The Violent Reef/C3 Zone Out
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The Violent Reef/C3 Zone Out
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C3 Zone Out

While Shelby got herself ready for the day, she started to zone out and think about the day her and Jacob got back from their tour of MMA fighting, teaching, and tournaments. She was deeply lost in her thoughts now.

Shelby and Jacob enter the gates of their pack and look around at all the carnage as they drove to the pack house. They reached their home and saw the decaying bodies of their members. They get out of the vehicle walking to see who they could identify and started moving the members in rows leaving enough room to add any of their family members they find.

As Shelby walked into the house, she headed towards their shelter which was built for the families that live in the pack house. She approached the shelter doors and saw that the door was ripped open. She called down asking for any survivors and moved towards the stairs. She heard a whimpering sound and rushed down the stairs three at a time.

She called out once again and started moving towards the whimpering. She saw a woman laying down with her throat ripped out but saw something trying to move under her.

She moved the body and saw baby Killian who was drenched in the blood of his mother. She picked him up and cooed trying to calm him down. He is only ten months old and did not deserve to lose his parents. She had to find his sister but new she would not be there as she would have been in the local school where humans go.

At this moment, she was glad that most of the children who are in school was safe as they reside in a residence hall made specially for students in the human world. They come home every Friday as they do not have any classes and it is travel day.

This day her and Jacob regrated but called their alliance pack just minutes from them to take in the students until they got things cleaned up. Or until they could find a more permanent home for themselves. They did not want to stay in this home until they got it all cleaned up and felt like they could live safely there.

Jacob explained to Alpha Gordon what had happened and asked to send some help as they had some of his pack members who had mates in both places. He sent his beta and six of his warriors to help straighten things out but that was it.

What irked her and Jacob that pack did not come to help them out in a time of need during the fight. She needs answers and will get them soon enough but, in the meantime, she called a good friend of her fathers, who sits on the council, Alex Finegan.

Well, well look who decided to call his old friend, how are you, Merric?”

“This is Shelby, Alex, how are you?”

“This is not good news if you are calling me, what happened?”

“Jacob and I just got back from our fighting in Asia, while we were there, we felt our links break from our pack. They were under attack.”

“Jesus, Shelby, we did not know. I am on my way and will send some help to your pack for cleanup. What about the children?”

“Having them diverted to Alpha Gordan’s pack, he’s not thrilled believe me.”

“What is his problem? He is your ally and the closest ones to you that can get there in less than five minutes.” Alex stated.

“He is pissed because I fought his son and beat the shit out of him and three of his best friends last year.”

They both laughed as they remembered why she beat them up so badly. They were working in their parent's gym and started harassing a human female and were told to leave her alone, but they refused. Shelby beat them up and fired all three on the spot.

“Well, he will help because he will be there along with some of his warriors to clean up under my direction.”

“Okay, great we will see you when you get here.”

The men from Alpha Gordan’s pack showed up and looked around with distaste. Beta London called his alpha telling him it is worse than they thought. He took pictures around the grounds and pack house while the others got to work moving bodies into piles. Gordan refused to come even though it was a direct order by the council.

London sent the pictures that he took to his alpha seeing if he knew anybody from here since he has a sister who was mated to one of the warriors. London kept taking pictures of all the deceased to make sure that there were no other family members of his pack there.

One of his warriors found his sister and brother-in-law and broke down holding her crying a river of tears. He called his mother letting her know that his sister was killed along with her mate and planned to bring them home to be buried. His mother and father held onto each other not understanding why their pack was not there to help.

“Alpha Shelby sorry for your loss, what happened and why weren’t reinforcements called in?” Alex questioned as he walked towards her and London.

London shrugged his shoulder and continued to do what needed to be done and taking pictures. Alex wanted copies of them as well and London obliged by sending him the ones that he had taken already and continued to take.

"Alex, I did find a ten-month-old baby alive in our shelter and he is in our car safe and eating. I am heading in to get some of his clothes and diapers as well as other things.”

“Does he have family around?”

“Haven’t found his father, whom is our beta.”

“Your Uncle Eddie?”

She shook her head yes and walked away with tears streaming, as she tried to contact him and her siblings but only felt them, so she knew they were still alive. She did not feel their tethers break when they were away. But now there is no way to know if they are still alive because they are nowhere to be found.

Those that were there to help took out to the fields to see if there were any other victims were there. When one of the other warriors from Gordan's pack, Shane, he saw a body without a head, he searched around to find it and saw it. He picked it up examined it throwing back down. He linked London that there are vampires and rogue wolves who did the attacking.

He also let him know that he was putting them into piles and needed help along with a lighter. London went out to help along with Jacob and Alex and set the dead vampires and rogues on fire as they do not deserve to have a proper burial.

Shelby came back out with Killian’s clothes and items along with his sisters, she let Alex know that their mother, Alicia, was dead with her throat ripped right out. She also let Alex know that Alicia is Gordan's sister, and he needed to know this now but let him know there were a few that are still alive. He was happy that there are some survivors, now we must find them.

She heard a knock at the door, which brought out of her memory. She moved to answer it and a house cleaner was standing there waiting for her to move out of the way. She too was a vampire and not very friendly. Shelby opened the door wider, and the house cleaner walked in bumping into her on purpose. She started to say something but thought to keep her mouth shut for now. She would take it up later with Wade.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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