ding and the two interns made their way out, giggling at each other.

I rolled my eyes at what just happened. The elevator was about to close when a feminine hand stopped it.

I could smell her before I even saw her. JANET.

She noticed I was the one standing in the elevator and avoided my eyes.

At least she came to work today.

"Morning." I smiled a little bit.

She cleared her throat, "morning."

"You came back" I stated

"Yh, there's no way I'm going to pay the bills if I don't resume back." She shrugged.

I was about to say something to her when the elevator opened and she made her way out instantly. I thought about what I said to her yesterday, maybe that's why she has been avoiding to look at me directly.

I sighed as I also made my way out of the elevator with my hand in my pocket. I gave a small smile to those of the employees, in which they gave a surprised look back. I wouldn't blame them, cause I always keep a straight face.

I was headed to my office when I heard Janet sobbing on the phone, looks like she was talking to someone close to her. I wanted to go into her office to see what was going on but decided to give her time.

Being involved in car dealing was something that was stressful, but it also brought us money so I could not complain about it. On a regular morning Janet would have brought my coffee by now, but with what I heard back there I don't think she's in her right state.

I answered all my pending emails and sent some ones out back as reply. By the time I checked the time it was already time for lunch. On a normal day, I would wait for Janet to bring my food, since she knows my regular order. But this time I made my way out of my office to hers.

"Get up, we're going out for lunch." I stood at her door with my hands in my pocket.

She looked up at me from her laptop screen. Her face was not really swollen, but it was obvious something was wrong with her.

"No, I'm fine. I have to get this done." She sniffed.

"It was not a request Miss Jackson."

She cleared her throat and grabbed her bag, then we both made our way into the elevator.

Libre Baskerville
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