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Tang Qing had once heard someone say that the more inferior a person was, the more they would have an extraordinary pride.

She was probably that kind of person.

Hence, she planned to take revenge on the Prince Consort's Mansion and Li Family, and settle old scores with these bitches. But she never thought that she would have to sacrifice her dignity and body for this.

Li Fei Yun became famous at a young age, and started to follow his father to battle on the battlefield at the age of thirteen. His starting point was high, and his talent was good.

Tang Qing knew that her conversation with Feng Jiu Li today would perhaps make Li Fei Yun make up his mind to clear away this obstacle.

Li Fei Yun was a patient person, but at the same time, he was also a swift and decisive person.

Once such a person made up his mind, what he liked to do the most was to cut down the mess quickly. For example, he would use his daughter's family name to scheme against her and keep her in his backyard full of women.

Feng Jiu Li helped her and also ruthlessly cheated her a little, even though it didn't seem to be intentional.

But it couldn't save anything. Tang Qing already had a malicious intent towards him, the kind that didn't want to repay him.

But in the end, she did not say anything, coldly looked at Feng Jiu Li, and then left.

As for how Li Fei Yun would guess the relationship between her and Feng Jiu Li, Tang Qing did not care at all. What she cared more about was what Li Fei Yun would do next.

At this time, inside the bookstore, Feng Jiu Li's mood was unexplainable, and although he was still smiling, the expression in his eyes was very dark.

The old man who knew his character couldn't help but frown, bitterly sitting behind the counter. He was silent for a moment, but he still couldn't help but ask, "Your Highness, do you really want to marry that young lady to the Li family?"

Feng Jiu Li glanced at him indifferently: "Whether or not she marries is her problem, what is This King involved in?"

The old man could not help but sigh: "The most beloved daughter of the Military Assistant Minister before this was now taken in by Li Fei Yun as a concubine. They have only known each other for less than a month, does Your Highness know how that young miss entered the Li family?"

Feng Jiu Li's gaze focused slightly.

"There are a lot of women in Li Fei Yun's backyard, and every woman represents the Li Family and the Bie Family's conflicts of interest. Maybe it's because there are too many women, but the Li Family has always liked to be swift and decisive when doing things."

Feng Jiu Li immediately understood the meaning behind this "swift and decisive action". The smile on the corner of his mouth slowly faded as he remained silent, no one knew what he was thinking.

"That girl is pretty good." White and tender, clean and cute. The most important thing is that he dares to stand in front of you. Not only is he not scared to death, he even dares to joke with you.

Nowadays, after eating the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard, it would be difficult to find a cute girl.

Feng Jiu Li's face darkened and did not say a word.

The old man shook his head and sighed. Such a good child. Even if you don't like her, maybe she can become her legal wife.

With the Li Family's character, if they were to suddenly act up like this, they would definitely cut down on them as quickly as possible. They would first decide who was the leader and then decide what to do. When that time comes, that unlucky child will probably be schemed against to the point that he won't even have the position of principal wife. "

"Then is Li Fei Yun really that despicable?" Feng Jiu Li frowned.

In order to avoid suspicion, if it were not for the orders from his brother Kaiser, he would never come across any information related to the military, so he did not know anything about the Li Family.

"He's not calling it underhanded, he's calling it 'quick cut through the mud'."

The old man raised his eyelids, "Is there anything more reliable than raw rice for a mature meal?" If the His Royal Highness the Prince were to snatch the person away, with the favors the Kaiser and the empress dowager have given you, who could win against you? "

So, sinful ah, such a bold girl, now she belongs to someone else.

What a pity.

The old man glanced at Feng Jiu Li again, his eyes were about to fall open.

Both of them rolled their eyes. Tang Qing was extremely cute and charming when she made it, this old fellow ?

Feng Jiu Li took a deep breath, preventing himself from committing murder.

"Listening to what you said in the dark, that girl even saved you once. Ahh, she really saved an ungrateful bastard. She was tricked by you."

Feng Jiu Li looked at him expressionlessly, and after being silent for a moment, he finally spoke up under the old man's stare: "This King did not do it on purpose." I just forgot it was a woman. Nothing more.

"It's better to know what's wrong." The old man immediately smiled.

Feng Jiu Li was a little helpless towards him trying to climb up the ladder, but this person was his own master, and had always been rearing him up, so he was truly unwilling to let him down.

"I just don't think she hates it, not ?"

"I know, I'm not forcing you to do anything."

The old man was silent for a while, then revealed a gentle smile, "It's not easy to have a girl that you don't hate now. I don't want to see you be stupid enough to make people hate you."

Feng Jiu Li narrowed her phoenix eyes suddenly, and only after a long while did he slowly open them. He looked at him with a spurious smile: "Every time I come to see you, This King has the urge to kill my teacher."

"Haha," the old man laughed, "You can give it a try."

Feng Jiu Li was too lazy to continue talking to him, if not this old man would drag him down to talk nonsense again, and say some useless words of advice.

He had never felt that he needed to change anything, and he had never felt that words of enlightenment were truly useful to him.

Those few years at the palace were over. Even though he was now living a sunny life and was extremely concerned about her, the darkness and viciousness in his bones had already melted away. Would he still be expelled?

"One in the dark." He lightly ordered, "Send someone to watch over Little Fatty Tang. Also, I asked you to investigate the matters of the Kun family to hurry up. "

He complied with his duty and quickly arranged for a group of people to come down.

Feng Jiu Li came here today to see him, but seeing that he was living a happy life and had the time to tease him, it was obvious that he was still old and strong, so he waved his hand and left.

The old man still sat behind the counter. When he didn't speak with Feng Jiu Li, he looked no different from a normal little old man.

At this moment, this ordinary-looking old man was counting the silver coins that Tang Qing had just given him, smiling as he looked at the money.

"Aiya, what do kids know? They don't hate it either ?" "Aiya, it's so weird ?"

He grumbled for a long time before he paused and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes. However, he soon became excited again.

"I wonder how my daughter is doing ? Sigh ? Little Li, you left too early. If she was here, she would definitely like this chubby little girl."

However, Xiao Gong's daughter was raised by her, and has a similar gaze as hers. I presume that she would help little girl Li look after that little girl ? "

As he spoke, he seemed exceptionally worried.

"These days, do you think there's still a girl who is willing to talk to you after knowing that the young miss of the Zhao Family has been slapped? Stupid, stupid, like your mother. "

He was in the middle of mumbling to himself when he saw the door turn dark. Then, a person walked in.

The old man looked up and was immediately amused.

Was this considered the arrival of a love rival?

This Li Fei Yun had more guts than what was written in the intelligence report, and he also knew more!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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