The Unwanted Mate/C7 Chapter 7
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The Unwanted Mate/C7 Chapter 7
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C7 Chapter 7

Autumn’s POV

I feel excruciating pain suddenly. Amy is whining is my head, and I’m writhing in pain on my bed. I manage to stand up, and go to the bathroom, each step making the pain to increase. I run a cold water bath and lie in the tub. I have to escape from this place, I’m slowly dieing. Amy, we’re making a run for it tomorrow.

Time skip to morning…………..

“I’m not usually a giver of second chances, so if I were you, I’ll think twice, before I act next time” he yells.

I know you guys may be wondering what’s up, let me save you guys the stress of asking. I was caught trying to escape this morning, by some guards. The annoying part is that I couldn’t even make it to the border before I was caught.

“So you lock me up, and treat me like a worthless piece of garbage, while you go out there and cheat with some useless, slutty-----------------”

“Language, young lady” he cuts in.

“If you knew you would treat me this way, why did you have to save me? I say starting to tear up.” I’d rather die than to stay another day in this hellhole” I say, increasing the pitch of my voice. “Since you hate me so much for no reason, I’ll help you. I Autumn Sanders, I begin making Ava whimper. Reject you Alpha Luca Morrison as my -------------” before I can complete the rejection process, a sharp pain starts in my head, making me fall down and blackout. Yes, I said fall down because he didn’t catch me if you’re wondering.

I wake up to a very bright forest and quickly shut my eyes because of the brightness. When my eyes adjust to it, I’m able to stand up. This lush green forest has the light of over a million glittering diamonds, a river the color of a rainbow with pretty flowers everywhere. I see a purple unicorn with a silver horn, drinking water from the river. If I were a young girl, I’d say I was in Wonderland. It looks so real.

“It is real”, says a flawless voice. I turn, looking for the source of the sweet melodious voice.

“Up here” it says again. I look up too see a pretty lady,with a skin so pale, long silver hair, wearing a silver crown and a long silver gown, descending from the sky.

“Autumn, she says. “It’s been ages”

“You are? I ask. “She’s the Moon Goddess, you dummy. The creator of the werewolf race” my wolf tells me.

“I’m sure your wolf has explained who I am”.

“Soo…….what am I doing here? I ask.

“I had to knock you out to stop you from making a grave and fatal mistake” She says “Sorry if you may encounter some side effect later”

My mind goes back to my mate.

“Why is he treating me that way? I thought mates were made to love and care for one another? Why is he making me feel like shit?I ask.

“Yes, I agree with you, but Mates were also made to complete each other. He’s not perfect, and so are you. Though there’s a reason he is behaving that way” she replies.

“So what’s this huge reason? I ask, making a quoting sign with my fingers.

“I’m sorry Autumn, but it’s not in my place to let you know. All I ask of you, is to give him a little time and he’ll come by, Okay?

“Yeah…….I haven’t a choice”

“You’ll also learn about something so dear to you in the course of your mate loving you”

“What? I ask, but a gust of wind builds into a tornado and spins me swiftly. When I open my eyes, I’m connected to a heart rate machine which makes a beeping noise once I wake up.

A lady with a pixie cut, dressed in a white crop top, black combats and black boots walks in. I really like her style. She has light gray eyes, a light tanned skin and short wavy hair. She reminds me of someone. Hmmmmmmmm……….Ohh yeah, that asshole Luka.

“Heyy, I’m Leah, the younger sister to that asshole Luka”

At least we know something in common, I chuckle.

“Well I’m Autumn”

“That’s nice, Autumn”

“Please, when am I leaving this hellhole? I ask.

“The doc said in three days, once you get enough rest and eat well.

Luka has allowed you to roam about on his lands, but only on one condition”


“That you must be with me “ she says.

“Ok, I think I can bear that. I say. “But can I be left alone? I feel sleepy” I lie.

“Okay Autumn, we’ll see later” she says, leaving the room. When I’m left alone, my mind drifts in space. Oh, I really miss Aurora my twin sister. I didn’t really get to know her, because I was told that she does on our 4th birthday. I only have one memory of her. Tears trickle down my face, as I’m drifted down memory lane


“Aurora, put your sister down" my mom says.

“Noooo!!!!!!,a 3 year old girl with missing teeth, says.

“Dont let me repeat myself, young lady. Down Now!!!!!!!

I'm floating in the air. Aurora snaps her finger, and I land very hard on my BUTT. She runs in, teary faced. It was always that way, she 'll throw tantrums and she'd manipulate the weather. Either a heavy rain falls, or a thunderstorm starts

At three, Aurora was already a powerful witch.

I run into the house, grinning widely with her bunny plushy I had stolen.

“Young lady, you can't go taking your sister's toys without asking"my mom begins.“Go apologize"

I start pouting, but she insists “Run along, Autumn dear"

I run upstairs and knock on Aurora's door.

“Hey, Rora, I'm sorry for taking daisy without asking"I say, handing her the plushy.

“It' alright Tum, infact you can have daisy"She says, giving it back and pulling my hand.

“Thanks" I say, hugging her.

“ two babies" my mother says, joining our circle.“Now, who wants some apple pie?

“Meeeeee" we both squeal in unison and bolt downstairs.

End of Flashback

That's the only memory I have if her. She was killed on our 4th birthday. I wipe off the tears and adjust the pillow to a more comfortable position.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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