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To be honest, Tang Qing liked the box with the fat goldfish more.

It's real gold in there.

A pure gold step, flowers and birds flying about, elegant and noble.

Back then, Tang Qing did not understand, and she did not directly look at it like she did today.

At that time, she was completely ridiculed by everyone in the capital but Li Fei Yun, who gave her such a huge gift from such a long distance away. She was truly touched.

However, today she was no longer an ignorant girl. She had seen too much and understood that as long as one was willing to spend money, one could buy a lot of them in any gold shop on the street.

Tang Qing chuckled, caressing the petals of the lotus, his smile looked happy, but it was actually a little strange.

She wanted to take care of Li Fei Yun, but she didn't want to be involved, because it wasn't worth it.

"What are you laughing at, sister?" Tang Qian Yu, who was talking to Shen Qian He, turned his head and looked at her.

"Nothing." Tang Qing shook her head and then placed the jade lotus into the box. She then placed it in Tang Qian Yu's hand and took down the other box.

"Elder sister doesn't like the present Elder Brother Li gave to elder sister?" Tang Qian Yu looked at Tang Qing in shock.

Shen Qian He, who was at the side, was stunned as he looked at Tang Qing. When he saw that Tang Qing had revealed a smile after taking a few steps forward, he could not help but frown and pursed his lips.

"My sister is so stupid. It's obviously your gift. That golden step is mine. " Tang Qing laughed and shook her head, she then extended his hand and took a few steps, as though she liked it.

She stretched out her hand and took out that swaying step. She narrowed her eyes and weighed it in her hand. Unexpectedly, it was not light at all.

If this thing was fused together, there would probably be a small piece of gold. In exchange, it would also be around a hundred taels of silver. This coincidentally matched her intention to use the money!

Tang Qian Yu embarrassedly covered her lips, as if she did not expect Tang Qing to have such an embarrassing performance.

Tang Qing turned a blind eye to her and Shen Qian He's contempt, and was only preparing to take the things over to the palace mama to help them deal with.

Jin Bu shook this thing looked vulgar, but firstly, it was worth the money, and secondly, it was safer than the jade pendant that could easily be used as a token of love.

This jade lotus was different from the previous life. Those who knew about it now would know that Li Fei Yun had bought it.

She never had much confidence in Li Fei Yun's moral integrity, if these people really wanted his to enter the Li Family, this Jade Lotus might become a weakness.

Tang Qian Yu's eyelashes trembled, she was about to say something, but Tang Qing smiled and interrupted her.

"I've often heard him say that my younger sister is as clean as a lotus, untainted by dirt or anything like that. When he sent over that beautiful lotus flower, you were actually so foolish as to give it to me."

Tang Qing smiled strangely, as if he had seen through the relationship between her and Li Fei Yun, shocking Tang Qian Yu even more.

Tang Qian Yu clearly remembered that half a year ago, before Li Fei Yun had set off, Tang Qing had already started to somewhat like him.

"How can big sister say that? Elder Brother Li and I are siblings, how could ?"

"Sigh!" "You guys first, I saw my third sister and fourth sister. I'll go first, hurry up." Tang Qing suddenly turned his head to the side and looked outside, a smile appearing on his face. He waved towards the two of them, then turned around and left.

Tang Qian Yu frowned as she watched Tang Qing jogging out before entering the courtyard with Tang Qian Meng and Tang Qian Yun.

"Second Miss." Shen Qian He asked solemnly: "Is there anything you need this subordinate to say to Young Marshal?"

"I do indeed have some words to say to the Elder Brother Li."

Tang Qian Yu nodded her head, and said with a heavy voice: "Go and tell Elder Brother Li, if there's nothing else, come back soon. There seems to be something wrong with my sister recently, I keep having the feeling that her attitude towards Uncle King Su is a little strange. "

Shen Qian He's expression congealed, and then, his expressionless face suddenly revealed a trace of a strange expression.

Tang Qian Yu knew what he was thinking, but she had the same thought when she said those words.

Firstly, Tang Qing has such thoughts about the King Su, his courage deserves praise.

Second, to even dare to climb so high up into the King Su, Tang Qing must really have eaten the guts of a leopard.

Tang Qian Yu chuckled, "How would men like you know what's going on in your daughter's mind?"

She slightly frowned, as if she was a goddess that would cause others to feel tender affection towards her.

"Even though my sister's neck was injured by my uncle King Su later on, he still saved Tang Su once before and helped my sister vent her anger quite a few times. Women will always have some strange feelings towards men who have saved their lives. "

"If that's the case..." Shen Qian He nodded, indicating that he understood.

Tang Qian Yu laughed again, "You better tell Elder Brother Li as soon as possible. Uncle King Su has even sent someone to keep an eye on big sister, if he comes back late, this person might not even be his."

Shen Qian He's expression immediately darkened, his face revealing a serious look, he nodded his head, and immediately left.

Tang Qian Yu smiled as she touched her own face. Even though it was already bright and clean, she could still clearly remember the pain that day when she was injured.

Her expression turned increasingly cold.

She didn't have any evidence to prove that Tang Qing had become a little different. Looking at him today, she still couldn't see any difference other than that her actions had become a little extreme.

However, she stubbornly believed that Tang Qing had become different.

This difference might be real, it might just be an illusion, but what did it matter? Since she thought so, she must use some means to deal with her beloved older sister.

Men like Li Fei Yun always liked to have everything in their hands.

Even if he did not like Tang Qing, when the Li Family told him that he had to take care of Tang Qing, Tang Qing had already become his subordinate, and even if she were to be destroyed, no one else could touch him.

He had already humiliated himself and played with Tang Qing for a long time, how could he allow her to leave?

As for the news that he had just mentioned, would it be that the Elder Brother Li would do something bad to his sister ?

Hehe, it wasn't her doing, even if Tang Qing had to blame it on her, it wasn't.

Looking at it from left and right, Big Sister seems to be even worse off than before. Based on Elder Brother Li's character, if he were to see his current Big Sister, even if he ate her, there probably wouldn't be anything he would be unwilling to do.

That's good.

It would be best if they could first make Tang Qing's stomach bigger, and then marry into the Li Family after making trouble for him.

At that time, whether Tang Qing would be alive or dead, wasn't it still up to them to decide?

Mother was still a little too merciful. Rather than slowly scheming against Tang Qing's reputation, it would be better to ruin her reputation in an instant.

At that time, no matter if it was the Li Family or the Tang Family, they would have truly grasped Tang Qing's life vein.

In the Dazhi, what did a woman who lost her reputation count for?

As for Tang Su, that little playboy, he was even less concerned.

As long as he could hold onto Tang Qing, how could he be afraid that the little popinjay wouldn't listen to him?

Just a simple trick would be enough to kill him.

"It's time to talk to mom. She's always so soft-hearted, and she's also being watched by a lot of people. Why don't you let me do it?"

Tang Qian Yu chuckled and once again touched his face. His face had a gentle smile, but her eyes were sinister ? ?

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