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After that exciting quarrel with the Kitchen back then, the entire Kitchen was especially interested in Tang Qing's food.

Even though they were all green vegetables and tofu, they were not lacking at all. At most, they were only lacking in terms of materials used and the production process.

However, Tang Qing could not say anything about this matter.

She couldn't go and argue with Kitchen, why her boiled water cabbage was boiled water, and not soup.

Unless Tang Qing had money and could afford to cook, she would have to continue eating.

This was the result of not having anyone in the mansion.

It was because he knew his own situation, even if he did not like it, Tang Qing still looked calm as he ate all the food seriously.

As long as he didn't starve her, she didn't really have much of a request.

This situation continued all the way until the fifth day when Tang Qing suddenly recalled something similar.

She remembered that back then she had heard the Madonna mention a method to harm people. At first, it wasn't used to harm people, but a small matter came from the sea.

But later on, she skillfully changed this small matter and helped some of the madams and mistresses to tidy up a few people.

There were fishing boats at sea, going deep into the sea, leaving the ship year after year.

The sailors who lived on the ship would lose their strength very soon if they were unlucky enough to be swept away by the storm. One reason was because they lacked water while the other was because they did not have enough salt to eat.

In addition to these, if they ate rice all year round without vegetables, they would also suffer from another incurable disease, and many people would even lose their lives because of this.

This was the first time Tang Qing knew that salt was not as simple as seasoning. It had been a long time since she had eaten salt, it had caused her body to become swollen.

Not eating vegetables, on the other hand, could cause illness.

In the past five days, Tang Qing, who had just finished recuperating, felt that something was wrong, but she could not think of a reason.

It was only today that she had eaten the food and discovered that the food seemed to have become a little lighter than the day before. Only then did she feel that something was amiss.

She called palace mama over to have a taste, and palace mama immediately realized that something was wrong ? In those dishes, at least half of the salt that should have been placed would have been gone.

Tang Qing had not been able to eat it since, probably because Kitchen had been slowly reducing the amount of salt in her dishes.

Because it did not suddenly decrease in size, Tang Qing did not notice that the dishes had become lighter by so much.

It had only been five days, and she already felt her limbs were weak. If she could hold on for a few more days, she would get an indescribable disease and no one would know what was happening.

"What is Miss going to do?" palace mama asked softly.

Tang Qing laughed, and then laughed mysteriously, and only hooked her fingers at palace mama. Then, she took a pen and paper and drew a plant with fat leaves.

"If Senior is free, then help me find this." Tang Qing said.

palace mama lowered her head to look, and then looked at her with surprise: "Black Sieve Vine?"

"Does mama know?" Tang Qing smiled as she nodded her head, her shiny black eyes shining with a light that caused people's scalps to go numb despite her malicious intent.

"I feel that if I were to pay my respects to Buddha, I should go earlier. There are so many vengeful spirits in this mansion, it would be bad if I stayed any longer."

The black vine was actually a type of vine that liked to grow in dark corners.

This type of plant was not that rare, and was often used as an auxiliary medicine. The main effect was to calm one's mind, but if used in quantity, it would cause one to fall into a deep slumber.

Tang Qing wanted this, obviously for some good reason.

But when palace mama saw her smiling at him, she felt that she could not reject him. Similarly, she could not reject him either.

palace mama was someone who liked to see people's hearts and hearts. The moment she was brought to Prince Consort's Mansion by Feng Jiu Li and saw Tang Qing, she knew that this girl was the same type of person as Feng Jiu Li.

At the same time, she understood that Tang Qing had quite a bit of trust in Feng Jiu Li.

It was precisely because of this mysterious trust that Tang Qing believed in him.

So, even if she was now Tang Qing's person, if she did the wrong thing, perhaps she would not be the only one who would give birth to a bad feeling in Tang Qing.

She had clearly left the Prince Su's Mansion, but it seemed like she could implicate Feng Jiu Li from a strange angle.

This was an extremely strange logic, but palace mama found it very interesting.

"It just so happens that there will be a temple fair tomorrow. I expect that Second Miss and the others will come and call Miss to go out to play. At that time, I'll help Miss pay attention." If Miss still has anything else that you need, why don't you write it down and I will buy it as well. " The palace mama said with a chuckle.

Tang Qing squinted at her and they smiled at each other. It looked like they really knew each other.

On the morning of the second day, Tang Qing lazily woke up. As expected, Tang Qian Yu had brought her little sisters along as well.

When they came in, Tang Qing was lazily nestling in a chair. Her hands and feet were curled up, and her hands were white and tender, looking like a ball of glutinous rice.

"Why are you acting like this so early in the morning? But did you not sleep well? " Tang Qian Yu asked in surprise.

"Hmm, I've been feeling a bit tired recently. I'm too lazy and don't have any strength left." Tang Qing frowned slightly as she moved her hands and feet.

"Aiya, it must be because there aren't many events, and today just so happens to be a temple fair. Elder sister is going with us, so we can probably relax a bit." Tang Qian Yu immediately laughed and said.

Tang Qing shook her head in her heart. If she hadn't discovered anything and went out to play crazily for a day, by the time she returned, she would be completely exhausted.

Afterwards, he would eat a meal without any salt for a few days. After that, it was unknown whether he would be able to follow the people from the mansion to the outskirts.

If she was really left behind, it would be too easy for something to happen. She reckoned that Feng Qiu and Tang Qian Yu would even dare to directly remove her reputation and reputation.

"Big sister doesn't want to go?" Tang Qian Yu revealed a regretful expression, "Go, go. We haven't been out for a long time. I don't know if we'll still have a chance in the future."

"Big sister, let's go together." Tang Qian Zi advised.

Tang Qian Meng and Tang Qian Yun did not know that they were both young girls who had grown up, and were obviously looking forward to today's events, so they also tried to advise against it.

Tang Qing found it hard to refuse such kindness, and after hesitating for a moment, she nodded her head.

The five young maidens went out together. Naturally, the mansion would not be at ease, so he called over some people to watch them.

The moment Tang Qing stepped out of the door, he saw Tang Fei Yang standing at the entrance. He was the concubine that gave birth to his elder brother, the father of the child that was in Liu Er's womb!

Tang Fei Yang was twenty-three years old, the perfect age for a man to get angry at the moment.

He had a handsome face with distinct facial lines, sharp features, and a pair of soft, emotional eyes that attracted the most attention of women.

If he was not born out of a concubine, with his talent of being the first in the Prefecture Trial at the age of thirteen, he would definitely be the son-in-law candidate that the entire imperial city wanted.

Unfortunately, he was born from a concubine, and his mother was dead.

"Big brother."

A few young ladies bowed towards Tang Fei Yang as they bowed. When Tang Fei Yang finished speaking to them while nodding his head with a smile, they got on the carriage happily.

Tang Qing still looked lazy, but from the beginning to end, she was still slow.

Tang Qian Zi burst out laughing: "Look at big sister, she's like a cat that's sleeping under the sun, yet was forcefully pulled out for a walk by us."

The others all turned to look at Tang Qing, and immediately felt that Tang Qian Zi was extremely right, and couldn't help but laugh along with him.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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