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Tang Qing did not know about the hand Tang Qian Yu was secretly pushing, if she knew, she could probably understand where Li Fei Yun's strange possessiveness and displeasure came from.

This was just a domineering circle created by a man over his territory.

In his eyes, Tang Qing was probably the same as the concubines in his courtyard. She had already been named by him since a long time ago, so even if he didn't like her, he would definitely not let go of her to become someone else's possession.

If Tang Qing knew about this, she would definitely be unable to hold back her laughter ? How big of a face.

But at the moment, Tang Qing didn't know that Li Fei Yun had misled her and thought that she wanted to climb the wall to Prince Su's Mansion.

As a result, even though he had seen Li Fei Yun and thought of some unpleasant things, Tang Qing was still able to stay calm.

When she walked into a bookstore, and was separated from Tang Qian Yu by a few gaps to read a book.

She had just drawn a book when a big hand grabbed her belt and dragged her into a cubicle. She realized that things were different from what she had initially thought.


An indistinct muffled sound came from between the two of them. It was the sound Tang Qing made when she was pushed against the wall.

The moment Tang Qing's back collided with the wall, Li Fei Yun's body pressed against it, and both their chests were practically stuck together.

Tang Qing immediately raised his hand and pressed it against Yue Yang's chest, pushing his body away through the books.

Li Fei Yun looked down at her, breathing right beside his ear.

Tang Qing clenched the book tightly, and in a split-second, her face immediately turned white.

"Don't be afraid, it's me." Li Fei Yun said softly.

As expected, Tang Qing's body was no longer trembling, but her face was still pale white.

Li Fei Yun thought that he had comforted Tang Qing, but in reality, Tang Qing was only disgusted.

Even now, she could still remember the words Tang Qian Yu said. Ten years, how many brutal nights, how many insults and trampling, how many people ?

All of this was an evil scheme that Li Fei Yun had thought of! Li Fei Yun had given all of this to her personally!

Now that she saw Li Fei Yun, she felt a stifling sensation in her chest. It was as if she wanted to spit out a mouthful of blood, but at the same time, her chest felt empty.

Only after meeting Li Fei Yun personally did she realize how much he hated him.

's betrayal and that kind of scheme that would cause one to feel despair and collapse whenever it was mentioned, made Tang Qian Yu's evilness seem like nothing at all.

When the hand that was tightly held was held, Tang Qing's pupils suddenly contracted. Unable to bear it any longer, she struggled for a bit and fiercely pushed him away.

"Let me go!"

She used almost all of her strength to finally free herself from between Li Fei Yun and the wall.

She no longer raised her head to look at Li Fei Yun, because she was afraid that the hatred in her eyes would uncontrollably pour out.

She didn't dare to stay here any longer, because she was afraid that she would uncontrollably reach for Li Fei Yun's neck in the next moment. Then, she would ruthlessly bite his throat and tear open his throat!

But now was not the time.

She was still too weak.

Li Fei Yun frowned slightly. Just as Tang Qing was about to leave, she took a step forward and once again placed her between the wall and herself.

"Qing Er, are you hiding from me?"

His deep and pleasant voice was very rich, and when he spoke with a low voice, it would give others the illusion that he was filled with a deep sadness and vicissitudes, as though he had been hurt by Tang Qing's actions just now.

Tang Qing knew that everything was fake.

She did not have the ability to harm Li Fei Yun, and perhaps, even the Tang Qian Yu she truly thought she loved in her previous life did not have the ability to harm herself either.

"You ?" Tang Qing turned her head to the side and did not look at him, the blood color in her eyes surged uncontrollably: "What are you trying to do?"

Her voice was trembling slightly, because her expression could not be seen with her head lowered. Li Fei Yun could only see her soft and white cheeks that were as fair as a baby's and her long eyelashes that were slightly trembling.

She looked so charming.

Li Fei Yun laughed in a low voice, as if he wanted to touch Tang Qing's face.

The patience in the bottom of Tang Qing's eyes had run out, and it just so happened that Tang Qian Meng who was outside suddenly called out to her, as if he couldn't find her, and was just about to find her.

"Let me out of here!"

Tang Qing frowned. If anyone saw the two's current movements, the one who would be in trouble would be her.

She suddenly realized that she had still underestimated Li Fei Yun's shamelessness.

This man didn't have any reason to be soft-hearted towards her. He only wanted to hold him in his hands, so he didn't care what method he used to enter the Li family.

Therefore, if he forced Li Fei Yun into a corner, the most likely outcome for him would be him being unreasonably brought into the Li Family, and he might not even get the position of principal wife this time around.

She closed her eyes and forcefully suppressed the blood in them.

Just as she was about to do something bad and ask Li Fei Yun to obediently let go of her, she heard the sound of a sharp sound of wind. Then, Li Fei Yun, who was blocking in front of her, instantly dodged to the side.


A dull thud was heard.

Tang Qing glanced over, only to see a throwing knife sticking close to her ear and piercing into the wall, its entire body embedded into the wall, leaving only the handle.

If Li Fei Yun did not dodge just now, then this blade would have definitely cut off his ear!

Tang Qing squinted her eyes and sneered. Without any hesitation, she opened the curtain in the cubicle and walked out, quickly hiding inside the bookshelves.

"I'm here." She called Tang Qian Meng, who was looking for her everywhere, and waved the book in her hand.

"You scared me. I thought you lost your big sister." Tang Qian Meng's face revealed a relieved expression. Looking at the book in her hands, she could not help but laugh lightly while covering her mouth, "Sister will not forget to eat wherever you go."

Tang Qing lowered her head to look, and saw that she was holding a book about medicinal food and medicine.

She smiled but did not answer.

She did not know what Li Fei Yun would have said to her if she did not have the throwing knife that entered her body randomly, but this sudden event made her completely alert. The Li Family was not easier to escape from than Prince Consort's Mansion.

Li Fei Yun was even more difficult to deal with than she had imagined. She was also in Prince Consort's Mansion and was surrounded by Feng Qiu's men.

"Sister, have you chosen yet? We've already paid the bill. " Tang Qian Yu said while standing at the door.

"Mm. Alright, I'll come right away." Tang Qing responded as he quickly walked to the front counter.

At this moment, she didn't want to be alone at all. It was fortunate that she had restrained her emotions, otherwise, the situation where Li Fei Yun saw through her thoughts and he was unable to take revenge would be terrible for his.

Just as she was about to lower her head and take out the money pouch to pay for it, her vision suddenly dimmed as a tall figure blocked her path.

Her gaze suddenly darkened. Her first impression was that Li Fei Yun had actually chased after her without caring about anything else, but before her eyebrows knitted together, she smelt a sweet fragrance that was barely visible.

She stopped in her tracks.

"Little Fatty Tang, it's only been a month since we last met, and you've already shrunk from a Red Braised Meat to a Glutinous Rice Ball?"

The deep and pleasant voice was like the gentle caress of a spring breeze, and there was a hint of a smile mixed in with a touch of coolness in the tone.

Although this person had ridiculed her and impolitely gave her a nickname, Tang Qing still felt that her extremely irritable mood had been suddenly cured ?

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