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C7 Chapter 7

KAIDEN's Point of view

We were in my room, along with the other four.

We still couldn't recover from what happened earlier.

It's the first time I've met people with different powers.

I, who possess the power of thunder, was defeated by Yellow.

All thunder powers have a rank up to 5, and my power is rank 2.

It was shocking to find out that Yellow was rank 1.

Rank 1 for thunder is called lightning, and it's the strongest rank.

Even Kaimin's fire was defeated by Red.

All powers have ranks up to 5.

Kaimin's fire is rank 2, and Red's is rank 1, while rank 1 fire has two abilities.

I think Blue might also be rank 1 because they can control fire.

It's really unusual.

"Their power is so strong," Kai said.

We all nodded.

"How are they all rank 1 in power? How is that possible?" Karjay asked.

"We all know that every magical person possesses one power, but they have more, a lot more!" Kaimin said.

"When I was young, I tried creating a forbidden weapon by combining our powers, but Blue did it effortlessly!" I said.

"Who exactly are you all?!" I exclaimed.

"What are we going to do?" Kristan asked.

"Let's just ask Mom and Dad; I'm sure they know something... there's something off," Kai said.

We all looked at Kai.

My eyes widened as I realized I couldn't move my body.

Wait, what's happening?

"Shit! I can't move my body!!!" Kristan said.

"What's going on?!!!" Kaimin said.

"Who did this?!!" Karjay asked.

"Why me?"

Our eyes widened further as Blue appeared in front of us.

We also saw Yellow pass through the wall, the door turned into fire, and Red walked through the fire door.

Then the door reverted back to normal.

"H-how?" Kai said.

"How is this possible?" Kristan said.

"I'm a shadow user," Blue said in a cold voice.

We all swallowed nervously.

That's why we couldn't move.

He controlled our shadows.

"I'll let you all go, but first tell me, what's wrong with what you said?!" Blue asked.

"Are you listening to us?"

I asked.

"We can do many things, and I could erase you from this world in a second, so answer my questions." Blue said.

"You all are different... s-so different." Kairjay said.

"How so different?" Red asked.

"All magical persons possess one power, but you all have many powers," I replied.

As I slowly regained movement, we all sighed in relief, and Blue vanished again like the wind.

"Tsk." I heard Yellow say as they passed through the wall.

Our eyes widened again.

Then Red grinned at us, turning the door into fire, walking through the fire door, and returning to its original state.

We all lay back on my bed.

"They're terrifying... we need to be cautious," I said.

"Yeah, it's like they have a lot of eyes." Kai said.

"We have many abilities, but not many eyes."

We heard someone speak, so we sat up.

It was Blue.

"One of our skills, telepathy."

He said and said nothing else.

Shit! That was in our minds!

"We need to block our minds," Kaimin said.

We nodded, and someone spoke again in my mind.

"Let me... I'll block your minds."

It was Red.

I felt my mind being blocked, so no one could read our thoughts.

"Red is rank 1 in mind reader ranking; he can block thoughts." Karjay said.

I wonder why Mom and Dad brought us to Arbexuelon Academy.

Many will be surprised by them... and those three are as beautiful as goddesses, even though we haven't seen their hair yet.

Especially their eyes, they have an unusual appeal.

Kaimin went back to his own room, and I was left staring blankly at my bed.

I decided to take a shower.

As the water flowed down my face, I kept thinking.

They need to be careful, especially in Arbexuelon Academy, if they trust too easily.

After 30 minutes, I came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

My biceps and 8-pack abs were visible.

As I walked out of the bathroom, I saw someone facing away from me.

I walked closer.

Inches away.

Then the person turned around, and I realized it was Blue.

Blue is tall, about up to my nose.

Her forehead furrowed as she faced me, and suddenly she stepped back.

Shit! She might lose his balance.

So I quickly grabbed his waist.

Our bodies touched.

She looked up, and her forehead was still furrowed.

So I furrowed my brow too.

"What are you doing here?"

I asked, but then I looked at her head; why was she still wearing a hat?

Was her hair ugly or too short?

Good thing they can't read my mind because Red blocked it.

"Nothing, just get dressed," she replied and walked away from me.

She turned his back to me and went straight to the door, leaving.

I just shrugged.

She really left through the door and didn't teleport.

BLUE's Point of view

I didn't teleport

I suddenly lost interest, especially after seeing Kaiden's body.

Tsk. So that's what a man's body looks like.

I wonder what the eight bulges on their stomachs are called?

What are those? I'll ask Red later.

I went down to the living room and sat cross-legged on the sofa.

I played with my phone when I sensed the five men coming down the stairs.

I didn't pay attention to it, still too lazy to take off my hat.

It's good, it won't be exposed to the dirty air! Hehe.

I felt Yellow and Red coming down too.

They sat next to me while the boys were in the kitchen.

I turned to Red.

"Red, what is that called?"

"Called what?"

"I saw something on a man's stomach with eight bulges... what is it?"

I asked, furrowing my brow.


I turned around when I heard a crash.

It was a glass that Kaiden was holding, while the other four tried to hold back their laughter.

The four of them laughed quietly.

Yellow and Red also laughed quietly.

So I looked at them.

Why? Did I ask something wrong? I don't know what that's called.

Maybe he's sick? That's why his stomach has bulges.

Oh my gosh! He needs treatment!!!

"Are you sure you don't know? Haha" Yellow

I pouted.

Eehhh, I really don't know.

Red lifted his shirt and pointed at his stomach.

Oh my! He has bulges in his stomach too.

"This! You really don't know what this is called? Hahaa"


"Oh my! You have bulges in your stomach!!!!"

I said.

And the guys laughed, and Yellow and Red chuckled quietly.

So I looked at them.


"Why is it like that? Kaiden has eight bulges... Why do you have only six?"

I asked.

"Yieee! You saw Kaiden's." Yellow

"Yes, why? Is it a sickness?"

I asked.

They laughed.

"You're ridiculous, Blue!! You have it too!" Red


I lifted my shirt.

Oh my!! That's right.


They laughed.

They've been laughing at me for a while now.

Red gestured with his hand.

So I made an "O" face.

That's how the five guys looked.

When Red lifted their shirts using his powers.

Then I saw that they all have bulges.

"They're called ABS!"

Yellow said.

"But in fairness! Your abs are fully built." Red said, nodding.

So the boys lowered their shirts.

Yellow and Red laughed.

"Just asking, how are those developed? Are they hard? I thought they were a sickness."

I said.

"You're ridiculous, Blue! Those aren't a sickness! Abs are developed through exercising, practicing, and going to the gym." Red

"You're ridiculous, Blue! You didn't even notice you have abs from working out." Yellow

They laughed.

These idiots, laughing at me.

Because I got mad at their laughter.

I threw an ice knife at Yellow and Red.

Red immediately turned it into fire.

And she laughed.

"You're just ice, Blue, but I'm fire, you don't have fire, ."

Yellow struck the ice knife with lightning, and it shattered into pieces, and he laughed.

And finally, I laughed because I covered both of them in ice. laugh some more.

five guys behind us gasped.

"What are you now? Haha"

I laughed, and I heard the guys whispering.

"Oh no! Stop them," Karjay

"You do it, Karjay!!! Not us!" Kaimin

"I don't want to die! And they don't look like they're going to kill each other." Kai

"Maybe that's their bonding." Kristan

"He's not fire." I heard Kaiden say, but I didn't understand what he meant by not fire.

Since only Red has fire powers.

I looked at Red, and he made the ice covering his body explode and laughed quietly while Yellow made the ice on his body explode too with the lightning he produced.

They looked at me and quickly transformed into cats.

Because Red threw fire at me and Yellow threw metal.


I said.

And I transformed back into my usual form.

We all laughed.

And I turned around.

To see Kristan panicking.

Kristan was hit by Red's fire, but Kaimin quickly absorbed the fire.

Kristan sighed.

It was funny, especially when Kai was hit by the metal and fell face-first to the ground.

The expression on his face was epic.

"Stop playing around." Karjay


We answered.

Yellow and Red still had their hats on.

We sat on the other sofa.

"Blue, I searched for Arbexuelon Academy."

Using telepathy, Red spoke.

We were communicating telepathically.

"Oh really, what did you find?"

I asked.

"It's strange!! Nothing came up, no results," Red said.

Wait, how is that possible?

We didn't continue our telepathic conversation, and when I noticed Yellow, Red, and the five guys were busy, I took the opportunity to use my unknown powers.

I quickly closed my eyes and said "laptop."

When I opened my eyes, I was holding a laptop.

So I looked at them.

I sighed with relief when no one noticed.


I quickly typed, but nothing came up.

How strange! Isn't that a famous school?

I tried typing in the location and maybe found something.

I was shocked when I saw a video clip.

I looked at them, and they were still busy, so I closed my eyes and said "headphones," and headphones appeared.

Still, no one noticed.

I put them on and played the video.

My eyes widened, and my forehead furrowed.

The first thing I saw in the video was people screaming, and the camera was shaky, but I could still see what was happening.

My eyes widened when the trees turned to ash because of a woman flying on a broomstick while laughing maniacally.

She looked like a witch dressed in black.

Wait, are witches real? I thought they were just stories.

A green, sticky liquid came from her hands and was used on the trees, turning them to ash.

Then more people on brooms appeared, witches.

And there were giant beings with one big eye.


I covered my mouth, especially when the giant ate the people.

Not literally ate them, but swallowed them.

I could see inside the cyclops's stomach like a cage, and all the people it ate were trapped inside.

People were screaming and running, and I noticed that

10 years ago.

So we were 8 years old then.

And it was the same date as our birthday.

The camera was moving wildly, and whoever was holding it hid under a bench.

And was recording the surroundings.

There were about 13 cyclops and 8 witches.

My eyes widened as the camera turned.

A huge eye suddenly appeared.

The camera holder screamed.

They were pulled out from under the bench and brought to the middle of the many witches and cyclops.

The camera was still on, showing how many witches and cyclops there were.

They seemed about to kill the camera holder when suddenly the sky turned red as if it were on fire.

The witches and cyclops panicked and looked around, then slowly everything calmed down.

They were about to grab the camera when a cyclops was hit by a floating roof and fell.

They looked for it.

My eyes widened when I saw myself in the video.

I was lying on the grass.

You could see my sky-blue hair.

When I was 8, that's when my telekinesis emerged.

Everything started floating.

I was shocked to see the cyclops floating in the high areas.

I had my back turned in the video, so only my blue hair was visible.

And I sat down.

I must have been happy then.

I raised and lowered my hand, making the floating things drop and rise.

Even the cyclops.

When they lowered, it was like they were being slammed into the ground.

Three times up and down, and I moved my hand sideways, making the floating things sway left and right.

And it just so happened that there were large trees, so when I swayed them, the cyclops would hit the trees and walls.

And when I realized that many were watching me,

I ran away.

The floating things fell.

The cyclops seemed to die, and the people inside them escaped.

But three cyclops remained.

One witch quickly created a portal, which seemed like their leader, and the three cyclops with the people inside their stomachs entered.

I didn't know that such things happened when I was 8 years old.

And I must have helped.

I continued watching seriously.

It seemed that the witches and cyclops were about to leave; the three cyclops had already entered the portal.

But the witches remained.

One witch took out her wand and pointed it at the camera.

But before she could do any harm, a bolt of lightning struck the witch, and she vanished.

The witches backed away and turned pale.

Then the camera focused on a young girl floating with yellow hair.




That's Yellow.

The young Yellow was floating, surrounded by electricity or lightning.

The sky thundered and flashed as one by one, the witches were struck by lightning and vanished.

But five witches managed to dodge the lightning, though they were injured and quickly entered the portal. The lightning even chased them into the portal and closed it.

And the sky slowly brightened, and two rainbows appeared.

The camera holder stood up.

And pointed it at the young Yellow.

Yellow slowly descended from floating.

My eyes widened as I saw myself and Red in the video.

The young Blue and Red approached Yellow.

"We need to leave." The young me said.


The young Yellow asked hesitantly.

"People here will be scared of us. Now that our powers have spread and many have seen them." The young Blue said.

"He's right, people might call us monsters and think we're going to destroy the world." The young Red said.

Then the three children started crying, and it rained heavily.

"! What do we do now?" The young Yellow cried.

"We don't have families, where will we go?!" The young Red cried.

The young Blue hugged the other two children.

"Calm down! Crying won't solve anything. Look, it's raining now. We might cause trouble." The young Blue said gently.

So the three children calmed down, and the sun came out, and it stopped raining.

The person filming seemed surprised.

They even exclaimed, "Wow."

And in an instant, the young Blue held the other two, and they vanished into thin air.

The camera turned around.

I closed the laptop.

And held my head.

My head ached from that.

Not only did the people know, but the whole world did because the video spread worldwide.

I saw the initial comments.

They were like, "Scary, the end of the world, waah, help them!"

That was the first part.

Then when they realized who the three children were.

There were many comments.

Most were "Wow, impossible, they have powers, amazing."

I folded my laptop.

My eyes widened when I saw Yellow, Red, and the five guys in a barrier protecting them.

I looked around.


I felt my marks glowing.

On my chest, on the back of my hand.

So I quickly teleported to the forest.

And I successfully ended up in the forest at 3 pm.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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