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C24 Chapter 24


We were at the dining table, and later in the afternoon, Yellow left.

We were all here while Yellow was still asleep.

I couldn't shake off Yellow's words about love being worthless. I found myself staring up at their room.

Someone tapped me, so I turned to see them looking at me, causing me to sigh.

"I hope they believe in love because it's real," I said.

"How will they believe in love if they've never experienced love from their parents and friends?" Xero's words made me look at him.

We fell silent.

We were just there all the time when suddenly...




We were knocked down, quickly rushing to Blue.

They suddenly collapsed here in the living room, breaking the table and tearing a hole in their room.

We helped Blue stand up, but we recoiled when we felt their coldness and saw their menacing gaze.

It felt like they wanted to kill.

Blue stood up on their own.

"What happened, Blue?!" we asked, trying to understand.

We were taken aback as Red and Yellow suddenly flew here, but they were seated when they fell.

So we exchanged glances.


Wait, how did a dark user get in here?!!!!!

Suddenly, in front of Blue, an elderly dark user appeared.

"We won't allow it, we'll deal with you first!!" the dark user shouted and attacked Blue.

We backed away as the dark user threw countless dark balls.

"Call Lady Aiko!!!" Luhence yelled.

So we ran out, Myera and I, to find Lady Aiko.

"How did they get in here?!!" Myera asked.

"I don't know, but we need to find Lady Aiko," I said.

"Alright, let's split up!!!" Aphro said.

(Lath's POV)

Hera left.

We were about to help when Red shouted, "This is our fight... don't interfere!"

So even though we wanted to help, we stayed where we were.

How did they get in here???

"Aren't we going to help them?" Lex asked.

"Let's just trust them," I said.

It's strange that they're all just avoiding.

"Why are they avoiding? Are they reading the opponent?" Lex asked.

"Maybe," I replied.

"Hey old man!"

We looked at Blue as they addressed the dark user.

"Why are you here?"

Blue asked, dodging while crossing their arms.

"Why indeed... what's your purpose?" Yellow asked, wearing headphones, while Red was playing with their fire knife.

The dark user swallowed nervously.

"Are you mocking me?!" they asked.

"Wow, you guessed it right away... just a warm-up and also to make you our test subject," Yellow said.

The dark user flinched.

Especially when Red and Yellow threw electricity and fire at Blue, who immediately countered and brought out ice.

Wait, what will Blue do with that?

"Ok test one," Blue said and combined the three powers.

So we held on to something solid because of the impact.

Our eyes widened as fire, ice, and electricity merged into one big magic ball.

I've seen that in the Book of Legends.

It's called the Hellice Power Ball.

"Test one ✓ test 2 proceed," Blue said.

Then Blue suddenly threw the Hellice Power Ball at the dark user.

The dark user's eyes widened as they couldn't avoid it.

Lady Aiko arrived just in time.

It's strange that she suddenly created a barrier.

When the Hellice Power Ball hit, it caused a powerful explosion and strong winds, luckily we were behind the barrier.

And the opponent turned into ashes.

"Tsk, weak," the three said and Lady Aiko removed the barrier.

It's messy here, but in an instant, it was back to normal, thanks to Blue.

They're mysterious.

"Oh, Lady Aiko, you're there... we thought we'd leave now that it's morning," Red said.

We were surprised at what Red said.

And we noticed they were dressed.

And they were carrying something, albeit small.

Lady Aiko was also surprised.

"Huh? Are you sure?" Lady Aiko asked.

"Do we look like we're joking, Lady Aiko? We also don't want to cause any trouble," Blue said.

Lady Aiko sighed, accompanied by Blue's pat.

And the room that was damaged returned to normal.

They're leaving already?? Sigh! So fast.

"Okay, follow me," Lady Aiko said and they followed her, so we followed to say goodbye.

We were quiet until we reached the back of this mountain and there's a path.

"This is the way, you'll pass through the Burning Mountain, and you'll be the ones to find out what's there, and be careful," Lady Aiko said.

"Yeah right, thank you by the way. Please extend our gratitude to them, and sorry for the trouble. Okay, we're leaving," Blue said and walked ahead, followed by Red and Yellow.

The two sighed and Yellow walked ahead.

"Thank you for the days we spent together, even though we know things will change. And for our next meeting, haaaaaayyy!! Just take care, guys, no hard feelings, okay?"

Then Red ran and joined Blue.

I saw Myera crying, so I hugged her and patted her back.

"Take care, and I hope we'll meet again," I said.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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