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C16 Chapter 16

In this kingdom, there is a king known as King Dezeus (desus).

He has a wife, Queen Daekira (dakira), but he doesn't love her because they were just arranged to be married.

This story is only known to us wolves.

King Dezeus tried his best to get along with Queen Daekira, but he felt deep sadness because he married someone he didn't love.

The king was sad every day, and the queen noticed it. It hurt her that the king didn't show her any affection. So, she tried to get close to the king by getting him drunk, but nothing happened.

She also tried to cast a spell on him, but the king found out, so he started treating her coldly.

Weeks passed, and the servants entered the palace. The king was captivated by the beauty of one servant known as Celestia (selestya) Gold.

Celestia Gold was like a goddess because of her extraordinary beauty. She had fair skin, golden hair mixed with silver down to her waist, and unusual but beautiful eyes with a mix of yellow, red, and blue. She was tall, and any man would be mesmerized by her beauty.

Even the queen was amazed by her beauty, but she felt anger and jealousy because she saw the king always admiring and watching Celestia.

The king said to himself that he would be happy just looking at Celestia.

He watched her for three months until he fell in love with Celestia.

However, the king didn't know that Celestia was secretly watching him because she had loved the king for a long time, but she was sad because she thought the king would never love her back.

The king was very handsome, and he had everything that women desire.

Meanwhile, the queen was angry with Celestia because she was stealing the king's attention, which the queen could not do.

One dark and moonlit night, Celestia sat by the palace pond.

You would think she was crazy because she was talking to the fish in the pond.

She laughed, and on that same night, the king came out because he couldn't sleep.

He walked across the bridge and saw a light, and he covered his eyes. He didn't know why or how, but it felt like something pushed him.

The king fell into the pond, and he didn't know how to swim.

The king was sinking to the bottom when Celestia saw him and jumped into the pond.

She pulled the king up because he seemed to have lost consciousness.

Celestia brought the king out of the water and noticed he wasn't breathing.

She panicked and didn't know what to do.

She pumped the king's chest, but nothing happened, so she reluctantly supplied him with air using her lips.

She repeated this several times until the king coughed up water.

Celestia sat down and took a deep breath.

The king was shocked to see that the person who saved his life was his secret love.

The king gazed at Celestia from her yellow, red, and blue eyes, her long silver-gold hair, and her fair and rosy lips.

Celestia bowed her head, feeling awkward under the king's gaze, and her heart raced as if there was a rush inside it.

The king lifted Celestia's face while holding her chin.

It was then that she realized how close their faces were.

Celestia closed her eyes as she felt the soft, warm lips touch hers.

When the king ran out of breath, he pulled away.

The king smiled.

"I never thought there would be a time when I could kiss your lips, Celestia," the king said with a smile.

Celestia blushed.

The king laughed softly, and Celestia looked at him.

Celestia smiled because the king's laughter sounded like music to her ears.

They didn't realize that Queen Daekira was hiding and watching them with anger and jealousy.

After that night, the king constantly found ways to get closer to Celestia, and he succeeded.

The king and Celestia grew closer. They often talked and walked together whenever the king couldn't sleep. The king was incredibly happy to be with the one he loved, and he no longer spent time with Queen Daekira.

The queen sometimes left and disappeared for a week.

They thought she left because she had tasks to do.

But in truth, the queen went to another kingdom and was planning something sinister. Meanwhile, the king's feelings for Celestia grew stronger, and he confessed his love for her.

Celestia was surprised, but she embraced the king and wiped her tears away.

She cried tears of joy.

The queen watched them from a black crystal ball.

The king and Celestia never parted.

A week passed.

Then the most feared event occurred, and a terrible chaos unfolded.

A war broke out between all the kingdoms and the evillanians.

The evillanians attacked and successfully broke through the barrier.

Everyone was in chaos, and the evillanians set off many explosions, killing many. The evillanians were accompanied by large cyclops, witches, dark wizards, and monsters. Many died because of the number of enemies.

The kingdom had defenders, the 12 warriors, who were relied upon by the entire kingdom.

But the evillanians still managed to enter the king's palace.

The king felt extreme fear and anxiety about what was happening.

The 12 warriors guarded the king closely.

But the king was restless, looking around.

He ran to the side of the pond when a dark wizard threw dark magic at Celestia, so the king immediately threw a fireball, which burned it to ashes.

He quickly hugged Celestia.

He gave her a quick kiss on the lips and wiped Celestia's crying cheeks.

The 12 warriors fought.

The king also fought, and he possessed three powers: water, air, and fire.

As they fought, they didn't notice they were in a forest.

Then, a woman dressed in black with black hair and wearing a crown-like mask appeared. She seemed to be the queen of the dark kingdom.

The 12 warriors fought the woman, but they were defeated, resulting in their deaths.

The king hugged Celestia tightly.

Celestia continued to cry.

The woman in black grew angry and charged at them, so the king pushed Celestia away and drew his sword.

The king fought until he weakened and began coughing up blood and falling to the ground.

Celestia sobbed uncontrollably.

Celestia's eyes widened when she saw the woman in black about to throw dark magic at the king.

The king's eyes widened as he stammered Celestia's name.

Celestia intercepted the dark magic.

But the king didn't know that Celestia was not an ordinary citizen or servant.

When the dark magic hit Celestia, the king and the woman in black covered their eyes due to the sudden brightness of Celestia's body.

The king was terrified, fearing something terrible would happen to Celestia.

Celestia floated, and the king was thrown against a tree, while the woman in black was thrown to some unknown location.

Celestia's appearance suddenly changed.

She descended from floating, and her waist-length hair extended to her knees.

Her shining white hair with strands of gold was now glowing.

The king was even more astonished when Celestia sprouted wings.

Fairy wings with shimmering red, yellow, and blue colors.

Celestia wore a white dress with dark blue, red as blood, and yellow as the sun touches.

The king's eyes widened when he saw the crown he only saw in the book of gods and goddesses and the golden moon mark on her forehead.

Celestia had become even more beautiful.

The king was shocked, but he managed to utter the name "Ares."

Ares, as she was known, was Goddess Ares.

The king read in the book of legend that Goddess Ares was the ruler or queen of all powers.

Goddess Ares was the goddess of gods and goddesses.

The king couldn't believe that the goddess of gods and goddesses was his secret love, the ultimate one.

The king didn't understand why he felt fear, as if someone was telling him that Celestia wasn't Celestia and she wasn't his love.

He didn't know why he was scared, especially when Celestia, or Ares, approached him.

The king took a step back.

This saddened Ares.

Although she knew the king was scared of her, she approached him.

The king closed his eyes, feeling his strength return.

Ares healed the king.

The king remained with his eyes closed, trembling for reasons he couldn't understand.

He felt Ares kiss him quickly and whisper, "I love you, my king, my Dezeus... until next time."

The king didn't know why, but it felt like a million needles piercing his heart.

The king opened his eyes, but he didn't see Ares.

The king cried when he realized that his greatest love had left him again.

He looked at the cloth Ares made for him and held it close.

He hugged it for hours until darkness fell.

The king was in a daze, staring at the full moon as if it were crying... the only moon in the shade of night.

The king stood up when he heard someone calling his name.

"MY KING!" he heard his wife shouting.

He walked sadly towards the voice calling him.

When his wife hugged him, he hugged her tightly, surprising the queen.

He hugged her tightly while his mind was confused.

"Forgive me, my wife, for all my shortcomings. Forgive me if I can't return your love."

That was what the king was thinking at that moment.

The king and queen returned to the palace.

In just a month, everything in the kingdom returned to normal, and they mourned the loss of the 12 warriors.

They gave them an honorable burial.

And Celestia never appeared again for a month.

The king focused his attention on his wife.

The queen's birthday arrived.

The whole day was filled with celebrations.

And on that night, even though the king didn't want to, he thought it was his wife's birthday.

And that night, something was born inside the queen.

The whole kingdom celebrated.

As nine months passed, the queen gave birth to a healthy baby boy. A month later, she became pregnant again and had a healthy baby girl.

The king focused his attention on his two children.

But he couldn't stop thinking about Ares.

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