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The man wailed in grief. He fell on the ground and couldn't see his face. He could only see his trembling body.

Tang Qing actually wanted to reply, if your wife and children leave, what does your mother dying have to do with me? I'm not your wife. Your mother is dead, so I should just lie down and let you trample me?

However, she didn't say anything in the end. He knew what a man was up to. He just felt that even if a woman was insulted, she would only hide and cry secretly.

She sneered as she lowered her head to tidy up her sleeves that had been pulled so tightly that it was slightly wrinkled, and her indifferent gaze swept over the stunned Qi Xiao Ran at the side.

Tang Qian Zi laughed at her as if she was showing off her power, the happiness in her eyes showed that he was about to win.

Tang Qing sneered, she wanted to see how Tang Qian Zi would slap her own mouth when the time came.

"Why are you like this, girl? Don't you have any sympathy at all? " Someone could not help but jump out, pointing at Tang Qing and shouted.

Tang Qing turned her head to look at her. It was a middle-aged woman, and the corners of her eyes were raised.

Tang Qing took a step back and then extended her hand out.

"What do you mean?" The woman looked at Tang Qing cautiously, a hint of hesitation involuntarily appearing in her eyes.

"Please go over and pity him. He is in a bad mood and is crying like a child. It would be great if you could hug him and comfort him. I believe he will be fine very soon." Tang Qing laughed, and turned her face away when she saw that the lady wanted to shout and curse.

Her gaze swept across everyone but she did not say anything. She only revealed a faint, ice-cold smile.

It was a cold and aloof sneer, a sneer that did not seem to be a big deal just because it did not have anything to do with you.

This smile was no doubt very familiar, because when these people were reprimanding Tang Qing for not being forgiving, their mouths were curt with such a smile.

Many people couldn't help but lower their voices. There were also many who frowned as they looked at the heartbroken man. With a cold expression, they turned and left, no longer wanting to continue watching.

Because of the great hall which was gradually becoming quieter, Tang Qian Zi, who had just calmed down, had once again begun to become anxious.

She unconsciously pulled on Qi Xiao Ran's wrist, and the smile on her face floated up.

"Hurry up and go! What are you doing standing here after what happened to you? Let everyone laugh? Why aren't you hiding? "

Tang Qian Zi's words instantly struck the string that Qi Xiao Ran hated the most.

Hiding, hiding, always telling her to hide after being bullied.


Could she not hide?

Can't she just stand outside?

Could it be that the one being bullied is the one being humiliated and the one being shamelessly humiliated?


It's not like that!

Qi Xiao Ran waved Tang Qian Zi's hand impatiently, her round face revealing a look of anger.

"Shut up!"

Tang Qian Zi exclaimed as her face flushed red.

"He was the one who bullied me, he was the one who ? He ? He was the one who tried to rob me of my wallet and tore me to death! Why should I hide?

Don't you think it's shameful that he bullied a kid like me when he's in his thirties or forties? Wasn't it him who was so ashamed that he hid from others? Why must it be me? What did I do wrong?

Are you with him? Why are you so protective of him? You even ridiculed your sister. Go away and don't touch me! I won't hide! "

The more Qi Xiao Ran talked, the louder she spoke and the more carefree she got.

She had never known that she was actually so carefree when she revealed her grievances and unwillingness.

It wasn't her fault. Why would she hide?

It was just like what this big sister said. If she was unhappy, she would make the person she displeased suffer. What did she do by hiding herself from beginning to end, and instead let those shameless people show off their might outside?

"You, how can you say that about me? Don't slander me! Isn't it for your own good? He tore your clothes, ruined your reputation ? "

Tang Qian Zi shouted angrily, but halfway through her words, she was interrupted by someone.

"Bullshit!" Your reputation has been ruined! Are you blind? Or are you deaf?

"What my daughter said just now was very clear. It was that thief who stole her purse and tore it apart. You're still so young, yet you're so vicious and dare to speak nonsense about ruining your reputation?"

A red shadow rushed in from the entrance of the hall and pulled Qi Xiao Ran into her embrace.

When she spoke, she was like a furious lioness.

This person had a charming and beautiful appearance. Even his voice was as melodious as a skylark's, but his every move was a bit smoother than a man's.

This person was Princess Yunyang, Qi Xiao Ran's mother who had rushed over after hearing the news.

Qi Yun Yang couldn't find her daughter anywhere today. Unexpectedly, a King Su who passed by her house said that he saw a girl wearing a pink and blue shirt knocking against a wall and was stopped by someone.

She was so scared that her legs went soft. After asking in detail, she was immediately infuriated.

Chubby and impulsive, wasn't that her daughter?

She had galloped all the way to State Protecting Temple, but she did not expect to hear such a sentence the moment she entered the room.

If not for the fact that she had restrained herself in the imperial city for the past two years, she would have lashed out at that fair and tender face that looked like a concubine's face, stopping this woman from spitting feces.

"Mom, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm better than ever!" Qi Xiao Ran was currently very excited, she smiled and revealed her canines, her smile was a lot more carefree than usual.

She suddenly pushed Princess Yunyang away.

Qi Yun Yang was slightly startled, and was about to say something, but then his daughter, who always liked to cuddle up obediently, looked around, and suddenly walked to the center of the room, where a half-grown up child stood beside a copper cauldron.

The copper cauldron had to be at least a hundred kilograms in weight. However, Qi Xiao Ran only used one hand to lift it, and then, she casually tossed it towards the middle-aged man.


Weng! *

The sound of the copper cauldron hitting the floor was extremely terrifying, and the buzzing sound it gave off still reverberated for a long time.

The middle-aged man retreated in extreme fear, but he was still a step too late. His leg had been broken by the copper cauldron!


The man cried out in pain. This time, he really cried out.

Qi Xiao Ran patted her dust stained hands, and imitated Tang Qing's cold gaze, as she coldly looked at the surrounding people who had their mouths agape.

"Being unlucky or not is never a reason for someone to do bad things!

"You guys really want to show your so-called magnanimity and tolerance. Fine, you can tell me after your wives and daughters are bullied and insulted, and their clothes are ripped apart!"

She arrogantly threw a glance at them from above, and everyone could not help but shrink back their necks. They were afraid that this strange girl would suddenly rush out to carry another large cauldron and smash them all flat.

Princess Yunyang only regained her senses after a long time. Seeing that her daughter, who had been unwilling to use her innate divine power since she was ten years old, actually let go of the knot in her heart, excitement surfaced in her eyes.

"Mother of..."

Just as she was about to hug her precious daughter and praise her a little, her daughter unexpectedly had a pleading expression as she eagerly walked in front of a girl who wore exactly the same clothes as her and carefully pulled at the corner of her daughter's clothes ?

Libre Baskerville
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