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C26 Chapter 26

"Why did our eyes widen?

Are we going to stay here where it’s full of men?

God! I might get tired of this.

'You’re the only one we allowed to stay here because you’re a fire user.'

'It’s only her, she’s the only fire user,' said Yellow, pointing at me.

'Huh? How are you not a fire user when you didn’t burn?' asked one of them.

Blue produced ice, which surprised them.

'Wait, you’re an ice user? You can’t be here,' said one of them.

'Tsk. Wherever they are, I am too,' said Blue, pointing at Yellow and me.

Yellow then produced electricity, shocking them back to normal.

And my body burst into flames, throwing fire at Blue and Yellow, but it didn’t affect them.

I removed the fire.

They were shocked.

'So, where are we going to stay, huh?' I asked.

The group of ten regained their composure and started walking, so we just followed them until we stopped at a big house painted red and black.

We entered.

'You’re going to stay with us in this house,' said the group of ten.

So, we just nodded.

'Where’s our room?' Blue asked.

They went upstairs, so we followed.

We were told to choose a room, so I chose the red-orange door, Yellow chose the white door with red, and Blue chose the black door with red.

The group of ten told us to go back downstairs after choosing, as there was more to discuss.

Since we had nothing to sort out, we went downstairs.

They were sitting down, so we sat across from them.

'Introduce yourselves now,' said one of them.

I yawned before answering.


Blue, holding a book, answered, 'Blue.'

'Yellow,' Yellow said while drinking water.

'Weird names,' they said.

'Oh well... I’m Orin.'






'Finnriel, just call me Finn.'




They introduced themselves one by one.

We just nodded.

'We have rules here: first, don’t enter our rooms,' said Fin.

As if we would enter their rooms, we just nodded.

'And no loud noise,' Hade said.

Do we look like noisy women to you?

'Help yourselves, we’re not your servants,' Quki said.

'And always wake up early, you can’t sleep in late because no one will wake you up!' Luhan said.

'Within these three days, no escape, and you can't leave here, we don’t care if you get bored!' Sterm said.



(FIERN's pov)

Red, Yellow, and Blue went upstairs to their rooms.

Weird names...

'Why do we have to accommodate them?' Orin asked.

'And for three days at that,' Spade added.

'Guys, we let them stay because that's what the old man said,' Luhan said.

We all sighed.

And this burning mountain, we hate girls, we ALL hate girls.

Because they’re noisy and flirtatious.

You might be wondering why we're here when we have a kingdom, the Fire Kingdom, but unfortunately...

We don’t want to stay there, so we chose to live here instead.

'What do you think will happen in three days?' Quki asked.

'Just endure it, guys, and extend your patience because girls will always be girls,' I said.

We all sighed.

We each went to do our own thing, and Verto and Finn went out.

It was surprising that the three girls who went upstairs to their rooms still hadn’t come down.

When I looked at the clock, it was already 1 p.m., shouldn’t they be having lunch?

'They haven’t come down yet,' Luhan said.

'Maybe they’re just getting used to it,' Spade said.

'No, we know that when there are new Lightanians, they usually get to know each other,' Hade said.

'Should we go up? Curiosity is killing me, they’ve been up there since around 8 this morning,' Orin said.

They’ve been up there since 8 in the morning.

'Let's go,' I said.

So, we went upstairs slowly and knocked on Yellow’s door.

(HADE's pov)

Knock knock

Fiern knocked, but no one answered, so we were going to knock again when the door suddenly opened.

We entered, and the room was dark, so we turned on the light.

We looked around because we didn’t see Yellow on the bed or sofa.

Where did she go?

We stepped back when someone pulled the curtain.

It was Yellow.

She was sitting by the window, holding a sketch pad and wearing headphones.

She seemed to be drawing.

'What do you want?' she asked.

She continued sketching.

'Ah, nothing, it’s just that you haven’t had lunch yet,' Vick said.

'So what? You told us to help ourselves, so why do you care? If you’re not here for a reason, go outside now before something you don’t like happens,' she said.

But we just stared at her when the wind picked up, as if pushing us outside.

Until we got out, and the door slammed shut.

'W-what was that??' Sterm said.

We just shrugged because we didn’t know either.

We then went to Blue’s room.

We were about to knock when the door opened, so we went in.

We saw Blue reading a book.

'What do you need?' she asked.

She turned the page of her book without looking at us, and I noticed the wallpaper in her room had changed.

It was now black with blue because it used to be pink.

'Nothing,' we answered.

Blue looked at us, folded her book, and placed it on the table before standing up and suddenly disappearing.

'What the! Where did she go?' Quki said.

'She was just here a while ago!' Luhan said.

'Weird,' we all said.

We blinked and saw Blue sitting on her bed, holding pineapple juice and a sandwich.

'Do you still need anything?' she asked.

Our mouths fell open because we were stunned.

We quickly shook our heads when the door opened on its own.

'Get out,' she calmly ordered.

We followed her without thinking and left the room.

'Oh my! They’re so weird... should we visit Red too?' Spade asked.

'Since we're here, let's go,' Orin said.

We walked to Red’s room and entered.

We didn’t knock.


We covered our ears as the door closed on its own.

The music was so loud in the room.

It was strange that we couldn’t hear it outside since the room wasn’t soundproof.

We were covering our ears when my eyes widened because someone pulled me, and it felt like they were trying to make me dance.

Then I realized it was Red.

She was dancing.


'Dance, Hade,' Red said.

We laughed when Red made Hade dance.

He didn’t know how to dance, and the music was so loud in the room.

Their bodies were stiff, so Red laughed.

'Ha ha ha, you guys are so stiff!' Red laughed.

We stared at her while she laughed.

She has a beautiful smile.

My eyes widened as Red pulled me to dance.

'Don’t stare at me, let’s party!' Red said.

Red suddenly stopped.

When the music died down, she approached the speaker and turned the music back on.

But it died again.

Red turned it on, and it died again.

Red was annoyed.

'What is going on?!!' She shouted.

She turned the music on, but it died again.

'Oh no! There’s a ghost here!' Quki said.

'Are you scared of a ghost? How gay of you!' Spade said.

The music would turn off and on until Blue suddenly appeared and turned off the music.

'Stop this, Red. You know the policy... Silence,' Blue said.

'Don’t be a killjoy, Blue, and besides, it’s been a while since we could enjoy ourselves. You know the prophecy, right? And when the time comes, we won’t experience this anymore,' Red seemed sad.

Blue just stared at Red and sighed.

'Okay, but know your limits,' Blue said.

Red hugged Blue, and they flew across the room.

0_0 What happened???

'O-ouch!' They groaned.

We helped them up.

When the door opened and Yellow stepped out, frowning.

'What did you do?! Do you really want to die?!!!' Yellow shouted.

Red and Blue stood up.

'Sorry... I was just excited, so I hugged Blue sigh,' Red said.

'Wait, I’m confused. Care to explain?' Quki asked.

'Yeah, Quki's right, what happened? Why did you two fly?' I asked.

Yellow left, and Blue disappeared again.

Red sat on her bed and looked at us.

'We're forbidden to touch each other since we came here... can you leave? I’m tired.'

We were going to ask more questions, but we left and went to the living room.

'I don’t get it!' Fiern said.

'You’re not alone, ' Quki said.

'You’ll just go crazy trying to figure it out. Let’s just go outside,' I said.

They followed me outside and met Jer and Per, twins with different heights; Jer was shorter and Per was taller.

'Orin, why are there women here now?!' Per asked, annoyed.

'We have no choice, guys, Red is a fire user... you know what the old man said,' I explained.

'Exactly, are you going to their fight?' Jer asked.

'Oh yeah, who challenged them?' Quki asked.

'Kzo challenged them, and he challenged Oiteru's group,' Per answered.

'Let’s go together,' Jer said.

We walked together; there’s not a day here without a fight.

Their fights always end with a decision.

I found out that Kzo challenged Oiteru’s group.

Oiteru’s group is strong; Kzo’s group is sure to lose.

When we arrived at the arena, almost everyone was already there.

Both groups were already in the center.

Everyone was quiet because silence is our golden rule.

'We won’t lose, we’ll finish you off, Oiteru!' Kzo shouted.

'Bring it on! Asshole!' Oiteru retorted.

Oiteru has two friends, Hyuki and Gerson, while Kzo has Uzi, Carl, Vex, Telor, and Zin.

3 vs. 5.


'Yo! You’re here?' Verto suddenly appeared.

'We’ve been here, you were slow, so we left you behind,' Fin said.

'I’ve been looking for you, you know that? How many years do I have to wait? I did everything... where did I go wrong?--- ouch!'

Verto is such a drama king, so Fin hit him.

'Idiot! Stop with the drama, Verto, or I’ll hurt you,' Fin said.

Verto laughed.

We watched as Kzo’s group charged at Oiteru’s group.

Tsk. I told you they would lose.

In just 15 minutes, Kzo’s group was down.

Oiteru’s group is the one that hates women the most, thankfully Red and her friends aren’t here.

Clap clap clap clap

We turned to look at who was clapping.

And we saw Red walking towards the center.

Shit! Why are they here?!!


'Nice fight! They really went down, huh!'

Red said as she held Kzo’s chin while he lay asleep on the ground."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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