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C21 Chapter 21



"AAAAAAH! Help! I fell down here! Guys, where are you?!!"

I shouted because I fell into what seemed like a large pit.

I'm in my wolf form.

I got separated from them, and I think we're at Pester Mountain now.

When I heard someone approaching.

"Aaah! Help!!! I'm here in the pit!!" I screamed.

But I shouldn't have screamed because a black wolf saw me.

And transformed into a human.

Ugly!! And grinning, he called for his companions.

They took me out of the pit and put me in a cage.

"Who are you guys?"

I asked as they lifted the cage, and I was still a gray wolf.

"Just shut up!!!! You're a weak kind of wolf so don't ask questions!!!" one angrily scolded me.

So I lowered my head.

"Sorry, I got lost. Where am I?" I asked again.

"Well, you're unlucky because you ended up at Pester Mountain, and you're our captive now," one said, so I just fell silent.

There are four of them here, and only one of them looks decent.

I fell asleep and when I felt water being poured on me, I stood up and shook it off.

In my wolf form.

It was only then that I noticed I was in a cage.

And there were people here.

"Wake up!! Go back to your real form!!"

It said and left.

There are many captives in this cage, about 22 from what I counted, so I looked around and transformed back to my normal appearance.

I was wearing a knee-length gray dress that was torn and dirty.

But my brown shoulder-length wig was on, and my dark skin was showing.

I looked good.

I also noticed that my cellmate was staring blankly, and there were only ten women here.

"Um, how long have you been captives here?" I asked.

"For over half a year. Sister, you're so beautiful, they'll surely take you and bring you to their leader," one of the girls said.

"Why me?"

"Because they take beautiful girls and defile them, and the men are turned into slaves," the man said.

By the way, I made my eyes black.

"I'm here now, plan A success, plan B set on," I said with a grin.

The truth is, falling into the pit was planned so they could bring me here. They must be executing plan B now.

"Ha? Who are you talking to?" they asked.

I changed my eye color back to gold.

They were slightly surprised.

I looked around.

There are two guards, I need to put them to sleep and get the key.

"Handsome guy?" I called to the two guards, pretending to be cute.

As if I were holding my thigh and slightly lifting my dress.

"Ouch! My leg hurts!! Can I have a massage?" I acted cute.

They drooled and quickly opened the cage.

The two guards approached me, so I took the opportunity to knock them out and succeeded.

I grinned again.

"Because they're rude," I said and took the key.

I dragged the two guards to the side.

My cellmates were surprised. Their eyes widened when I knocked out the two guards and turned them to ash.

I locked the cage and gave the key to one guy.

"The key is yours for now. You'll be safe soon, just don't make noise, they might get suspicious," I said with a smile.

We sat down, and six men looked over at the cage.

"Oh, where are the two guards?! I said to watch this! What if they escaped?!! Find them?!!"

The two guards left.

"Oh, there's a beautiful lady here. Take her and bring her to the leader," the man said.

"Yes, sir," the other replied and opened the cage.

They pulled me out, and I subtly signaled to my cellmate, and I saw them.

Blue, and also the five Sy's were in one cage.

I winked.

And I also saw them, Lath and Red, along with Hera, Myra, and Aphro hiding, preparing to attack.

They brought me inside a large tent that could accommodate 20 people.

They left me there and I saw two lifeless women naked.

Then a man entered.

Ayyyy too bad, he's handsome! But he's an enemy.

"Wow! A beautiful maiden, I'll surely enjoy this," he said with a grin.

And his smile was creepy.

Then Blue spoke to me telepathically.

'Yellow, don't cause trouble for now.'


I said.

Red couldn't see me.

I pretended to be scared, stepped back, and pretended to vomit when I saw the two lifeless women.

"Get them out!" the man shouted.

And someone entered and took out the two lifeless women.

Then the man approached me, so I backed away.

"W-what a-are you g-going to d-do to m-me???" I asked, pretending to be scared.

My acting skills might be put to the test.

The man grabbed my waist.

Shit! He smells good even though he's an enemy.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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