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When the huge cauldron smashed down, Tang Qing was startled, her eyes wide open.

Subsequently, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she discovered that all the anger in her heart seemed to have vanished the moment the copper cauldron landed on the ground.

There was no other way for him to vent his anger that was more brutal than this.

Compared to throwing the man into jail and keeping him there for a few years, she still liked this method of breaking his leg more.

She still felt that she had underestimated the killing power of this little girl in front of her. This little girl who was asking for praise, after experiencing a life-and-death battle, not only had she reconstructed her faith, she had even rebuilt her view of the world.

She suddenly recalled that Feng Jiu Li seemed to have saved her little life ? ? With this girl's Innate Ability, if not for Feng Jiu Li, she might have been struck ninety percent to death by this girl just now.

"You are brave." Tang Qing regained her senses, and revealed a gentle smile towards Qi Xiao Ran: "Don't be wronged by yourself in the future. You must remember, if you feel wronged by yourself, others will only be more unscrupulous when they bully you."

Qi Xiao Ran nodded her head fiercely. Just a moment ago, when her mother rushed over to hug her, she finally understood the meaning behind Tang Qing's words that her loved ones would suffer for their entire lives.

"In the future, I will only care about the people who care about me and the people who care about me. As for the others, no matter who they are, as long as they dare to bully me, I will absolutely not be polite towards them."

Qi Xiao Ran waved her little fist, her eyes shining like grapes: "They won't like anything I do anyway, so I might as well dislike it even more. As long as I'm happy. "

"That's right, as long as you're happy." Tang Qing could not hold back her laughter.

"Yes!" Qi Xiao Ran nodded with a bright smile on her face.

Princess Yunyang stood to the side and watched, her red eyes trying her best to widen, obviously trying her best to not let herself cry.

She took a deep breath and looked at the two girls, whose clothes were the same as the rest, and whose cheeks were the same as hers, with a gentle and affectionate smile on her face.

No matter what, she was grateful.

This little girl didn't seem that old, but she had unexpectedly pulled Xiao Yan back from the shadow of her inferiority complex and fulfilled her and her husband's long-cherished wish.

"I'm very sorry. Actually, I was the one who implicated the noble daughter this time." Tang Qing pulled Qi Xiao Ran in front of Princess Yunyang and apologized seriously.

Tang Qing rarely went out, so she did not know who Princess Yunyang was. She only knew a few things from the attitude of the people around her, as well as the way the Princess Yunyang did things ? ? This person's position in the imperial city was not low.

Princess Yunyang's gaze fell on Tang Qing's and Qi Xiao Ran's clothes, then turned to the man on the ground, and finally looked at the pale white Tang Qian Zi.

She reached out to pinch Tang Qing's cheeks and laughed out loud: "Don't worry, I know that this matter isn't your fault. Xiao Yan really likes you, and so do I. I hope that you two can be good friends. "

In such a buddhist hall, to have such a dog-blooded incident happen, how could it not be fate?

Tang Qing slightly froze for a moment, before also laughing loudly.

"Xiao Yan, have you not introduced yourself to your little sister? Have you forgotten how your mother taught you when you were young? " The Princess Yunyang patted Qi Xiao Ran and raised her eyebrows.

"Ah, I actually forgot." Qi Xiao Ran laughed unhappily.

She walked to Tang Qing's side, stretched out her right hand, and grabbed onto Tang Qing's entire palm.

"Hello, my name is Qi Xiao Ran. I am Qi Xiao Ran from the Northwest Qi Family." Qi Xiao Ran said seriously.

Northwest, Qi Family, Prince Wei!

It turned out to be this particular store.

was surprised, the Qi Family could be considered the only Feudal Lord family that could compete with the Li Family in the military.

If the Li Family wanted to be promoted, the Qi Family was the biggest enemy of the Li Family.

Tang Qing withdrew the smile on her face, and revealed the same serious expression: "Hello, my name is Tang Qing, I am Tang Qing from Prince Consort's Mansion."

Qi Xiao Ran's face revealed a happy smile. She pulled back Tang Qing's arm, pulled him to her side and held both of their hands tightly in front of their chest. Then, she touched their foreheads.

Qi Xiao Ran happily hugged Tang Qing's back with her other hand, and after feeling Tang Qing's response, the smile on her face immediately became even wider.

"This is the etiquette for us brothers and sisters from the northwest to make friends. Only people who sincerely approve of being friends are willing to touch the heart's closest position."

She giggled as she pulled Tang Qing closer. On her round face was written: "My mother is here. Even if the Jing Zhao Mansion and the people from the Supreme Court don't want to investigate this, it won't do."

She pouted towards Tang Qian Zi: "That little sister of yours is really bad, I'll be your little sister from now on."

Tang Qing didn't know whether to laugh or cry as she looked at her.

This was true magnanimity and tolerance.

From start to finish, Qi Xiao Ran had clearly seen who it was that truly hurt her. She did not vent her anger on him, and had even sincerely interacted because of her temporary help.

This is a good child, Tang Qing thought as she reached out to pinch her small face.

On the other side, and Qi Xiao Ran, the two principals, had become idle people with the help of Princess Yunyang.

Qi Xiao Ran seemed to have something she couldn't finish speaking about. She liked to stay by Tang Qing's side and quietly tell him about her unfortunate events in the past few years.

Tang Qian Zi, Tang Qian Meng and the other two stood far away from each other, making it seem even more obvious that Qi Xiao Ran was her younger sister.

When the things were settled, Princess Yunyang walked over and extended her hand out to bring Qi Xiao Ran over.

"You are a good child, you took a huge risk when saving Xiao Yan, although you didn't say it, I already knew it from King Su.

"In the future, come to my house and play. If someone from your family bullies you, you can also come and find me." Before he left, Princess Yunyang earnestly said to Tang Qing.

She could tell that Princess Yunyang was not being modest, but more like seriously telling her how grateful he was to her.

She heard that Princess Yunyang Qi Yun Yang was a female general who was on the battlefield, and she even had an extremely valiant battalion of female soldiers under her.

A person like this would never easily owe others a favor, but Tang Qing herself, although she had her own plans, she had her own bottom line.

If not for Feng Jiu Li, Princess Yunyang would not have said these words to Tang Qing.

Tang Qing thought about how Feng Jiu Li had twisted and turned today, about how he had angrily turned his back after helping him block Qi Xiao Ran, and about how, when the two of them looked at each other, they could see a hint of heartfelt joy in each other's eyes.

"Eldest Miss, Young Marshal wants to invite Eldest Miss to meet him."

Just as Tang Qing was about to find Tang Qian Yu and prepare to return to the manor, Shen Qian He suddenly stopped her ?

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