Transmigration: Seduce The General/C10 Hateful Female Assassin(1)
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Transmigration: Seduce The General/C10 Hateful Female Assassin(1)
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C10 Hateful Female Assassin(1)

Wine and wine, beautiful women, none of them is what I want.

A man who had been through many battles, many different kinds of battles, had never felt so weak and powerless. He slammed his hand on the ground, "Why? Why should he? He has been raised and raised in the capital all day, and even the mountains and rivers were beaten by me. On what basis? "

His hand smashed on the hard flower bed, causing blood to drip out.

However, the pain was too great, and he had no time to feel it.

It was only in this kind of secret chamber that he dared to be this hysterical. I will never admit defeat like this! This world should have been mine! Not his, not his! "

Hot blood flowed out and Lang Xie Wang collapsed on the ground, crying loudly.

After an unknown period of time, he slowly opened his eyes. The pain in his hands also gradually began to revive — a warm, itchy feeling.

He struggled in surprise, but his soft hands held his injured hand tightly, licking the wounds of his companion like a faithful puppy, along with the soft heat coming from the tip of his tongue.

He said hoarsely, "Su Nu, what are you doing?"

"Pain …" "Hoo …" No pain... "It doesn't hurt …"

Her lips were pressed against his hand, and the blood had already started to congeal. A gentle heat was blowing against the wound, and her face was quietly pressed against his face. "It doesn't hurt anymore …" "It doesn't hurt anymore …"

He sat up, suddenly aware that she was comforting him.

This idiot girl, she was trying to comfort herself.

A surge of hot blood suddenly rushed to his head. He gathered up his courage and lifted her up horizontally. The wound on her hand was torn open once again, and fresh blood flowed out. She exclaimed in shock, but he laughed. Su Nü, I don't feel any pain anymore. "

At the end of his nose, the stench of blood was still lingering, but Lang Xie Wang did not care. His voice was loud and clear as he faced the girl and said to himself, "I will not admit defeat! I will never admit defeat! "

She couldn't understand him, but she could hear his laughter.

She, too, was relieved, her face pressed against his broad, warm chest. When she looked up, she could see the outlines of each other in her familiar dark eyes.

Lang Xie waved his hand and the fire piston lit up.

"Su Nu, don't be afraid. I'll show you something."

She looked around curiously. The four walls of this secret chamber were made of stone, and they were completely empty. Where did they find anything?

A candlestick was pressed against the wall of the secret chamber. He turned the candlestick, revealing a hidden chamber. Inside was an extremely delicate box. Suu Kyi watched curiously as he opened the box and held out his head. "What is this?"

He stared at her. "To me, this is the most important thing in the world! With it, I will be able to come back to life! "

When he said the words "You will have to come back from the dead", his voice became firm and confident. It was as if he was a person placed in a desperate situation and had suddenly received an extremely powerful helping hand that could turn the tide of the battle.

Inside was a black token. She immediately reached out to pick it up, and just as she spoke in a heavy voice, "This is … "What …" Before she could finish her sentence, she let out a startled cry. The command medallion fell to the ground and she cried out, "So cold …" This thing is so cold... "

Lang Xie laughed out loud. This medallion was forged from a special kind of stone from the Arctic Lands. It was ice-cold to the bone and had been around for tens of thousands of years.

"Cold..." How strange … "How strange …"

"Su Nu, this isn't anything strange! It's my most important treasure. "

The girl widened her eyes in disbelief. How could such an ice-cold monster be a treasure?

"Don't underestimate it. This is the symbol of the world's most powerful Green Alliance. "Green Alliance, do you know what is Green Alliance?" Without waiting for an answer, or expecting one, he went on, "The Green Alliance is richer than the Son of Heaven. "More importantly, they have taken control of the eighteen largest martial arts sects in the world. According to the rules, they have the Beggar Gang and the master of the seventy-two lakes. Their power is immeasurable …"

Legend has it that the Alliance Master of Green Alliance had a mysterious account book that detailed the privacy of the court officials, famous experts, and so on. From the time you entered a few brothels, to how much money you had stolen, to the time you formed a party and set up a conspiracy to rebel … Everyone was stuck on it.

Such a Green Union could be said to be the largest underworld society. It truly made people tremble in fear when they heard of it.

It was clear that Lang Xie King had obtained the support of the Green Alliance.

Lang Xie Wang held the token in his hand and looked at it. The cold air made Su Nu retreat two steps and her face filled with panic, "What a cold thing … Don't you dare... Don't take... Lost... "Take it and throw it away …"

Lang Xie raised an eyebrow, "Lost it?"

"Lost …" "So cold …"

"Can't lose it!" After that, I'm going to count on it. "

This was Lang Xie Wang's greatest secret and the information that the crown prince was doing everything he could to pry into. He didn't know how much the crown prince had already grasped, but neither did he know how far his collaboration with the Green Alliance had progressed.

If the evidence was proven, even if King Lang Xie had a hundred heads, he would still be chopped off.

No one knew why Lang Xie Wang would take out such an important thing at this moment.

The virgin did not know.

That cold Qi was so oppressive that even someone as strong as King Lang Xie did not dare to hold it for long. He casually threw the token into the box, locked it and activated the candlestick, returning it to its original state.

When he turned around, he saw Su Nu squatting on the ground and playing with the doll again. She was no longer interested in the plate at all.

The residence was crowded with people. There were more than a hundred large metal boxes filled to the brim with real gold and silver, all covered in silk and silk. As many as a thousand horses had been dispatched.

However, Lang Xie King only had five hundred armored soldiers. Each person could have almost two fast horses.

According to the Crown Prince, this was already a special favor – the other princes only allowed two hundred soldiers per person.

Five hundred men, no matter how elite, were useless.

From the hundred thousand soldiers to the five hundred guards, he drew his sword from his waist, feeling a sense of doom. He was still young and still had a lot of time ahead of him. However, the wind and clouds were gone. Could it be that he was destined to be sealed off in the north and live his life forever?

Qin Wuyang had already arranged everything and came to ask if there were any other omissions, "Your Highness, everything is ready, when will we set out?"

He said carelessly, "We can leave tomorrow. "Oh right, have you seen Su Nu?"

"Miss has disappeared? This subordinate has been busy early in the morning with the inventory and hadn't paid attention to it. "

"Forget it, I'll go look for it myself." "Where did this virgin run off to?"

Lang Xie frowned and waved his hand. He looked around but no one was around. The maidservants responsible for attending to her were all startled as well. She was clearly here just a moment ago, but why was she suddenly gone in the blink of an eye?

There was no light in the room, and it was so dark that there was not even a hint of human life.

His heart tightened. "A virgin! A virgin? "

Still no one answered.

"Come out, Susu, we are going on our way."

Still no one made a sound.

He strode into the chamber, but there was no one in sight. His gaze landed on a hidden room on the wall. He extended his hand and rotated it. The candlestick was completely empty.

His heart suddenly felt as if it had fallen into a hole.

He flew out.

The wind whistled in his ears, causing his heart to tremble. He was not worried about the girl escaping, because he had already set up an inescapable trap. However, he did not know why he felt so uncomfortable. It was as if a cat's paw had scratched his heart, causing him to bleed profusely.

In the twilight, he saw a figure brushing against the wall as it flashed by. It was thin and nimble, like a gecko. She squatted on the wall and shakily stepped on a big rock. In her hand was the box from the secret chamber.

This was the most secluded part of the residence. An idiot would never be able to find this place.

He had made a mistake.

In his entire life, Lang Xie had never been deceived to such an extent. For so many days, he had actually been played around with in the palm of his hand.

The hatred for the crown prince, the unease for his future, the new and old grudges all surged to the surface.

His eyes were bloodshot as he yelled, "Su Nu, what are you doing?"

The girl was standing on her tiptoes when she heard this roar. Her body trembled and she almost fell off the big rock.

At this time, the guards had already rushed over when they heard the commotion. Su Nu suddenly saw so many people holding the murder weapon, her face filled with panic. Her hand that was holding the box trembled non-stop, "Leng … "So cold …"

Lang Xie laughed loudly, "Good girl! You still dare to pretend to be crazy for me? "

However, seeing the fierce look in his eyes, Su Lin's sword was about to stab him. With a scream, she jumped down from the boulder and ran away.

He shouted angrily, "Kill!"

The net on the four walls had fallen down, silently and soundlessly.

Lang Xie jumped over and stretched out his hand as if he had caught a fish. The woman inside the net struggled with all her might, but this fishing net was made of strange golden silk. The more she struggled, the tighter it tightened, and soon, it tightly wrapped around her.

Zhou Xianghai charged at the front and pressed the tip of his blade against Su Nu's neck: "This woman is indeed a spy. Your Highness, kill her … "Hurry up and kill her, we can't keep her here anymore …"

Lang Xie's face was ashen, but he did not say a word.

"Your Royal Highness, you must not hesitate …" "This woman can't be left alive …"

Qin Wuyang tried his best to wink at him, but Qin Wuyang pretended not to see it, "Those who achieve great things do not care about small matters. Your highness, do not have the mercy of a woman anymore."

Lang Xie's face was so dark that it seemed as if water would drip out of it. He did not answer and only shouted as he retreated. He then pulled up his fishing net and left.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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