The Ultimatum/C7 Chapter Seven
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The Ultimatum/C7 Chapter Seven
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C7 Chapter Seven

Immediately I got to my office, I arranged my stuffs and then logged in into the company's laptop. I was busy replying a mail from someone who applied for an appointment when my phone rang.


I picked up the call and the first thing I heard was my mom crying at the other end of the line.

", what's wrong?" I asked fera evident in my voice.

"Your brother, it's Andrew." She hiccuped which only means she has been crying since. "He...he was involved in a car accident" she sniffed

"Wha.... what?! How?!" I stood up from my seat pacing around my office, I could already feel the headache coming.

"He went to this party we didn't know about with some of his friends. They were about to come drop him off at home when a trailer that had already lost control hit them." I knew she was crying all over again.

"He was the only one that made it, but with a broken leg." She sighed "and some broken bones." She added later.

"You should see him Janet. He looks bad. My baby," I heard a song escape her again and this time I couldn't stop mine.

She'll think she's the one that caused it. My mom Hass always been the one to quickly blame herself for when something happens in the house. Especially if herself and Dad should get into a fight.

"What about dad?" I asked as I placed a hand on my forehead and took a seat as I sniffed.

"He went to try to see if he would be able to get money for treatment." I heard the door open at the other end of the line.

"Oh, he is here already. Your daughter." I heard her say then after hearing my dad's voice.


"Hey Dad." I replied. He sounded so tired and stressed out. "You should get some rest."

"I will. After I pay half of the payment, from the money I just borrowed from the bank."

I sighed and just then I had the most stupid idea. "Dad, I'll get the money for you guys. I'll come home."

"But you have work to do and things to take care of over there."

"I'll be home by next week, tell Mom too."

"K hiOkay baby, we love you."

"I love you too." And then I hung up the call.

I dropped my phone on my table and put my head into my hands. I really didn't want to do this but I had to cause of my brother. He needs this, he needs his big sister.

I can't believe this.

I tried taking my mind of Andrew and my mom's sad voice but it was really hard. I could complete some works but still, it was not enough. Andrew was just turning eighteen next month and he is in his final year in high school.

I contributed to the bills for my parents. We were not exactly poor, we were pretty comfortable but sometimes it was not enough. My mom had a grocery shop she was running with Dad. But as a side job, dad had a mechanic Job.

Andrew was my first friend even though I am the older one. You know that feeling when you're so close to your sibling, you wouldn't imagine what life would be without them.

Sometimes he can be a disrespectful ass but all in all, I would not true anything for him and I'm sure it's the same thing for him about me too.

I picked up my phone from my table and then texted Jade about what happened. I waited for a reply but got none. She's probably at the coffee shop, working.

I tried to continue the work I was doing but still my mind kept going back to my brother. Well, until Eros entered.

"Get up, we're going out for lunch." He stood at my door with hisy hands in his pocket looking better than yesterday.

Ie looked up at hime from myer laptop screen. I'm sure my face was swollen making it obvious something was wrong with me.

"No, I'm fine. I have to get this done." I sniffed.

"It was not a request Miss Jackson."

I cleared my throat and grabbed my bag, then we both made our way into the elevator.

"I heard you crying," he said once we both sat down in our booth. Apparently Me Kingston here is not also really a fan of fancy diners, so we decided to come and get burgers. "Do you want to talk about it."

I looked at him for a minute before sighing. "My younger brother got into an accident." I adjusted myself on the seat. We were sitting opposite each other so now he's staring at me with pity.

"And now I need money to be able to take care of him."

"Your parents?"

"They already raised half of the money, so he is already receiving treatment."

"That's good for a while, I guess." Our order came and we both thanked the waiter.

I took a chip and dipped it inside the ketchup. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I had eaten the whole chips and half if my burger.

"You're not shy to eat around guys, are you?" He asked amusement dancing in his eyes.

"No. Why would I be shy to eat?" I scoffed and took another bite from my burger.

"Well, most girls I have taken on dates are always shy to eat, even if it's a fancy place." He said as he also took a bite from his burger.

"Yh, that's why I'm not most girls." I took the saviette and tried cleaning the corners of my mouth that I suspected there was ketchup. Keyword being tried.

"You missed." Eros gave a small smile as he collected the cloth from my hand and put his hands under my chin making me gasp cause of the feel of his hand as he cleaned where the ketchup was.

We were staring into each other's eyes, neither of us breaking eye contact until my phone dinged. I cleared my throat, "thank you" I said feeling the heat creep to my neck.

He nodded his head and avoided my gaze. Well, that was a weird moment. I checked my phone and saw that it was Jade that replied to the previous text I sent to her.

"Is anything wrong?" He asked

"No, I'm fine." I gave him a small smile and could feel him staring at me, he made a few attempts on saying something but he never did.

"Is there anything you want to say to me?" I asked as I raised my head's up from the phone after typing a reply to Jade.

"Accept the contract and I would pay you half of your money."

"What contract?" I asked him even if I already knew what he was talking about

"Be my wife for a year and-"

I cut him off before he could continue, "what about the child bearing part?" I asked.

"I'll take care of that." He reassured me.

"There's no other way I'm going to get enough money to pay, so you have yourself a deal." I gave him a tight smile.

He looked relieved and then shook my hand. "You won't regret this, I promise."

I sighed as I replied, "I hope so."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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