The Violent Reef/C4 Like What You See?
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The Violent Reef/C4 Like What You See?
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C4 Like What You See?

She grabbed her key card, purse and a light jacket and headed out of the room, walking to the elevator hitting the button to go down to the lobby but seen that there was a gym button and hit that instead. When she arrived, she saw a few people working out but did not see much in way for boxing but she did see couple bags hanging from the ceiling and decided to head to those.

She stayed there for a couple of hours in hopes that she could find some information about the island they call the reef. She only hears small chatter from different men and women who were complaining that they could not get a good full workout. She knew they were shifters, and they must be warriors and needed a place to spar. She started to talk to them and told them she is an MMA fighter and is need of sparing partners. They agreed to spar with her and in turn she gave them tips on what to look for in their partner so they could improve their movements. They were thrilled to death to learn from her.

She left the gym heading back up to her suite unsure if Wade would be there or not. Her elevator stopped on the lobby and in walked Wade, she noticed that he had some splatter of blood on his jacket and collar. She did not say much to him but knew he had been someplace where he had to fight. She would ask him in their suite.

They walked down the hall in silence till they entered their suite. She watched him walk into the bathroom stripping down to nothing and entering the shower. She is not immune to nudity as she is a Lycan and let us face it, he had a hot body full of muscle, eight pack chestnut brown hair and crystal blue eyes. Just a damn dream of a god like human, or should we say vampire?

“Like what you see love?” he asked in sultry voice.

“What happened today? You had blood on your jacket, hands, and shirt?” she says clearing her throat.

“No worries darling all is good, just get yourself ready and we will go eat dinner.”

She walks into her closet getting some clothes ready heading back into the bathroom stripping out of her gym clothes. Wade stood there watching her moves and admiring her body feeling himself getting hard. He wanted to walk in and take her without delay. He did not care if he had a mate or not. He wanted to lavish her body no matter what the cost was to Izzy.

She finished showering and turned off the water stepping out she grabbed a towel and dried off. She wrapped it around her body and started brushing her hair and teeth. She walked out to put on her dress for the evening when he watched how she was dressing, damn that hard on he kept getting.

He walked up to her to help her dress, he just wanted to touch her silky smooth skin, he touched her by putting on her bra for her. Then he moved his easily the side of her arms grabbing her dress she had in her hand. He opened it from the bottom slipping it over her head and through her arms in their respectful places, pulling it down her luxurious body. He takes the thong and slips it up her legs as she steps into it, gliding it over her hips and setting in place. He kissed her shoulder then her neck as she stiffens her spine. She was not expecting this from him.

Her walked in front of her so that she could not see the effect she had on him. He went into this fake marriage with no intentions of mating with her as he did not have any desire until he saw her naked, those thoughts went out the window. Especially when he decided to help her dress for the evening.

He took her hand leading her to the elevator, he cleared his throat as they entered not wanting to make eye contact. When they came upon the floor where the restaurant was, he let go of her hand, she was relieved to not have his cold hand in hers. Yes, she knew he was a vampire and one who stayed in the pack with her family as a guest but only for a noticeably brief period.

Shelby did not feel anything for her so-called husband, no zings, or fireworks when he would touch her. She wanted to save herself for her true fated mate lord she hoped that he was not there kidnapped but with her luck he would be.

“You never answered my question back in the room Wade, what happened today?”

“Nothing much, just business so you do not need to worry about. But the same goes for you, did you like what you saw in the shower?”

“I... I just walked in by accident, sorry.”

He just chuckled as he knew she was eye fucking him, but he was doing the same to her. He was curious what she had done while he was away today and thought about how he would ask her.

“What did you do today? You had gym clothes on.”

“I am a work-a-holic and work out for a few hours a day, I try not to miss out I love it. I have a gym back home it is called Titan Center. But of course, you already know this since you had come in trying to buy it from me.”

“Huh, not a very catchy name.”

“Excuse me? Why do you say that?”

“Well, if you want people to come and join you it needs to be little catchier, like...Barbarian Fitness.”

“Hmm, I may run that by my partner in crime, we were thinking of changing it anyway as I bought it out from someone else.”

‘A businessperson I liked that about her, but I did not know much about her or her family.’ He thought to himself.

Hell, he needed to know more about this so-called wife of his, neither one wanted this marriage, but his family pushed him into it. He thought more about his fated mate and wondered if he should pursue that avenue instead. He did not want to hurt Shelby but...

“Where did you go just now? You zoned out a little bit.”

“Nothing of importance no need to worry your pretty little head about it.”

“Tomorrow I am going into the forest and run.” She told him as he stiffened his spine a little bit.

“No, you cannot go into the forest, it is too dangerous with poisonous snakes, spiders as big as your head, tigers, etc...” He tried to tell her a lie to scare her, but he failed, she fears nothing h is finding out.

She looked at him knowing damn well he lied about it but blew it off huffing at him giving him a knowing look telling him she was going. He raised his brow and shook his head ‘no.’

The ended their dinner and discussion for the evening and headed back to the room. He had to think of something to keep her there or detour her in another direction.

“There is a superb beach with white and black sand that is incredibly soft to walk on. Run on the beach tomorrow, you will thank me.”

“I want to go into the woods and run, that is what I am used to and how I do some much needed thinking. It clears spiderwebs out of my head.”

“Beach and last answer understand?”

“You cannot make me bend to your rules you know.”

He huffed at her reply knowing damn well he cannot make her do anything, but he does not want her to know the family secret and how many shifters they have and killed over the years. He knows she is human as she reeks of their scent, but she has him fooled.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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