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C8 8

Amelia's POV

I finished having my chocolate bars and rested for a while. I have to spend most of my cash, so I can get to that company George mentioned. I hope they would be able to help me.

"Mom. Dad. Brother", I said out loud and tears formed in my eyes.

I pulled my nose and fought the tears back.

I have been fine all these years, I am fine now and I will always be fine.

I stood up from my sleeping bag and took the last cash I had.

If I would have to walk back home, I have to find this organization first and then think about finding a place to work later.

I pray it's the right place. I hope they find the one person I have been looking for all these years.

I made my way toward the tent zip and opened it. I walked outside and almost yelped when I hit something.

I looked up and met a curious Joanna looking down at me.

I straightened my back and closed the tent zip.

"What are you doing here?", I asked her.

"Where are you going to? In the afternoon, all dressed up?", she asked back, ignoring my question like it was irrelevant.

"Somewhere", I replied and Joanna looked at me confusedly.

It took a while before she talked and when she did, what she said surprised me.

"You are going to see him, aren't you?", she asked with a teasing grin on her face. She winked at me too.

And instantly, my cool brain worked and I remember promising Joanna on Saturday that I will go to see William.

"Yeah, don't you want me to?", I asked back with a smile.

I know Joanna is my friend but really, I don't want too many people meddling in my business.

"Of course, you should. My regards to him", she said with a sweet smile and I smiled right back.

"Sure", I said and walked towards the street.

She waved at me and I waved right back.

William's POV

I had just finished signing a contract when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in", I replied as calmly as I could but the person by the door heard anyways.

I looked up when I saw the door open and Scott walked towards my table.

My eyes trailed his movement till he reached just in front of me; in front of my table.

"Yes?", I asked.

He was disturbing my business.

"It's time to go, boss", he said and I sighed.

I had forgotten all about it but when he said it, I quickly understood what he was trying to say.

"Prepare the car", I replied

"I have sir", he said and I nodded before standing up from my seat abruptly.

"Then, let's go", I said as I buttoned up my suit.

I walked into the front and Scott trailed after.

Amelia's POV

I took a cab and soon, the cab dropped me off at the place.

I only had to spend half of the money on myself. That's cool cause at least, I would be able to take a cab back home.

I looked at the building in front of me. It does not look like a typical expensive company in any way. It looked like an abandoned one. It's not even painted. I sighed.

At least, I have to try it out.

I walked towards the metal door and pushed it open. It opened with a creaking noise and I won't lie, I got scared a little.

I walked further down the hallway and a man in a white shirt and black trousers suddenly appeared in front of me. I jumped back a little and shrieked.

I held my hand against my chest when I saw that he was a human being

"What do you want?", his voice is deep, so I looked up at him curiously

He is huge and he has a frown on his face. No explanation, he looked scary.

I stared at him for a while before gathering all the courage left in me

"I- I am looking for Bi- Big Joe", I stammered and cussed inwardly at myself.

He looked at me from top to bottom disgustingly and I got more scared

What if they do not call him Big Joe? What if it's a crime to call him that if you are not acquainted with him?

I gulped as I looked back at him and found out that he was staring at me

I should have probably listened to Joanna. Meeting William can not be as bad and scary as this, can it?

I saw his hand move and I bent down, with my hand over my head.

"Third room on the right?", he said and I looked up at him

He was pointing in the direction just a little more down the hallway

"Tha-", I was about to thank him when he passed by me and hit my left side body with his body

'Okay, we are making progress, I breathed out loud and walked down the hallway

How do these people stay here anyways? All the bulbs are almost out, making the hallway very dark and creepy

I rubbed my upper arm where goosebumps are already threatening to pop up.

I held my small cross purse tightly before knocking on the door.

The door opened immediately and a guy who was much more huge and thick than the one I just met showed up.

"Hi", I said nervously in a pitched voice

So not my voice. I coughed

"Come in", someone said from inside and I walked in

I had thought the one by the door was big Joe due to his size but it did not seem so.

As I walked in, I came face to face with a man on a black leather cushion chair. I guess he is the boss. He is big Joe.

Only that he is not big at all, such an irony to his name. I almost smirked.

He is slender but not too much and he has strands of grey hair on his head and mustache. His face looks so rough too.

"What can I do for you?", he asked and I held my cross purse tightly again

"I need to find someone", I replied and he stared at me for a while before standing up.

I moved to the back a little when he did that.

"Have your seat, please", he said gesturing to the black leather cushion that was a little bit farther from his table.

I nodded and took my seat. I looked around the room for a while.

It was light compared to the hallway and I noticed all the window blinds were pulled down. Weird. He could just open the window and switch off the electric bulb, you know.

Behind his leather chair is a painting of a woman in black and grey color

I looked opposite me at the leather cushion just like the one I was sitting on right now.

There is a lot of space behind the cushion, then there is an air vent just up, almost reaching the ceiling

"Do you mind expatiating what you've just said, Miss-", he said as he took his seat in front of me, stopping my observation

"Veronica", I quickly lied

I can't risk putting down my details. What if they are not able to find my parents and brother's murderer and they have all of my details? I don't even know who I am dealing with!

"Miss Veronica, let's talk business", he said and I nodded

"So, who exactly are you trying to find?", he asked

I looked back and saw the huge man who had opened the door for me, standing in front of the wall not far from the door with a straight face. He is not even looking at us.

"Oh, it's nothing. You can say whatever you want, he won't tell anyone. Here at the organization, we don't share other client's information with people", big Joe said with a crooked smile and I stared at him.

"Ten years ago, my pa- father borrowed a huge sum from a renowned loan shark company. The money was much and we weren't living well at that time, so my father took longer than expected to pay back. He worked hard to build his company and by the time he had the money, the loan sharks had placed a lot of interest on it. With the only money we had, my father managed to pay them back, even with the interest on it. Then, one day, someone barged into our house, lots of men in black suits. My father, mother, and brother were killed and I somehow managed to escape but before I did, I had a glimpse of what their leader looked like and since then, I have been looking for him", I explained.

"Why are you looking for him?", big Joe asked me.

"He has to pay for what he did. My father had paid back his money. I just want to know why he had to ki- kill them a- again after that", I said, almost in tears and big Joe just nodded

"Do you remember what this man looks like?", he asked me, and oh! Yes, I do

"He has a long scar across his face from his- I think right side of his nose, just below his right eye, down to the underneath of his right ear", I explained as my eyebrow furrowed

"Okay, is there anything else?", big Joe asked and I shook my head regretfully.

"Come back in three days, we would have your answer by then", big Joe said, standing up

I guess it's the end of the conversation

"The money-", I started but he quickly cut me short rudely.

"We will talk about that when we have your answers", he replied and I nodded.

"Okay", I said and turned to leave.

"It was nice meeting you, Miss Veronica", he said with a crooked smile and I tried to act like a businesswoman as well.

"The pleasure is all mine", I replied and walked towards the door.

Big Joe's POV

She was here. She was right here and she wants to leave? Oh, that will not be possible.

The 'boss' has been looking for her for quite a while now and I would just let her slip right through my nose? Not possible.

I signaled to the man beside the door and he nodded back at me in understanding.

I watch him hit her behind the neck and she fainted instantly.

I brought out my phone with a grin on my face and dialed his burner phone.

"We found her", I said shortly and I could hear the chuckle at the other end of the phone before the beep followed.

"Lock her up in the workshop, they would come to get her soon", I said to my assistant and he nodded at me.

He is a man of few words.

He carried her up from the ground with her purse dangling around her body and threw her against his shoulder like a sac of potatoes.

It's not my business anymore. The important thing is that I am the one who has found her. It's all going to be in my favor.

I grinned again as I made my way to my black leather chair.

William's POV

"We are here sir", I heard Scott say and I opened my eyes.

I pulled off my suit jacket and looked out.

I stepped out first and Scott followed after. We had not walked for long when I heard Scott's voice.

"Sir", he called.

I rolled my eyes in frustration before turning to look at him.

"Is that not the lady from that day?", he asked pointing towards the side direction.

I turned to look at the side with my hands in my pocket and truth be told, I was a little surprised.

She was dangling over a huge man's shoulder. Seems she has passed out.

What is she doing here anyways?

My brain suddenly flashed with the memories of her and my eyes darkened with a frown.

She got herself into trouble, it's none of my business.

"Ignore her", I replied with a frown and continued walking.

I could see Scott's surprised face but I do not care. She is not any of my business in any way.

* * *

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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