Twin's Love Stories/C4 Ava's love for language
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Twin's Love Stories/C4 Ava's love for language
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C4 Ava's love for language

Ava's love for learning extended beyond her time in the garden and her studies at school. Her grandpa Matthew had instilled in her a curiosity about the natural world, and Ava was always eager to learn more. When tourists came to visit the mountains, Ava would often strike up conversations with them, fascinated by their stories and experiences.

One day, a group of hikers from France came to the mountain to explore. Ava spotted them from a distance and approached to introduce herself.

"Bonjour!" Ava said, beaming with excitement. "I'm Ava. What brings you to our mountain?"

The hikers smiled and introduced themselves in French, surprised to find a young girl speaking their language.

"I love learning new languages," Ava said, a hint of pride in her voice. "I've been studying French in school, but I also like to practice with tourists like you."

The hikers were intrigued by Ava's enthusiasm for learning and her ability to speak French so well. One of them, a woman named Sophie, asked, "How did you learn to speak French so fluently at such a young age?"

Ava smiled and replied, "My grandpa always taught me the importance of learning new things and exploring the world around me. The school introduced me to the beauty of the French language and culture, and I fell in love with it."

The hikers nodded in agreement and told Ava about their experiences in France. They shared stories of visiting the Eiffel Tower, tasting delicious croissants, and exploring the stunning countryside.

Ava listened with rapt attention, asking questions and eagerly absorbing every detail. She was especially fascinated by the hikers' descriptions of the many beautiful plants and flowers that grew in France.

As the conversation continued, the hikers were impressed by Ava's intelligence and maturity. They could tell she was a remarkable young girl with a bright future ahead of her.

Sophie turned to Ava and said, "You know, Ava, I think you have a real talent for languages. Have you ever considered becoming a translator or an interpreter?"

Ava's eyes widened with excitement. She had never thought about pursuing a career in languages before, but the idea intrigued her.

"I've always loved learning new languages," she said. "And I love meeting people from different cultures and backgrounds. So maybe being a translator would be a good way to combine those interests."

The hikers nodded in agreement, and one of them, a man named Pierre, offered to give Ava some tips on learning new languages. He told her about different language-learning apps and websites. He recommended a few French books and movies that she might enjoy.

Ava thanked the hikers for their advice and promised to continue studying languages passionately and passionately. As they said their goodbyes and headed down the mountain, Ava felt more inspired and motivated than ever before. She knew that the world was full of endless opportunities for learning and growth, and she was determined to seize them all.

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