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Jiuhe, who had been thrown onto the ground, was covered in blood and his face was twisted.

That terrifying injury silently told him what kind of torture and torture he had suffered before he died, and also reminded everyone in the courtyard of different thoughts.

The King Su Feng Jiu Li was not to be trifled with, it had never been just a rumor!

With Feng Jiu Li's methods, if he wanted to know more about the situation, he could make Jiu Nan's death look better. However, he chose not to do that.

This was a warning, a warning to Feng Qiu about how to use and scheme against him.

"Ninth brother is really mighty!" Feng Qiu was both alarmed and angry. However, Feng Jiu Li merely glanced at her indifferently, and the look in her eyes made her afraid to use her mouth to ridicule and reprimand him angrily.

She finally felt some regret.

It was originally just a small matter of closing up to take care of Tang Qing and her sister. It wasn't a big deal if she failed, but she foolishly schemed against Feng Jiu Li at that moment, but it seemed to be counterproductive!

Feng Jiu Li did not go along with his plans to take care of Tang Su, but became suspicious of Tang Qing's identity instead, what should he do?

As Feng Qiu thought of this, she momentarily felt ashamed and angry at Feng Jiu Li's playfulness, but also worried that he would continue to investigate because of curiosity. She couldn't help but have a change in expression, as she was unable to make up her mind.

Feng Jiu Li had been staring at Feng Qiu the entire time, so he naturally saw her expression. The doubt that was originally in his heart was now raised to five points.

Back then, Feng Qiu did not care about the opposition of marrying Tang Tian De, and even became her concubine. She had completely humiliated the imperial family, so everyone in the capital knew a little about the background of Tang Tian De, who was originally supposed to be a Kuntz.

The Kuntz was not born from a big family, and had some martial arts background instead. The reason the Rong Nation Palace agreed to this marriage of her second son's was also because of the favor the Kuntz had given to Tang Tian De to save her life.

Could it be that Feng Qiu was afraid of the Kun family behind the Kuntz? But if the Kun family truly had power, it couldn't be that they would only appear once every ten years, right?

Could it be that this Kun family had some sort of agreement with him?

While he was thinking about it, a few parts of his mind flashed, as if someone had mentioned this Kuntz before. However, after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be something that happened a long, long time ago ?

Feng Qiu saw Feng Jiu Li frowning and deep in thought, his heart suddenly sank. The hand in his sleeves tightened, a trace of killing intent flashed past his eyes.

It was just that Feng Qiu was barely able to maintain her calm, but Liu Er did not have that ability. No matter how scheming she was, she had never seen such a bloody scene.

She was nearly scared to the point of peeing her pants when she heard from her this morning that "in the future, you will have to help me when you become a young lady."

Seeing that no one made a sound and Feng Qiu did not move at all, she crawled and tumbled until she reached Feng Qiu's feet, grabbed onto the corner of her clothes, and begged while raising her head: "Grand Princess! Save, save me! Dead, dead! A dead man! I... I am afraid! "

At this time, Feng Qiu was thinking about who she should kill to hide her secret. Seeing Liu Er rushing towards him, the sinister look in her eyes immediately disappeared.

Liu Er was so frightened by the killing intent in her eyes that she started to shiver. Then, she subconsciously felt Feng Qiu's kick.

She raised her head and coincidentally met Jiu Zun's gaze!


She scrambled backward, screaming in terror.

"Slut!" Shut up! " Feng Qiu was annoyed to the point that her head hurt, but her gaze immediately became sharper: "Someone, come! Help her to rest! "

Liu Er's voice paused for a moment, and after a series of shock, and after seeing that someone had come to capture him again, she instantly fell into a state of complete collapse and panic.

Tang Qing who was leaning on Tang Su's chest frowned, almost indiscernible, as though he had been quarreled with by a sharp voice.

Tang Su carefully covered her ears, his thin and small body feeling extremely tired from leaning on his sister's round body, but he still pursed his lips, not showing any signs of moving at all.

Tang Qing could not open her eyes, nor could she move, but she gradually regained her consciousness.

She knew that the situation had escalated to what point after hearing it for a while. With regards to King Su Feng Jiu Li, she unconsciously looked up to him again ? ? This person had truly used the chess piece that she had meticulously crafted to its limits!

She had merely given him two incomprehensible orders, but he had achieved 120% of his original plan!

How could she not see that Feng Qiu was not kind to her and Tang Su when she had gone through so much trouble to arrange Liu Er for him?

Just how much of an impact Liu Er had on him in the past would cause him to be covered in dirt and grime today.

She spent nearly an hour to insert needles into Liu Er, stimulate the flow of her blood, and feed him hallucinatory berries. All of these things were to make her anxious and irritable, anxious and restless.

After that, as long as she received enough stimulation and fright, she would completely lose her sense of propriety. After that, as long as she received enough shock and fear, she would completely lose her sense of propriety.

Hiding it meant that someone found out about the fear in her heart, and this fear could only be vented by announcing the secret to the mouth. Therefore, Liu Er subconsciously protected herself, letting her pour out the secret at the bottom of her heart.

In some ways, Feng Jiu Li had helped her once again!

Feng Jiu Li, who was observing coldly from the side, suddenly turned his head to look at Tang Qing.

Thinking about this girl's personality, which did not match her outer appearance, he did not find it annoying. Instead, he really wanted to see what her fighting strength would be like after she recovered.

Seeing how Feng Qiu was staring at Liu Er, he could tell that Liu Er had some kind of secret on him.

Therefore, the reason he asked him to scare Liu Er ?

He squinted his eyes and looked at Liu Er who was on the verge of collapsing, her lazy gaze suddenly changed.

Those sharp eyes stared coldly at Liu Er, and then released all of their killing intent.

Liu Er's body trembled, she could not help but turn to look at the source of the killing intent, with just a glance, she could see mountains of corpses and seas of blood!


"No, no, no! You can't kill me! No! I am not a servant! I am a lady of noble status! You can't kill me! "

"I am the direct daughter of the Jing Zhao Mansion's Palace Head, and I am the biological daughter of Feng Jian! My mother is a County Owner! You can't kill me! "No way!"

When Liu Er said this, everyone was shocked.

Feng Qiu's face changed drastically, her tone becoming even more fierce: "Quickly grab this nonsense!"

Liu Er was already afraid, but after seeing the fierce expressions of the servants, she had broken down, and seeing that she could not escape, she started to yell with her bloodshot eyes widened.

"Princess, you want to destroy the bridge after crossing the river? Don't even think about it! "

"I've already said that when the time comes, I will scheme that the slut who is replacing me will become Third Young Master's concubine, and I will become the Tang Family's proper Young Mistress! If it wasn't for the agreement, how would I have schemed against the Third Young Master? "

"I'll tell you! I've done so many things for you guys, but you were the ones who killed people and set fires. I'm only responsible for sending you messages, don't you think you can make me take the blame for you! "

"The imperial newspaper, Kaiser ordered, the imperial guards were to be mobilized ? This information is only available to you because of me. You want to renege? "No way!"

"I also have the evidence of you selling the position of an official! Hmph, trying to get past me and throw me away? You can try! "

? ?.

Liu Er's words were a mess and completely illogical, but everyone could clearly hear something extraordinary from it.

Feng Qiu grabbed Qiu Ming's arm, and stood with her back stiffened, her face pale white as she clenched her teeth, feeling her entire body go cold.

The Dazhi was extremely generous to women, and was not as strict with them as the previous dynasties. However, he would definitely not allow Di Ji to spy on him!

She, as a princess, had actually spied on Jing Zhao Mansion, who had an overview of the capital's affairs, and even joined up with Feng Jian, the governor of Jing Zhao Mansion's residence, to buy and sell officials.

"Nonsense! This is nonsense! " Holding in a breath, Feng Qiu pointed at Liu Er, doing her best to calm her voice down: "Kill this slut who dared to accuse my master!"

Liu Er suddenly took a step back, ruthlessly clawing at her two wives as she struggled out.

"Hmph, you schemed against Tang Qing, and even let me secretly kill Tang Su, pah! A little bastard is worth the trouble! You want to kill me to keep your mouth shut with this kind of ability? My mother is a County Owner, my father is a second grade official! You want to kill me? "No way!"

She sneered and pounced over while screaming in pain, leaving five bloody scratches on Feng Qiu's neck.



The group of maids and wives rushed forward to save the man in panic, as it was a complete mess.

Feng Qiu trembled as she covered her bloody neck with her hands and kept on shouting, "Kill her! Kill her immediately! "

However, no one dared to move.

Because everyone saw, that the first wife who ruthlessly kicked Liu Er in the stomach, had her leg broken by Feng Jiu Li!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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