The Violent Reef/C7 The Attack
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The Violent Reef/C7 The Attack
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C7 The Attack

Izzy woke up breathing heavily with her father screaming through the mind-link yelling at his pack warriors and everyone else that the boarders have been breached. She got up, dressed, and ran out the door watching what was happening to her family. Orien was standing there beside her killing as many rogues as he could while she kept them back with her magic. She ran off shooting fireballs at all those who approached her.

Izzy and Orien fought with all their might protecting the innocent ones of the pack.

The babies and their mothers gone into hiding but those protecting cells were broken by the vampires, killing everyone except for a few who they took as prisoners. They were screaming and fighting to save their own lives, but they were chained together in the most horrific way. The chains were around their necks, and hands and feet were shackled together making them trip as they walked out of their territory.

Both her and Orien could feel the tethers breaking when they would lose a pack member. The last thing they heard was their mother and father telling them these are vampires. He told them Wade and his clan are behind this attack, and they had known about it for a few weeks now. They also told them rouge wolves are working with them and they needed to eradicate them.

“You both need to stay alive and follow them where they go. They will lead you to the others that have been kidnapped and killed. The two of you, along with Shelby and Jacob, will save them. Just remember your mother and I love you both very much, we will not survive this fight.” That was the last think that both Orien and Izzy told them on that frightful night of hell.

She sat there crying when Orien took a hold of her hugging her, cooing to his sister letting her know he is there. She kept having those nightmares from the attack that was bestowed upon her pack, family, children, and everyone she ever loved. She now understands why her father put her and her siblings through so much training and made them lethal assassins.

She looked at Orien and nodded linking him; “This is our destiny to take them out or make them see we can live together without war. It will all come at a cost for us all if they do not conform and follow the rules set by our council.”

“Are you going to accept the mate bond with Wade?”

“I do not want to as he is the one who brought the deadly war to us, now it is time to show him who he is messing with. Together with Shelby and Jacob and whoever else is here, will defeat them all and turn this hell into paradise for ourselves.”

“We need to wait for Shelby to come for us, Izzy.”

“She is here with Wade, I heard him talking about her. We must find a way to get to her.”

“In due time sis, we will avenge our family's’ death but we have to be patient and out wait them.”

She shook her head and prayed to the goddess that Shelby would come and rescue them. They had been there for three months now held in the dungeons with little food and water, but she can conjure those items for the prisoners without being detected, she just cannot do it every day and they know it.

Their Uncle Eddie broke lose one night and ran to get help, he got out of the dungeon and escaped. Running through the forest he came close to the edge where there was a beach. He hunkered down watching Wade and his niece siting by the bon fire. He knew they were going to be saved, he did mind-linked her letting her know he was there watching them.

She had turned and seen him but did not knowledge him as she could not get away. Wade knew Eddie was there watching, waiting to pounce on him until the guards found him. They grabbed him, shot, and tortured him then hung him on a stake that looked like a cross.

They tortured him some more biting him trying to turn him, but it did not work. They gutted him letting his guts hang out for other creatures roaming the forest. He almost made it as he was near the beach where humans were. Right before he died, he mind-linked Izzy and Orien confirming his he saw Shelby with Wade at the beach letting her know they were there, then said his goodbyes for the last time.

“Izzy, wake up it’s time to eat.” an all too familiar voice rang through the air.

She woke up looking in the eyes of one of her pack members. She gasped while he held his fingers to her lips to be quiet. He gave her a plate with some bread, various meats along with some vegetables and juice to wash it all down with. There were others that were doing the same thing for the other prisoners, some were turned, and they needed both blood and regular food as they are now hybrids. This makes them stronger and more valuable for the vampires.

Everyone ate their fill and was thankful for those that were still alive and cared for them. Casper told her through mind-link they cannot do this all the time except when they go hunting for blood and food, they will bring whatever they have left over. She shook her head and let him know she has been conjuring little food and water for all of them.

He understood what she was telling him and left the cells to go back to guarding the cells topside. He and several others made sure that those down there were not bothered. One of them made sure Eddie had gotten out to get to find Shelby and that is what he did, he knew he was going to die and refused to give information on who let him out. The guard and Eddie did not care, they needed allies, they needed help, and it was on the way.

Later that evening Wade came by angry as shit and was looking for the person who let Eddie out of the cell. Nobody knew, well they were not going to give up who the person was. They claimed they were knocked out from behind and sent some vampires after him. He could not look in their minds as he did not have that gift nor did anybody in his family. Wade started to take out his aggressions on one of the hybrids, but he lost the battle and walked off. He could not win, and it almost cost him his life.

Wade headed back to the resort to get cleaned up, but he did not go into the main entrance but went in the back way to his own suite that he has. This is where he stays when he does not want to be near Shelby in their suite. This suite lets him have company with other men and women for sex and feedings. This is something he kept from Shelby; he did not want her to find out about his sexuality. He is bi-sexual and so are some of his friends and family members.

He gets out of the shower looking over the beach when he saw Shelby coming from the forest. He knew what she found, more who she found, a dead body beaten with his guts hanging out. It was a brutal death but according to his brother it had to be done. He hated doing this he never wanted to be the bad guy, hurting people or children for that matter.

Shelby ran into the ocean diving headfirst into the waves. Mac and his brothers were on surf boards relaxing and having fun when Mac noticed something off about Shelby. He linked his brothers and they looked towards Shelby swimming further out deeper into the waters. They do not know if she is just getting cooled off, exercising or...

“Where did she come from?” Laurent asked.

“Over there, ran out of the forest.” Tristan said.

“Shit, she felt a tether break, did you all hear the scream last night?”

“You mean early this morning?”

“I bet she found what we are looking for. I am going after her.”

Mac grabbed his surfboard and swam towards her calling for her to stop, she either did not hear him or she just totally ignored him. He swam with everything he had hoping and praying sharks were not near either of them. He arrived next to her keeping pace, she finally looked over at him and stopped.

He grabbed her hands placed them on his board, looking at her bloody face. She was crying and put her arm around him. He knew she saw something terrible, something she should have never seen.

“Get up I'll take you back” is all he said to her. He got up behind her and surfed in towards the beach.

When he and his brothers got over to the beach Laurant took a gander towards the forest. With his special sight, wolf, and vampire, he saw why she ran. He was pissed that these people would do this to another human, shifter of all people. They are alike in some way shape or form.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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