Twin's Love Stories/C7 Settling In
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Twin's Love Stories/C7 Settling In
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C7 Settling In

Ava arrived at her dormitory, feeling excitement and nervousness as she prepared to meet her new roommates. As she walked into the room, she saw three other girls with unique styles and energy.

"Hey, I'm Ava," she said, giving them a friendly smile.

The girls introduced themselves in turn. The first was named Sarah, who was studying to be a doctor. She was quiet but focused, with a serious demeanor that spoke to her dedication to her studies.

The second was named Rachel, and she was studying business management. She was outgoing and friendly, with a bubbly personality that made Ava feel instantly at ease.

The third was named Lily, and she was studying art. She had a laid-back vibe and creative energy that made Ava feel inspired.

As the girls settled in and started unpacking their belongings, Ava began conversing with Rachel. They talked about their interests and hobbies. Ava was impressed by Rachel's passion for entrepreneurship and her plans to start her own business someday.

Meanwhile, Sarah was engrossed in her medical textbooks while Lily sketched in her notebook, lost in her art world.

Ava spent the evening getting to know her new roommates over dinner in the university canteen. They talked about their interests, hometowns, and hopes for the future. Ava felt grateful to have such friendly and diverse roommates, and she knew they would help her make the most of her time at university.

As a small gesture of friendship, Ava had brought each of them a bag of her favourite herbal tea as a meeting gift. Sarah, Rachel, and Lily were all grateful for the thoughtful gesture, and they each took a sip of the warm brew as they chatted.

The girls bonded over their shared experiences and excitement for the new school year as the night wore on. They talked about their hopes and dreams, fears and uncertainties, and the challenges they knew they would face in their chosen fields.

Ava was struck by how different they all were and how much they had in the joint. They were all driven, ambitious, and eager to make a difference.

Ava felt a sense of gratitude and excitement as they said goodnight and settled into their respective beds. She knew that she had found not just roommates but friends who would support her through the ups and downs of university life.

The next day, Ava and her roommates decided to go shopping for some necessary items. They headed to the nearest mall and browsed through the different stores. Sarah was looking for medical supplies and books, while Rachel was interested in trendy clothes and accessories. Lily was drawn to the art supplies section and excitedly picked out paint brushes and canvases.

Ava noticed a tea store as they walked around and suggested they stop in. She wanted to buy some loose-leaf tea to brew in their dorm room. The girls were intrigued, and they headed inside. The store was filled with different kinds of teas from all over the world. Ava selected some herbal tea blends and shared her knowledge about the health benefits of each one.

After shopping, they headed to the university canteen for dinner. The canteen was bustling with students, and many food options were available. They each grabbed a tray and went through the buffet line. Ava was pleased to see that there were vegetarian and vegan options available.

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