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For the past ten years that Qi Xiao Ran had grown up in, she had lived in the northern part of the Dazhi.

Because of the people's valiance, even a girl's family was able to mount a horse, so her mother raised her into a strong person. She never felt that there was anything bad with being strong.

She was the daughter of a princess, and her mother was the apple of her grandfather's eye. Her grandfather was the exalted Grand Marshal of the Horse, the late emperor's relative with another surname, and she, the pearl of her grandfather's hand, had always been well protected.

Even though her father had disappeared because of the war with the Southern Barbaric Nether Domain, even though she only had her mother and no father, she had always been very happy.

However, when she was ten years old, her mother, in order to find her father, sent her to her grandfather's home in the imperial capital. Everything had changed.

She found herself out of place with everyone.

Of the young ladies at the banquet, each was more delicate than the last. Only she was the most majestic.

It had been the darkest years of her life, so dark that she was afraid to drink her own saliva.

None of the sisters in the manor were willing to play with her. They felt that she was ugly, that she was vulgar, and even that when there were even guests in the family, their grandpa would ask her to stay far away from him and embarrass her.

After that, her mother found her father and brought her home. No one dared to say in front of her that she was ugly and fat. However, she was trapped in the shadows and couldn't come out again.

The old man was right. She was ugly, she wasn't beautiful.

It was she who caused her parents to be criticized by her grandfather's family. It was she who caused her mother to be called a shrew by others.

Now that she had been bullied, the people in her grandfather's family would definitely say that her mother couldn't raise a child and that her reputation was ruined ?

Back then, she wanted to die. Now that she was dead, no one would dare to use her to ridicule her parents. She no longer needed to listen to those people's mockery.

However, when she heard the harsh words from the young sister in front of her, she suddenly felt completely dumbfounded.

Would he make his parents suffer for the rest of their lives just to make these people he wasn't close with regret and fear?

She was really too stupid.

Wu wu wu ?

Holding the soft body in her arms, she felt as if she were touching the other one, the one she had always wanted to be but could never be.

Optimism, strength, and pride could not be bullied by anyone, nor could they be bullied by anyone.

Wu wu wu ?

She felt as if she had found an organization, so she hugged her waist tightly and cried like a mess, as if she wanted to vent all the dark emotions that had been brewing for so many years.

? ?.

Tang Qing lowered her head to look at the little girl who was crying her heart out. Even though his waist was throbbing with pain, he did not struggle at all.

She looked coldly at the middle-aged man on the ground who had been suppressed. She saw that he had let out a sigh of relief after seeing that the little girl was fine. She then smiled coldly.

"Someone, come!" she shouted.

"Eldest Miss." The guard standing at the side quickly ran over.

"Go to Jing Zhao Mansion and call for people, and the justice courts. Go, immediately, immediately!"

Tang Qing coldly looked at the man on the ground and spoke word by word: "To dare to commit such a heinous act in the National Temple and even insult Buddha, you are clearly a man without a ruler, you are simply acting recklessly!"

In reality, this man only wanted to ruin people's reputation, but who cares? Robbery, trampling on the State Protecting Temple, these two crimes sounded better, didn't they?

The guard was forced to run by Tang Qing's imposing aura, but she didn't expect to be stopped when she reached the door.


The one who spoke was Tang Qian Zi, she had clearly just returned, she quickly scanned the scene in the great hall, and quickly walked to Tang Qing's side with an anxious expression on her face.

"Elder sister, what are you doing?" If this matter gets out of hand, it won't benefit our reputation! "If others find out that you and this drunkard were to get tangled up together..."

"Shut up!" Tang Qing interrupted Tang Qian Zi's words with a cold voice.

Her voice was ice-cold and her face was covered with frost. Tang Qian Zi was so scared that he instantly stopped breathing, and even Qi Xiao Ran who was hugging her and crying uncontrollably stopped crying abruptly.

"What is elder sister doing?" Are you angry at your own sisters? " Tang Qian Zi was embarrassed, anger burning in her eyes.

"Which one of your eyes saw me pestering others? "You didn't see anything, yet you start off by slandering my reputation. I really can't afford to pay a sister like you." Tang Qing sneered, angering Tang Qian Zi to the point that her face became deathly pale.

"Big Sis ?" Tang Qian Zi shouted in anger.

"If you keep talking, I'll have someone stuff your mouth in and take you down!" Tang Qing shouted coldly.

Tang Qian Zi's face went from white to red, she opened her mouth, but in the end she did not dare make a sound.

Tang Qing looked at sher coldly. Seeing that she was unreconciled, yet not daring to speak, he then turned her head to look at the guard who followed along.

"It seems that I am unable to control you." Tang Qing sneered, and turned to look around: "May I ask if there is anyone here that can be used by a guard? As long as you report a case to the Jing Zhao Mansion and the Supreme Court! "

The guard was about to say something when a person walked in from outside. He respectfully said, "I'll go. Don't worry Eldest Miss. There will be someone to investigate the rest of the matters for Eldest Miss."

Tang Qing naturally knew who this "someone" he was referring to was.

Other than Li Fei Yun, who could move his beloved General Shen Qian He?

This matter was stirred up by Li Fei Yun in the end.

Tang Qing laughed coldly in her heart, but her expression revealed gentleness, and nodded towards Shen Qian He: "This person is most likely coming for me. Seeing that this young lady is dressed similar to me, he recognized the wrong person."

She spoke so calmly that it filled up all the gaps that could be used as a topic of conversation.

It was true that she had stood up to save him, but at the same time, she would never deny that someone was plotting against her, implicating this little girl who wore the same outfit as her.

Qi Xiao Ran was already shocked, she never thought that she would actually be unlucky for someone else.

Shen Qian He's heart trembled, he understood what Tang Qing meant ? ?

If Tang Qing wanted to investigate to the end, she wanted to know the result. She wanted to know who was so daring to scheme against her in this kind of place, and even used such a despicable method.

Li Fei Yun had to give her an answer after taking this matter, or else ? This matter didn't have to be blamed on anyone by Tang Qing.

Shen Qian He's gaze swept across Qi Xiao Ran and he quickly nodded his head calmly, "Alright, I will tell all of this to the justice courts and Jing Zhao Mansion."

Shen Qian He quickly left the State Protecting Temple, but at the other side, Tang Qing noticed that something was amiss with Tang Qian Zi.

Her face was too pale, as if she were extremely afraid of something.

What was she afraid of?

Tang Qing frowned slightly. She originally thought that it was Li Fei Yun who made a move, but looking at Tang Qian Zi's current state, she felt that she had probably walked into a wrong place.

If Li Fei Yun were to make a move, he probably wouldn't choose to do it this way.

With Li Fei Yun's pride and conceit, he was definitely not willing to marry a woman whose reputation had been ruined by others.

Tang Qing looked at Tang Qian Zi who had gone pale. Thinking about how not many people knew her identity and what clothes she was wearing today, she knew what Tang Qian Zi was afraid of.

She laughed coldly without mercy, "The Jing Zhao Mansion only has a new Shangguan. No matter who is involved in this case, he will find that person. No matter who it is, once they make a mistake, they will definitely not be able to escape! "

Qi Xiao Ran and Tang Qian Zi raised their heads at the same time to look at Tang Qing. The former was foolish enough to not understand the situation, but the latter's face instantly turned white.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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