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Time to go shopping passed quickly, and when Tang Qing and the rest walked out of a gold shop, the sun had already risen high into the sky, and there were more and more people outside.

Although Tang Qing still had a lazy appearance, her eyes remained calm and cautious the entire time after she had seen Li Fei Yun and been tricked by him.

She glanced at Tang Qian Yu. This little girl was currently pulling her by the arm, dragging her everywhere.

Tang Qing found it a little funny. In her previous life, the two people who went to all over the place to find time to roll up their beds were clearly having different thoughts now.

Li Fei Yun had returned early, but it seemed that he did not tell Tang Qian Yu that he had tested him and she had schemed against her. Instead, it was Tang Qing, the middleman, who stood at the side and watched the fun from both sides.

"Is elder sister tired?" Tang Qian Yu turned her head to the side and asked, she felt that Tang Qing's footsteps was getting slower and slower.

"I can't walk anymore." Tang Qing's steps grew heavier and heavier. She was indeed tired.

Having not eaten an oily star for five consecutive days, and getting struck by Tang Qian Yu's move that was neither too deep nor too shallow, after running for an entire morning today, she was indeed so tired that she could not walk anymore.

But the palace mama had not come back yet, so she could not leave early.

"Let's go faster. The State Protecting Temple is just ahead of us. After we pay our respects, we can go have some tea and rest. Then, we can call Big Brother over to go back to the residence." Tang Qian Yu consoled.

Although she said that she was worried and prepared for it, in reality, she did not give Tang Qing the chance to reject her offer.

Two pretty and delicate girls, between them was a round and lucky girl. Behind them were two other girls. Such a scene had attracted the attention of many people.

A group of young and beautiful little girls were always pleasing to the eye.

The guards and wives were carefully protecting their surroundings, even if they had ulterior motives. Seeing that Tang Qing and the others were well-guarded, they stopped their thoughts from going forward.

Tang Qian Yu finally let go of Tang Qing's arm after entering the State Protecting Temple.

The few young maidens retracted their excited expressions, straightened their clothes, and slowly walked towards the main hall, which was dedicated to the Buddha.

After Tang Qing had been a ghost for fifty years, she suddenly saw this Buddha with lowered eyebrows and drooped head. She was stunned for a moment, and only regained her senses after she heard the chanting of Brahma in the distance.

Clonk! Clonk! Clonk!

The clear sound of a wooden fish entered Tang Qing's ears. Tang Qing subconsciously looked towards the direction of the sound, only to see that the one who was beating up the wooden fish was not the young Sha Mi.

The old monk had a white beard, white eyebrows, and strong curves. He was tall and straight, but extremely thin.

He lowered his eyes and knocked on the wooden fish. His rhythm was slow, and every beat seemed to contain some sort of special rhythm.

Only when the old monk stopped the wooden fish in his hands and raised his head to look at her did Tang Qing realise that he had been staring at her for a long time.

What was going on? Could it be that the evil spirits were shocked when they entered the buddhist hall?

Tang Qing laughed at herself as she squinted her eyes. Just as she was about to look away, she saw that the old monk was still looking at her, and after smiling at her, she turned her head to look at the inner room, and then at her. Then, he got up and left her seat.

Tang Qing frowned slightly as she turned to look for Tang Qian Yu and the others, only to find that Tang Qian Yu and Tang Qian Zi had already disappeared. Tang Qian Meng and Tang Qian Yun on the other hand, were kneeling on a prayer mat not far away, kowtowing to them in a pious manner.

After a moment of slight hesitation, she retracted her hand under her sleeve and followed the stream of people to the side hall.

"Benefactor, Master Qing Yuan is waiting for you at the lot counter in the side hall."

Just as Tang Qing entered the side hall, she saw a little Shamei who was walking over quickly, bowing as she spoke.

Tang Qing glanced over and saw the old monk sitting behind a table with his head lowered.

The old monk didn't say much, but the lady was convinced. After some serious thought, she bowed and expressed her gratitude.

Tang Qing's pupils contracted, she knew who the lady who was drawing the lot was, she was the wife of a first stage official.

She looked at the side hall again. Although there were very few people here, they were all dressed in luxurious clothing and had elegant and noble postures. They were all raised by noble clans.

"Almsgiver's hostility is extremely heavy ?"

Just as Tang Qing walked to the side of the praying mat after the lady had left, she heard the old monk say this softly.

Tang Qing's action of kneeling down paused slightly, and after that she sat down with a calm expression, and raised her head to look at him.

Their gazes met in an instant. One was deathly still, while the other was completely silent.

It was also quiet. If Tang Qing's silence moved, it would only be a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood. However, even if the old monk's tranquility moved, it would probably be gentle and gentle.

"Almsgiver is so young, yet has such a thick and vicious aura. If it was not suppressed, it might cause a bloody storm in the future." Grandmaster Qing Yuan said slowly, a trace of pity on her face.

"Does master intend to convert me?" Tang Qing laughed, even though her smile was extremely cold, but because she had a pure and childish face, if one did not look carefully, they would only find her cute and pleasing.

"Although this old monk is an outsider, he is still living in the secular world. This old monk himself is unable to jump out of this world, how could he dare to turn others into his own? " Grandmaster Qing Yuan smiled gently, as if what he had just said was just a simple exhortation.

Tang Qing looked at him with a faint smile, she looked obedient, and was just like a good man or woman listening to buddhist magic. However, the playfulness in her eyes let Master Qing Yuan know, that this little girl was not a kind person.

The two of them smiled faintly and sat in silence for a long time.

Shaoqing, Grandmaster Qing Yuan slowly recited a Buddhist scripture. Tang Qing slightly tilted her head to listen, her expression tranquil and serene.

Her nose and mouth were filled with sandalwood, while her ears lightly echoed with the nearby Buddhist scriptures. The surrounding soft voices and distant Buddhist chanting were surprisingly quiet.

Just by sitting like this for a short while, Tang Qing's state of mind which was rising and falling had been pacified quite a bit.

Regardless of whether it was his hatred towards Li Fei Yun, or his indifference towards him, it seemed as though they had all quietly sat down and stayed away from her.

After Grandmaster Qing Yuan finished reciting the first chapter, she stopped. Seeing that Tang Qing's eyes were no longer sharp, he showed a slight smile of tolerance.

"Thank you for the pointers, Master."

Tang Qing said warmly as she clasped her hands together in a salute.

The hostility in her heart could not be resolved, she was almost unable to suppress it after being hooked up by Li Fei Yun today.

However, at this moment, she had already hidden all of her hostility well. Even if Li Fei Yun appeared in front of her again, she would still be able to use the calmest attitude to deal with him.

Grandmaster Qing Yuan placed her palms together as she recited a Buddhist prayer. She then said softly, "Since Benefactor's hostility cannot be quelled, I believe you must have some obsession in your heart. In that case, this old monk will bestow a sentence to Benefactor ? the love of thousands upon thousands, the love of the dead."

Tang Qing carefully pondered over the last eight words, a flash of blood appearing in her ink-black eyes.

She understood Grandmaster Qing Yuan's words ? a killing formation formed by the love and affection of thousands was a killing formation.

It had taken her a lifetime to understand all this, so in this lifetime, no matter how deep and enticing her love was, she would never let herself be drawn into it.

"Thank you, master, for your advice. May I ask, was that a suggestion from the master, or was it someone else who asked the master to bring it to me?" Tang Qing laughed lightly, looking at Grandmaster Qing Yuan unblinkingly with her big black eyes.

Qing Yuan looked at her deeply and said slowly.

"Almsgiver is wise, this old monk doesn't have any suggestions that I can give to Almsgiver. The reason why I invited you out today is because I feel that you are fated to be with the Buddha, so I invited you to listen to Brahma for a while. "

The meaning behind his words was that the advice came from someone else.

Tang Qing's pair of big eyes slowly narrowed. She suddenly thought of something and the corner of her mouth couldn't help but slowly rise.

At this moment, the sound of an argument and the sharp cry of a woman came from the main hall.

Tang Qing looked at Grandmaster Qing Yuan and heard him chuckle, "Since you've finished listening to Fan Yin, it's time for you to leave."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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