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There were still Tang Qian Meng and Tang Qian Yun in the Main Palace. Now that the eggs had hatched outside, as Elder Sis, Tang Qing naturally could not leave the two small ones outside.

After bidding farewell to Grandmaster Qing Yuan, she quickly walked to the entrance of the great hall.

The moment she saw the situation in the hall, her face darkened.

In the center of the hall, a 14 or 15 year old girl was clutching her clothes in a panic. Her clothes were a bit messy; it was obvious that someone had directly ripped her clothes from her chest.

If the girl hadn't reacted fast enough, she would have been ripped apart by now.

The one making trouble was a middle-aged man in his thirties. His eyes were red and he looked drunk. Even though he was far away, he could still make people smell the strong alcohol on his body.

This person had already been subdued by the monk in the temple. He had a dazed look in his eyes as he stared at the girl. He laughed out loud, appearing very arrogant.

"Little girl, why are you crying?" It's your fortune that this grandpa has set his sights on you! He looked so fat and ugly. If it wasn't for the fact that there was a few extra pieces of flesh on his chest, do you think he would bother to pull at your clothes? "So what? Isn't growing so much meat just for people to see ?"

Every word he said made the little girl want to die from shame.

The girl was indeed well-built. She was wearing a pink and blue bodice dress. The pink and white dress that covered her shirt had been opened a little, but now the girl was gripping it so tightly that it was wrinkled.

If not for Dazhi being open-minded and showing more respect for women, this drunkard's nonsense today, this girl's reputation and integrity would have been ruined.

However, even if her reputation wasn't ruined, the girl still couldn't bear such humiliation.

She was indeed fat and had an inferiority complex ever since she was young. If it wasn't for her parents' love, she wouldn't even have the confidence to go over to others.

But today, she finally let go of all her worries and came to the State Protecting Temple to pay her respects, but was humiliated and bullied by this drunkard. For a moment, she was completely stunned.

When those obscenities got worse the more she said them, she could no longer endure it any longer. With a loud cry, she turned her head and charged towards the pillar at her side!

At this moment, there was only one thought in her mind ? no one would dare to mock her now that she was dead!

She rushed forward ferociously, obviously despairing to the extreme.

Tears blurred her eyes and filled her entire nose.

She despairingly wondered if, when this hall was stained with decisive blood, the people around her would no longer be able to speak words of mockery against her. Would he no longer feel that it was right for her to be bullied just because of her obesity?


A harsh shout fell from the sky. The girl seemed to have heard it, but she completely ignored it.

She did not stop and continued to rush forward.

Die, she must die!

She wanted to use her own death, her own blood, to fiercely take revenge on those people. She wanted to make all those who had bullied and mocked her feel regret and fear!


Just as she was about to collide with him, she felt a sudden pain in her leg. She stumbled and her leg gave out. She crashed into a girl's bosom.

She raised her head in a daze and saw a baby's face. At this moment, it was a baby's face, and there was a bit of pain on it. The pair of big dark eyes stared at her, and it seemed as if there was a fire of anger burning within them.

She couldn't help but let out an "Ah!" as she held the girl's soft waist in a daze. Her chin was placed on her soft chest. She felt her own fleshy body and was stupefied.

"If you die, they will only regret your death for a few hours. No, maybe they won't even have half an incense stick of time!

However, the people who truly care about you will be depressed for the rest of their lives. In order to get revenge for the scum who made fun of you, you wantonly ruined your life. Are you a fool? "

Tang Qing shouted in a low voice. When her cute, childish face sank, it was filled with coldness.

She was trying her best to suppress her anger so as not to scare the little thing in front of her. After all, she had suffered an unexpected calamity for herself.

However, when she saw the little thing hugging her waist, raising its head and looking at her in a daze, she couldn't help but feel extremely angry.

To die for the sake of a few insults from strangers, how could he still have any will?

"If you feel sad, just slap those people to death who make you sad! You think that a scum like you is worthy for me to let you die? "

While Tang Qing was suppressing her anger, a certain person who was standing at the entrance of the side hall frowned, looking like he wasn't in a good mood.

"Too stupid." He turned around and walked away. Halfway there he stopped and looked back sharply.

This fool, if he wasn't careful he would have smeared himself against the wall. If he hadn't acted fast just now, then that little girl's momentum and strength would have directly struck him. At this moment, half of her life should have been lost!

However, he didn't expect that as he stared coldly at her, that stupid lump that was hugging his waist would also turn his head over. His body suddenly paused for a moment.

Tang Qing opened a pair of large eyes that were black and white. The pair of eye-catching black pupils stared straight at him, and all of the emotions were written on the bottom of her eyes.

You're the fool!

I won't say thank you!

Even though it was only a fierce glance, Tang Qing very quickly lowered her head to grab Little Fatty who was lying on the ground.

"Amitabha, that young benefactor is truly a kind-hearted person." Qing Yuan called out a Buddhist prayer and silently stood behind him, a gentle smile on her benevolent face. "Your eyes are not bad, Prince."

He paused for a moment, then shook his head: "It's just that Your Highness's attack just now was too heavy, if I just used a little more strength, Princess Yunyang's precious daughter would have had her legs broken by you."

"Heh, a broken leg is better than a hole in the head." Feng Jiu Li gave him a bland glance before he turned and left. His movements were fluid and natural, even the corners of his clothes that had been blown by the wind seemed to carry a slight chill.

"Don't you want to see what happens next?" Qing Yuan asked very seriously as he stood at the door.

It had been a long time since he last saw Feng Jiu Li. Feng Jiu Li didn't like to see him, but today, for the sake of this little girl, not only had he come to see him, she even invited him to do some work.

However, it was clear that someone was trying to plot against that little girl, yet he actually left instead. This was not his style at all.

But in the end, Feng Jiu Li did not even look at him. The moment Qing Yuan finished speaking, Feng Jiu Li's shadow was already gone from the side hall.

Qing Yuan turned her head to look at Tang Qing who was being hung by the little fatty princess of the Princess Yunyang family, and a faint smile appeared on her face ? ?

If this person married the Li Family, his fate would be to lose a large portion of slaughter, and upon meeting Feng Jiu Li, it would be a heaven-shaking killing formation.

He was a member of the Buddhist Sect, he should have stopped these killings...

"Ha!" The people of the Buddhist Sect. " Qing Yuan suddenly sneered, she raised her head and looked at the high and mighty Buddha for a while, and only then did his eyes regain their original calmness.

He left without continuing to watch the rest of the play.

To dare to do such a thing in the Dazhi, even if the King Su did not care, there would naturally be many people who would investigate. Furthermore, the one who was implicated this time was the precious daughter of the Princess Yunyang.

The Princess Yunyang was not an existence that anyone would be willing to mess with.

On the other side, the precious daughter of the Princess Yunyang, Qi Xiao Ran, was completely shocked by the little sister in front of her who was dressed exactly the same as her, and whose face was also filled with the same feeling of being fleshy as hers.

She had never known that even the plump body could be so dazzling!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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