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Tang Qian Zi's performance had already reached such a state, if Tang Qing still could not tell what was going on, then she would really be an idiot.

"Is big sister really going to do this? "Big sister, are you not afraid of making a ruckus? Isn't it good for your reputation if word of this spreads?"

It's fine if big sister doesn't care about her own face, but since you've already implicated that little girl once, do you still want to implicate that little girl a second time? "

Tang Qian Zi said in a low voice, and her expression was no longer as anxious as before.

Tang Qing looked down at Qi Xiao Ran and the girl finally realised it. She crawled out of her embrace blushing red and carefully pulled at her sleeves.

Seeing Qi Xiao Ran's current state, and thinking of how she was just looking for death, Tang Qing did not have much confidence in her.

"I implicated you in this matter, so I want to apologize to you."

Tang Qing held onto Qi Xiao Ran's hand back, and asked: "Where are your servants? Have them bring you home immediately, and the rest of the matters will have nothing to do with you. "

How could it be unrelated to him? If he really wanted to investigate everything, he would still have to implicate Qi Xiao Ran.

If Qi Xiao Ran was timid, she would turn around and swallow the bitter fruit down, and then, once the middle-aged man determined that she drank too much, who could do anything to him?

Tang Qing and the man were obviously thinking the same thing.

After being frightened for such a long time, the man who was pretending to be drunk had finally woken up. He rolled his eyes and his expression changed. He seemed to have slowly woken up.

"Aiya, why, what is this? Why did you catch me? " He suddenly shouted loudly, and then struggled in a daze for a while, until his dull eyes finally found Tang Qing and Qi Xiao Ran.

"Ah, yes, I'm sorry! "I've just offended Miss, and pulled Miss's clothes. It's really, really ?" His face was full of guilt as he spoke, but his eyes were looking at Tang Qing.

Tang Qing could immediately tell what he was planning, and the coldness in her eyes grew even stronger.

Tang Qing's silence made the man feel that she had found a way out.

He struggled as he knelt on the ground in guilt, apologizing to Tang Qing repeatedly. He claimed that he was blind, that his business was ruined, that his wife and children had left him, and only an old mother begged Tang Qing to forgive him.

He said that it was only because he was too desperate that he drank so much wine and did such a disrespectful thing.

He said that he was very sorry, he should not have done such a thing, he should kneel right here today, no matter what Tang Qing did, he was willing to accept it.

Some of the spectators couldn't help but frown.

"He is quite pitiful, young lady. Buddha is merciful, so forgive him. Look at him sincerely repenting, and his family has a sick mother. If you spare him, it could be said that he has done a lot of good deeds." Someone couldn't help but advise.

"That's right, it's just a small matter. It was just him crazily pulling on your clothes. Do you want to take his life?"

"Yeah, although he went overboard, he only needs to sincerely repent."

? ?.

Everyone talked at once. After kneeling for a long time, the man's body began to stagger and his face paled. Following his voice, his crying voice became hoarse and weak.

Tang Qing continued to look at him coldly. Her ice-cold attitude made it seem as if she wanted to skin the man's flesh and blood alive in order to be satisfied.

Finally, someone couldn't help but start berating Tang Qing loudly, and there were even many women amongst them.

At this time, the people who understood the truth earlier, had also chosen to remain silent because of Qi Xiao Ran and Tang Qing's silence. However, after being silent for a while, and hearing the words of the people around him, they felt that Tang Qing's heart was even colder.

Those who knew the truth felt that since it had nothing to do with Tang Qing and the injured girl didn't say anything, Tang Qing would take this stain in her name and forgive that man magnanimously.

It's a good result for everyone, isn't it?

"Big sister, look. Everyone said that, stop messing around, right? If this gets out of hand, what good will it do you? " Tang Qian Zi advised with concern.

By this time she had steadied herself from the confusion.

Tang Qing did not want Qi Xiao Ran to get involved, but Qi Xiao Ran was obviously a coward, and from the beginning to the end, she didn't dare to say anything.

As long as Qi Xiao Ran never dared to speak the truth, then the whole situation would still turn around!

Anyway, these people who came to watch the show didn't really care what the truth was, right?

Since that was the case, he might as well take the opportunity to drag this limelight along with him.

After this incident, if the rumors that Tang Qing had her clothes ripped off by a drunk man were to spread, even if there were none, it would still be enough to ruin Tang Qing's reputation!

At that time, even if and her mother were to have any misgivings, she would still be able to stomp on Tang Qing until she couldn't lift her head!

"Big sister, listen to me, of course it's best to cover your tracks. Look at this little sister, even though she's young, she's very sensible and knows that a girl's family name cannot be used as a joke."

Tang Qian Zi reached out to shake Qi Xiao Ran's hand with a gentle smile on her face.

Qi Xiao Ran did not move, allowing her to grab her wrist.

Tang Qian Zi's eyes revealed a smiling and disdainful look. She sneered in her heart, but her face was still full of concern.

"Don't worry miss, this matter is all big sister's fault. She is a good person and she definitely won't let you carry anything."

You just have to quietly go back and pretend that nothing happened. After a while, everyone will forget. This matter will not affect you in the slightest. "

Tang Qian Zi's voice was getting softer and softer, more and more bewitching.

In Tang Qian Zi's depiction, as long as Qi Xiao Ran obediently left and hid herself as if nothing had happened, everything would truly be the same as it was in the past.

As long as Qi Xiao Ran hid herself and did not make a sound, no one would know that the one being bullied today was her, Qi Xiao Ran.

Tang Qing listened with a cold face from beginning to end, and watched. In the end, she no longer bothered to look at Tang Qian Zi's shameless face.

Her gaze landed on the middle-aged man. When a woman couldn't help but walk to Tang Qing's side and frown, saying that she was heartless, she slowly opened her mouth.

"This person is dressed in fine silk and silk, it is obvious that he has decent living conditions. His four limbs are weak and weak, yet there is a thick cocoon on his palm. Clearly, this is not the result of long-term work.

Tang Qing's words made the middle-aged man suddenly choke, and she subconsciously retracted his hand. Unfortunately, this action of wanting to cover it up, had instantly exposed his background.

Tang Qing laughed coldly: "He said that his family has an old sick mother, and her wife and children have escaped with someone else, but I don't think that's true.

Even though this person was slovenly, he was not destitute. Since he was worried about his mother and had stayed here for half a day, he had no intention of asking someone to let him go back to see his mother. Would such a person be a pure, filial, and kind person? "

The man froze, but after pausing for a moment, he saw Tang Qian Zi comforting Qi Xiao Ran in a soft voice. Tang Qian Zi looked at him coldly, with a ruthless gaze.

He flinched and quickly thought of a plan to deal with it.

A trace of craftiness flashed across his eyes, and he abruptly threw himself on the ground, wailing loudly.

"My mother, my mother has already gone. Just last night, after eating so much, I finally forgot. Why did you remind me? You are still so young, why are your heart so vicious? Just what do you need to be willing to let me off?! "

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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