To Have and To Hold/C7 We Meet Again
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To Have and To Hold/C7 We Meet Again
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C7 We Meet Again

The Almendrezes had left early the next day to avoid the morning rush and the usual traffic jam it inevitably entailed. Pedro was bright and bushy-tailed, too, and never once nodded off while driving, so they reached their destination earlier than expected. After a quick breakfast at the nearest McDonald’s, they went straight to the hospital.

Her father had called up her Tía Aurora, Tío Fernan’s wife, the previous night. She told him Tío Fernan had been released from the ICU and was now recuperating in his own suite. They were just about to go inside the suite when Louisa realized she had forgotten the basket of fruits in the car.

“Papa, you on ahead, I’ll just run downstairs to get it,” she said, pivoting on her heels and running to the elevators.

“Why don’t you just tell Yaya Seling to bring it up?” her father called out after her.

Louisa slapped a hand to her forehead. Now, why didn’t she think of that?

Because you’re afraid you’ll see someone you’re scared of seeing and you’ve turned into a bundle of nerves, that’s why, her conscience derided her.

Ignoring the pesky, little voice, Louisa fumbled inside her bag to grab her cellphone, totally unaware of the tall figure purposely striding towards her. As she continued searching for the elusive item inside her bag, she abruptly slammed into a hard, male body. When she looked up to apologize for her carelessness she was met by a pair of green-flecked, gray eyes looking down at her with an expression of mixed embarrassment and surprise.

Greenish-gray eyes!

Her breath caught in her throat. She knew of only one person who had such unusual eyes. “Gabriel?” she blurted, her insides turning to mush.

“Buenos Dias, Señorita Almendrez,” Gabriel said, smirking with apparent amusement. “We meet again.”

Louisa thought she would faint. She didn’t. But she blinked. And blinked again. Then, she blinked some more. Still, the image before her did not go away. Grudgingly, she conceded that he was not a figment of her imagination. It really was Gabriel and he was staring at her with an odd expression.

“Is there something wrong with your eyes?” he asked.

“What? Oh, no, nothing. I just,” she stammered. Her mind had gone blank, yet all her other senses were working overtime. Her heart was doing somersaults inside her chest, her legs turning rubbery.

Gabriel was standing so close she caught a whiff of his scent with every breath she took. And it was an extremely pleasant scent—fresh and clean, with a slight hint of musk, very masculine and very tantalizing.

His hair was a bit darker than she remembered. His face had filled out, too. The high cheekbones and strong jaw were now more pronounced, more mature. His nose was still perfectly chiseled, straight and slim. His naturally creamy skin had taken on a bronzed tint that further accentuated the luminescence of his eyes.

And he was, of course, also taller now. He towered over her enough to easily see the top of her head. And it seemed that his body had also developed marvelously. When she bumped into him she felt nothing but firm, hard muscle beneath his pristine white shirt.

Thinking of his body made her aware of the warm fingers wrapped around her arms, as if burning through the sleeves of her blouse. Their collision must have thrown her off balance and he was trying to steady her.

Still, he was holding her.

And it made her feel things she’d rather not be feeling right now, especially not with him around.

She shivered, both hot and cold at the same time. Her breathing had become unsteady and constricted. And she hated how she was too conscious of the man standing before her.

Too conscious of the conflicting feelings he awoke inside her.

Too conscious of her self-consciousness.

Louisa swiftly tore her eyes away from him and tried to move away, but her feet had become like dead weights. She tried to speak but her throat had closed up on her and the only sound she managed to make was halfway between a croak and a gurgle. She opened her mouth, swallowed hard, and tried a second time, miserably failing again.

Get a grip, Louie! You’re starting to look like a drowning fish!

When she glanced up, Gabriel’s eyes were on her. The surprise she had earlier seen in them was now gone, replaced by something she could not particularly identify. His mesmerizing eyes had gone soft and languid, moving across her face, scrutinizing, as if memorizing every detail.

She couldn’t help it; she’d never been good at staying still. So, she squirmed. Gabriel slowly let go of her arms, smiling his devastating smile.

Melting the barriers she had put around her heart.

Breaking down her defenses.

Ploughing mercilessly through the walls around her emotions.

Making her forget that this was the man who thought of her as nothing more than a nuisance, someone who was best ignored if not avoided, the man she had sworn to forget.

That last thought was like a pail of ice-cold water on her head, waking her from a dangerously delicious dream. She cursed her traitorous heart in silence.

Mumbling an apology, she started to step past Gabriel as she absently called out to the attendant to hold the elevator.

“Are you leaving now?” Gabriel asked, as if surprised. He reached out and caught her wrist, gently tugging her back.

“Uhm, actually we just got here. I was just going to..uhm...get something...downstairs,” she muttered, avoiding his eyes.

Move, Louie! Leave! Now!

“Oh, okay.’ll be back?” he asked, his soft voice filled with anticipation.

Her eyes darted back to Gabriel, startled by his question. He was staring at her, his head tilted to the side, patiently waiting for her answer, looking awfully delicious.

What are you thinking, you stupid fool? This is Gabriel Montoya, remember?

“Yes, yes. Talk to you later. Be back soon,”

Dios mio! Now I sound like a freaking telegram!

Gabriel nodded and let go of her hand. “Hurry back.” he said, smiling.

That damn smile again!

What’s he playing at? What did he mean by ‘hurry back’? And why is her heart slamming painfully against her chest?

Breathe, just breathe, and count to a thousand! To a million!

She closed her eyes and turned.

Walk away, slowly, gracefully, with poise.

Louisa took one step and ran.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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