Tycoon is Hen-pecked/C24 Don't be polite
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Tycoon is Hen-pecked/C24 Don't be polite
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C24 Don't be polite

Zuo Zixian's thoughts were attracted by his family's furnishings, and he momentarily let go of what he had just experienced.

She only came back to her senses when a cup of hot tea was handed to her.

"This is Argentine madai tea. It would be good for you to drink it." His voice was distant but gentle.

Zuo Zixian did not refuse, and Ma Dai Cha was one of the people she had always wanted to try, it was just that she had never had the chance to taste the real thing before.

She took a tentative sip and discovered that the temperature was just right. She then took another big gulp. Her stomach felt much better and her entire spirit felt better.

"Thank you." She spoke to him in a very low voice, with a hint of bewilderment in her gentle voice.

In fact, she really didn't know what to do next. She hadn't been prepared for being suddenly brought to his house.

Although Ling Yi Heng had said that he was here to deal with her sorry state, they had only known each other for a short period of time, so she still felt a little awkward.

When she thought about what they had done in her room at home in France, her face reddened and she felt embarrassed.

However, the man before her was currently staring at her without concealing anything. Such a direct and naked gaze made her feel like there was nothing she could hide from him.

"Don't ever say thank you to me again." He looked at her steadily, almost authoritatively.

His words were like a leaf that silently fell on the surface of a lake that was as smooth as a mirror. Inadvertently, a ripple appeared in the lake of her heart, light yet shocking at the same time.

With great difficulty, she managed to calm her thumping heart before slowly lifting her lowered head to hide her slightly flushed cheeks. "I am just being polite."

Zuo Zixian told himself in his heart, that this was actually a very pure transaction between them, and that she was helping him act the unmarried couple for the sake of their family's winery. It's not like she was really in love with him, it's better if she didn't have too many thoughts.

"I don't want your manners." The man did not hesitate to refuse, not in the face of this completely meaningless formalism.

"If you want to thank me, you might as well do something practical." That pair of black eyes were locked onto her like cold stars. Her sexy thin lips curved into a smile that was not a smile, and her eyes carried a dangerous intent of aggression.

His beautiful eyes were deadly attractive, but they also possessed a terrifying power.

Zuo Ziwang subconsciously took a step back, his white jade face flushed red, and he quickly turned his head to the side, seemingly trying to escape from his words.

But how could a man give her the chance to escape? What he wanted, he had to have. What's more, this girl had delivered herself to him.

Ling Yi Heng suddenly approached Zuo Zixian's face, and when she finally reacted, that handsome face of hers had already magnified several times in front of her.

Before she could open her mouth, the man's slender fingers had already caressed her lips. He used a slow force to lightly touch her lips, causing her to feel a chill coming from her fingertips. Her body also tensed up.

"You know what I want, don't you?" His voice was filled with temptation, like the midnight mana of a jeweled flower. It had the power to move a person's heart, but it was also fatal.

Zuo Zixian widened his eyes as his eyelashes fluttered rapidly. For a moment, he didn't know what to do.

"Now, I can't. I …"

Before she could finish her sentence, she was pushed onto the sofa by the man's arms. Her body couldn't escape his confinement.

Just as she was about to struggle free, a sharp female voice suddenly came from outside, followed by the sound of high heels on the ground.

"Ling Yiheng, are you there? I've come to find you. "

Zuo Zi Wu had ears, so he naturally knew that the people outside were calling him.

"Hey, someone's looking for us …"

Before she could finish her sentence, Ling Yiheng gave her a silent gesture, with eyes as cold as a painting, and said in a low voice, "Help me deal with that woman outside, with my identity as a woman."

Zuo Zixian was stunned, but then he remembered that he promised to help him deal with these things.

Helpless, she could only accept her fate.

He quickly stood up and casually combed through his hair to make sure it wasn't too messy. However, she looked at herself and saw that her clothes were tattered and torn from running away.

The man saw through her thoughts and immediately took a piece of his clothes from the side and draped it over her body.

It was a very simple housedress, but it had a faint scent of creamy fruit perfume.

She pulled her clothes up to cover the mess beneath her and went to the door before the doorbell rang.

"Ling Yiheng? Are you there? " It was a probing question with a soft and gentle voice.

Ling Yiheng glared at Zuo Zixian, indicating that she should do as he said. Zuo Zizhen's nervous hands were shaking, but when he saw the faint fire burning in the man's eyes, he bit the bullet and opened the door.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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