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C22 Chapter 22

I want to kill him but I was told not to make a move

"W-why no," I said.

But I really endured so much not to kill him.

He kissed my neck and gave me love bites.

I was still ticklish.

And then he separated, so I bowed down.

"I'll be back babe, hmm you smell so good, I can't wait to taste you," he said and left.

That's when I breathed a sigh of relief.

I looked around the tent

When I saw someone in the dark

"Who are you?"

They were all men.

"You can see us?! " Their surprised question

Which I just raised an eyebrow at

"Obvious isn't it?"

"But how? Even the leader didn't see us but you did, you're just a low class wolf and a captive," one of them said.

"Are you here to save them?! Then we're in the same boat" I said.

One was about to speak but I signalled to be silent.

"Yellow, buy time, distract their leader when he arrives," Red whispered.

"Yes, how's plan B?"

"Hey who are you talking to?!!" The man

Shh! I gestured and covered his mouth

"Success now it's your turn," Red

"Yes," I said.

And I faced the men again.

"He's my companion," I said.

" how many are you? lot?" The man

"No, we're just 13, shh! Be quiet, the leader is coming," I said.

And I turned so that my previously messy clothes looked neat.

I messed up my wig a bit

To look hot

I practiced how to seductively bite my lip

I also shortened my dress and showed a bit of cleavage

I saw the men watching me in astonishment.

"W-what are you doing?" He stuttered.

I faced them

And bit my lip

"Am I hot?"

I said and bit my lip, seeing them stunned and even swallowing

So I chuckled softly

Haha Effective

"Just watch and learn,"

I said and winked just right

The leader entered wearing only shorts

Wow! He has abs

"Now's the time, Yellow," Red

I nodded

I blushed to make it look like I was flushing

"What are you we-wearing?"

I avoided his gaze

The handsome leader laughed

"You're blushing," he said

So I pretended to be surprised and pretended to touch my cheeks

"N-no I-I'm not," I said

And just then, I looked at someone hiding in the dark

I secretly winked at them

When the handsome leader grabbed my waist and tried to kiss me, I ran to a board game

It was a chess game

I need to buy time

"Let's play, I've been wanting to play this for a long time," I said while smiling and bowing

"Alright for you, my lady," he said

So we sat facing each other

And we sat on the floor

I pretended to be weak at this game even though I'm a master at it

I deliberately let him win several times and he always laughed at me

We've been playing for more than five hours and when he noticed the time, he suddenly stood up, pulled me up, and pushed me against the wall

"Almost there, Yellow," Red

Shit! I think he's onto us

"I've been enduring this all this time, do you know that?!!"

"What? What do you mean?" I pretended not to know

"F*ck!" He cursed

"What? What f*ck?" I innocently asked

Which surprised the leader and the men in the dark

"What?! You're innocent?!!!" He exclaimed

"I really am innocent, I haven't killed anyone," I said, making him stunned

Confused now, he blocked both of his hands, so I was cornered and had my back to the men in the dark

So they couldn't see my reaction

My eyes widened when he kissed my neck aggressively

Red, hurry up!!!' I urged in my mind

But they didn't respond

Shit!! Something might have happened

I tried to push the leader away, but I couldn't push him too hard as it might ruin the plan

I pushed him slightly harder which made him stumble

"W-what are y-you doing?!!" I pretended to be scared

He smirked and suddenly tore my clothes

So my cleavage was somewhat visible

And it seemed like he was drooling

He aggressively kissed my neck again

I was ticklish

Damn it! What should I do? Where the hell are they?!

I swear Im gonna kill hi- acck! he touched my butt! . then suddenly he's back to biting my neck again.

Yuck! It's all saliva, I swear!

I heard the guys in the dark whispering.

"Let's help her."

"But their leader might catch us."

They were whispering.

Just as their leader was about to kiss me, I pushed him away and caught my breath.

Oh no, their leader is angry.

He stood up and took off his short! my eyes widened seeing that rock-hard thing then approached me.

Ew! I felt like throwing up.

He held my hand and forced me to touch his manhood!

Ew! I shouted in my mind.

He kept forcing my hand to stroke his manhood even so he looks really hot in that expression his showing

I DON'T LIKE THIS! I struggled to take my hand away from him.

"Aaaahhh!!!! Red, blue help!!!" I shouted in my mind.

"AAAAHHH! Get away from me!" I said.


Their leader stumbled and one of the five Sy punched him.

I quickly covered the leader up, I don't want to see him!

The five arrived but they didn't have red and blue with them.

They gave me a jacket that belonged to Alexer.

"AAAAH! Yuck! Eww! Why did you just arrive? I've touched it already! Ew!" I said, then I wiped my hand clean.

"What did he do?" Alexer asked.

"What the hell did he do?! He's such a pervert!!" I shouted.

Suddenly, the leader pulled me back and now he's back hugging me and i could feel it on my back.

Thank goodness he was wearing something!

he pointed a knife in my neck

"What?!! What are you doing?! so what if she touch my manhood! "The leader shouted.

"Hey let me go!!!" I shouted then suddenly he did something that trigger me




Their leader was touching my breasts and pinched them.

It took me a while to realize.

I saw that the five Sy were also shocked.


I screamed and threw the leader onto the floor, covering my breasts.

Just in time, red and blue arrived with lath.


I screamed again and punched the leader while he was lying on the floor.

"You're a fucking animal, asshole, pervert, jerk, heartless, ugly, monkey, stupid, lizard, frog, asshole, loser! I swear!!"

I cursed at him while I punched him out of anger.

And it was still disgusting.

"Well, I was the first one----" he said.

That's why Lath pulled me back and punched him twice.

"What's the matter? Let go of me, lath!!! I'll kill that animal!!!!!" I shouted

"Stop it, yellow! he's unconscious!!" Lath

I'm angry right now!!!

"I don't care!! I'll cut off that animal!!!" I shouted

And the tent got destroyed because of what I did, so I could see around that it's full of fallen enemies and also some survivors on the side, but I don't care


Lath let go of me so I darkened the sky so my body was sparkling from its electricity

I also struck the trees with lightning

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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