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In the hall a month ago, Tang Qing acted like a threat to Tang Tian De, and now that Tang Qing had an intense attitude towards him, Tang Qian Yu felt that something was wrong.

After she failed to plot against Tang Qing today, she became more vigilant, and started to pay more attention to her various movements.

If Tang Qing took today's matter to mean that he had deceived her and violated the rules, then it would mean that Tang Qing had placed her and Feng Qiu in a place to be wary of.

However, if he was not prepared for it, Tang Qian Yu would be even more cautious ? only by pretending to be magnanimous, would he be able to perfect his magnanimity.

Tang Qian Yu did not believe that Tang Qing could be so magnanimous, not caring about her own gains and losses, and not care about the little bastard Tang Su being schemed against.

However, as she stared closely at Tang Qing's face, she saw that, other than seriousness and stubbornness, Tang Qing did not reveal any traces of resentment or doubt.

"What does sister think?" Tang Qian Yu sincerely asked: "Can you tell me?"

Tang Qing's face was equally serious. She said, "I know mother cares about me, but mother cares about me, so I have to be accountable to mother as well. I definitely won't be as fat as a fish when Mother is with Ru Su."

She paused before adding, "Naturally, there are other reasons as well ? palace mama has been teaching me the rules recently. "

Tang Qian Yu did not ignore the caution that flashed past Tang Qing's eyes. Her heart relaxed, and her tensed nerves loosened up just from Tang Qing's attitude.

There were no complaints nor did he resent himself and his mother. However, his actions were even more cautious than before. This attitude was not abnormal at all.

Tang Qian Yu revealed a smile, and said emotionally: "Elder sister is truly filial to her mother, if not for her health, she would have to accompany mother Ru Su. If I was an older sister, I would have definitely forgotten something after being frightened by Uncle King Su. "

Tang Qing lowered her head, "This is nothing. Also, my poor health is my own problem, it has nothing to do with the King Su. "

She spoke very quickly, and the more she emphasized it, the more she cared.

Tang Qian Yu thought about the threats that Feng Jiu Li had made to his mother before he left and did not dare to say more. He only revealed a relaxed smile and wrapped his arms around Tang Qing.

It is indeed not good for you not to listen to her, but you have to remember, we are a family, a family, and those formalities are not meant to be used to deal with one's own family. "Su Yun said in a low voice.

Tang Qing nodded, and revealed a moved expression.

She seemed to be moved by Tang Qian Yu's words and was extremely dissatisfied with palace mama, but her words did not reveal the slightest bit.

Tang Qian Yu wanted to see the attitude she had towards her and Feng Qiu, so she showed her the appropriate attitude, and Tang Qian Yu wanted to see her views towards palace mama and King Su, so she gave her the attitude that she wanted to see the most.

At the same time, she also received the information she wanted.

For example, what Tang Qian Yu said just now.

"Kitchen has always had a rule for cooking, especially my sister's food, which has been meticulously prepared.

I heard from my mother that my sister's health wasn't good when she was young, so she always had a menu when she eats. palace mama had privately changed my sister's menu, it was really too much! "

From beginning to end, she had only covered the matter of the meals. It was obvious that she was assured that Tang Qing had not eaten her fill during this one month.

Recently, palace mama had been helping him recuperate his body and controlling his own appetite. The rest of the food had been eaten by palace mama.

In order to not attract anyone's attention, other than her and palace mama, only the two maidservants who were chosen to stay in the room knew of this matter.

One could imagine where the voice transmission tube was.

Tang Qian Yu had always known that Tang Qing liked to eat food, so she kept on instigating and instigating with his food in an attempt to arouse Tang Qing's dissatisfaction.

Seeing that Tang Qing was becoming increasingly silent, she clenched her fists and whispered to him.

I will definitely not watch my sister suffer. After a few days, when I enter the palace and meet Esteemed Empress Dowager, Grand Imperial Concubine, I will definitely plead for my elder sister on her behalf and not let others make things difficult for you!

A trace of ink flashed past Tang Qing's eyes, and she inwardly praised Tang Qian Yu's cleverness.

The palace mama was personally sent to Tang Qing by Feng Jiu Li. The only person who could move the palace mama aside from Feng Jiu Li, was Tang Qing.

As long as Tang Qing was not afraid of offending Feng Jiu Li, with a single word, her body would be fine and she would be able to take palace mama away.

If Tang Qing truly thought that Tang Qian Yu was doing this for her own good, and had foolishly listened to him.

The nobles of the palace would think that she did not know what was good for her, and Feng Jiu Li would definitely be offended by her, too.

This was a good plan that could kill several birds with one stone.

Considering Tang Qian Yu's age now, to be able to think of all these could be considered very terrifying.

Tang Qian Yu saw that Tang Qing did not make a sound, and could not help but look at her curiously: "What's wrong with elder sister? "Don't you believe me?"

Tang Qing immediately shook her head, she was moved yet helplessly said: "I know that you are doing this for my own good, but, how can I implicate you in my own matters? If His Royal Highness the Prince finds out about this, he will definitely blame us for chasing her people away. "

Tang Qian Yu cried out, and said depressingly: Since I gave it to you, it's yours, it doesn't matter what you say, Uncle King Su will not blame you!

Tang Qing only pretended that he did not understand what she said. Tang Qian Yu wanted Tang Qing to remember all the things that offended people, but Tang Qing simply added everything else to the story.

The two talked like chickens and ducks for a long time. Tang Qian Yu didn't dare to let Tang Qing tell the Empress Dowager in the palace just like that, if Tang Qing really became stupid and brought this matter up with the Prince Consort's Mansion, then the one who would be in trouble would be him.

She was angry at Tang Qing's stupidity, but she still had to reveal a moved expression.

"We are blood-related sisters, helping big sister is nothing, but it's a pity that I'm being gentle, even if I did say it, the nobles in the palace wouldn't dare to offend Uncle King Su.

But it doesn't matter, even if I can't get palace mama to leave, I will always be with big sister. If I see big sister being bullied, I will definitely help big sister!

In the future, if your sister suffers, you must tell me so that I can help you vent your anger. I'm the closest person to my sister. She should believe me, shouldn't she?

Our relationship has always been good since we were young. If I had anything good, I would like to gift it to big sister. Even I, the Elder Brother Li, am also ? "

She suddenly stopped and pursed her lips in embarrassment, as if she was a little girl who accidentally revealed their little secret. She looked at Tang Qing and secretly smiled.

Tang Qing's entire body shivered from her mocking smile, she slowly lowered her head, and replied in a very low voice: "Un, I always knew how caring my sister was towards me, I always listened to my sister."

No one saw the color of blood slowly rise up from her eyes, nor did anyone see her slightly raised lips, revealing an extremely cold and thin smile.

She clearly remembered Tang Qian Yu's feelings for her, and also clearly remembered the Elder Brother Li that she had given in to.

She suddenly felt a shiver coming from the depths of her soul ? it was an irrepressible desire, an unending clamor of desire.

She suddenly looked forward to Li Fei Yun's return and especially hoped to see the two of them pretending to be together again.

She wanted to see how the two of them acted in front of her face, and how they planned to deceive her ?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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