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C14 Chapter 14

(Stills Blue POV)

Nature's power allows her to speak with trees and animals.

Thus, we did not get caught by darkness as we left Coloiter Forest.

We were greeted by the large town of Prixenter Town.

To them, it was small.

We were on the top of a cliff.

This was where the exit was.

I looked down the cliff and saw a path there.

I was tired of teleporting, so I shapeshifted.

I turned into a butterfly and went down, then changed back to my original form.

I saw Yellow calmly sitting in the air and descending.

I laughed at Red.

When he released his fiery wings.

He wobbled and stumbled.

He still hasn't fully controlled it.

Yellow made it down, while Red tripped and fell to the ground.

So, we laughed at him.

Once we recovered, we started walking and entered the large gate.

A noisy town welcomed us.

"How much is the gray porcelain?"

"Only twenty gold pieces, miss."

"Please give me that porcelain."

"Fifty-nine gold pieces, ma'am."

We walked while browsing around... we set up barriers around our bodies to avoid causing harm.

The place wasn't too crowded, so we didn't need to move away.

I noticed a man who seemed to flash by very quickly.

I looked at Red before he passed.

I lowered my head, fearing he might turn to ash.


We were all bent down when I saw a shop and approached it while still bent down.

I looked around.

"Blue, do you think this will help our eyes?" I asked.

The shop was selling contact lenses.

"Buy some, young ladies," said the shopkeeper.

"What do they do?" Yellow asked.

"They can block the power of your eyes that you can't control," said the old woman.

It was strange that no one else was buying from her.

"Will they change the color of our eyes?" Blue asked.

"Oh no, young lady, the color of your eyes will stay the same, but it will block the uncontrolled power of your eyes," said the old woman.

"How much?" I asked.

We were still bent down.

The old woman placed a pair of contact lenses in each of our hands, matching the color of our eyes.

"These are free for special beings like you," said the old woman, so I put the contact lenses in my eyes.

Blue did the same.

But when we looked up, the old woman was gone.

We continued walking.

(Someone's POV)

They inherited your beauty, even at a young age.

I pretended to be old to give them the sacred contact lenses.

I hope they can handle everything, they are strong and responsible young women.

Their parents would surely be pleased.

Many challenges will test and block their path, chaos, grief, and sacrifice will be experienced.

I hope they overcome it, and I will always watch over them.

(Yellow's POV)

We've been walking for a few hours, so we decided to ask.

"Excuse me? May I ask a question?"

"Hurry up, don't waste my time!" The old man replied rudely.

"Where is the way to Selkon Town?" Red asked.

"Oh, Selkon? It will take you five days, but if you're in a hurry, take the shortcut through Mount Yuego!"

"Where is Mount Yuego?" Blue asked.

The old man looked at us and laughed.

"Only a fool would go there, everyone who goes there dies, but it is the shortcut to Selkon Town that only takes three days, if you have no more questions, leave! You're interrupting my business!"

He pushed us away with his stick.

So, we walked away while eating our snacks.

Lady H. said it would only take two days.

"Shall we just take the shortcut through Mount Yuego?" I asked.

"Let's ask around about Mount Yuego first," Blue said.

We asked around, but whenever we did, people laughed at us.

However, we learned that some say there are thirsty ghosts there.

But in the end, we were standing in front of Mount Yuego, ready to enter.

As soon as we entered, I felt the heavy air.

The wind was strong and cold.

We walked around.

It was indeed scary, but something felt off.

It was silent here, like being in a maze with tall grass and trees.

No bird sounds, just the rustling of grass.

We walked calmly when we heard a furious growl.

0_0. Wolf?

They were wolves, surrounding us.

Large wolves drooling and glaring, with long fangs.

"Yellow, what do you think?" Blue asked.

"I can't pick up anything, it feels like there's a barrier covering this place, so I can't feel the animals and trees here," I answered.

"Should we fight them?" Red asked.

"We have no choice, Red. If you want, just let them eat you," Blue said.

We turned our backs to each other but didn't stay close.

I dodged when a wolf stepped on a stick, sending it flying towards us, but we dodged quickly.

And the wolves drooled even more.

I backed away, but the bad shot! Annoying!!

We got closer to each other.

So we flew off.




I hit a tree and vomited purple blood, which I immediately wiped off.

I held my stomach.


I looked towards Red.

I saw that his arm was pierced by a sharp stick, and a fallen tree hit his leg.

I held my stomach and stood up, and approached Red.

I lifted the fallen tree off his leg and threw it far away.

Blue also removed the other parts.

Blue had a cut on his forehead.

Red struggled to remove his arm from the sharp stick and sat on the ground.

"We can't fight them, Blue, we have lost too much strength," I said.

Blue tore a piece of his clothes and tied it around Red's arm using telekinesis.

It was surprising that we saw emotion in the wolves' eyes.

Surprise, confusion, pity, and fear?

Blue went in front of us.

"Both of you are badly injured; I only have a scratch... I can handle this," Blue said.

So, we nodded.

Red treated me first and then himself.

So, I felt what Red felt.

This wasn't like what happened at Mrs. Crystal's house.

This was shallow.

We were sitting down.

I saw Blue preparing herself, and the wolves charged at her.

The wolves were shocked when Blue's punches and kicks turned them into ice.

Many wolves became ice, and something seemed off about Blue.

I used my x-ray vision.

And I saw that Blue had internal bleeding.


"Red, Blue has internal bleeding," I said.

"What?! Yellow, stop her! I don't have enough energy to heal her," Red said.

"Blue, stop! Your wounds might get worse!" I shouted.

But she continued what she was doing as the wolves kept attacking.

Many wolves were now ice, but Blue didn't break them; she just left them.

Blue flew towards a tree.

If she wanted, she could kill the wolves in one go, but she didn't.

Because she doesn't want to hurt animals.

She is an animal lover.

The wolves stopped charging at Blue when a half-white, half-black wolf approached.

This seemed to be their leader.

It looked around and saw the frozen wolves.


My eyes widened when it turned into a human.

A beautiful woman.

Even the other wolves turned into humans.

To ease Blue's pain.

She changed her form.

And became a wolf.

With the help of her shapeshifting powers.

She became an all-white wolf; Red and I stood up despite our struggles and approached Blue.

And Blue returned to her original form.

I tried to hold Blue because I didn't want her to suffer.

But I flew away.



Did I hit a tree?

Oh no, it wasn't a tree.

It was a man who was previously a brown wolf.

He caught me.

He was supporting me.

While I couldn't open my eyes.

It was amazing how he managed to hold me.

Even though I was struggling, I opened my eyes and saw that two men were carrying Red and Blue.

"W-Where are you taking them?!!!"

I moved away from the man who was supporting me.



I shouted and released electricity from my body, hitting a tree and causing it to explode.

I won't let you take them! You'll have to go through me first!


I aimed electricity at the one carrying the two, causing the two men to bounce.

"I won't allow it!!!"


I saw Red and Blue sitting.

The wolf people were alert.

Red stood up, and he was engulfed in flames.

His entire body was on fire.

But before Red could cause any harm, the wolf people put him to sleep.

I was about to strike the one who put Red to sleep with electricity when someone covered my mouth with a cloth.

I smelled something that put me to sleep.

And slowly, my body fell into darkness

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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