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Shen Qian He's attitude was very resolute, but his attitude, evidently signified Li Fei Yun's attitude.

"I need to find my second sister, as well as the Fifth sister and the others ?" Tang Qing frowned.

"This subordinate will send Fifth Miss and the others back, so young miss need not worry." Shen Qian He stood at the side with his hands at his sides. He did not raise his head and his body was like a spear.

"Do you know where the shallow words are?" Although Tang Qing had asked a question with a certain tone.

Shen Qian He did not directly answer his question, but said: "With Young Master Tang here, Young Miss does not need to worry about Second Miss."

As he spoke, he moved out of the way and extended his hand outwards.

Tang Qing turned her head to look at Tang Qian Zi and the rest, only seeing the backs of Tang Qian Zi and the others.

Although she had guards by her side, they were of no use at all.

Tang Qing frowned, the more she felt that no one was around him.

"Let's go." She nodded indifferently and walked outside.


She had just walked out of State Protecting Temple's main entrance when she saw palace mama standing there with a smile on her face, waiting for her. When she saw her come out, he quickly walked to her side.

"Miss, are you returning to the house?" Fortunately, I managed to catch up, otherwise I would have missed you. " The palace mama said with a smile. His gaze paused on Shen Qian He for a while, and the smile on his face immediately became a little cold.

"Is this the young master of the Shen family?" palace mama frowned as she looked at him.

"So it's palace mama. Greetings, humble general." Shen Qian He cupped his hands, and the light in the depths of his eyes condensed.

"Why is Young Master Shen with my Young Miss? But what's the matter? " palace mama smiled faintly, her smile polite and distant.

She was someone who had followed Imperial Concubine Li and the Empress Dowager Wang. Anyone with the status to enter the palace had naturally seen her at the national banquet.

Because of her special status, even though she was just a servant, some of the higher ranked officials were unwilling to offend her.

Shen Qian He naturally did not dare to offend her, he did not even dare to say that it was Li Fei Yun who asked him to invite Tang Qing to meet with him.

"It's nothing. It's just that today, I coincidentally met with someone looking for trouble with Eldest Miss, so I helped him a little." Now that the other misses have already returned to the manor, this general does not feel at ease, so I wish to send the young miss back. "

Shen Qian He rushed to say something before Tang Qing did, and gave Tang Qing a meaningful glance.

Tang Qing's opened mouth immediately shut, her head lowered without uttering a sound.

Shen Qian He did not know that the reason why Tang Qing followed him to see Li Fei Yun was because she had no other choice. In his eyes, Tang Qing had always been the ugly girl that wanted to get on top of her Young Master.

Seeing Tang Qing being so sensible that she did not make a sound, he felt satisfied in her heart, and nodded at Tang Qing invisibly, which confirmed that Tang Qing did not speak carelessly.

"Since the palace mama has come, I shall take my leave first." Shen Qian He cupped his hands and said.

"Please take care, Young Master Shen." palace mama nodded politely and stepped aside to make way.

Once Shen Qian He left, palace mama's expression immediately turned cold.

"How can you guards the safety of a young lady let her go out alone with a man? Does the Prince Consort's Mansion keep you people here to watch a show? " palace mama looked at the few guards following Tang Qing, and said coldly.

The few guards were immediately apprehensive. When Tang Fei Yang divided them up to Tang Qing today, he had told them everything, and nothing could go wrong.

But today, there was already a person who had been publicly criticized by Tang Qing as "unworthy" because she had violated the rules. If palace mama were to speak like this now, when they return, they would definitely be punished!

The few of them could not help but turn to look at Tang Qing.

They knew who Tang Qing was going to meet. They had been tacitly agreeing to see Tang Qing and Li Fei Yun this entire time.

At this moment, they hoped that Tang Qing would speak up for them. Unfortunately, Tang Qing only lowered her head and didn't say a single word, as if she was extremely afraid of palace mama.

Their hearts were immediately filled with disappointment and anger, and their faces couldn't help but reveal traces of dissatisfaction.

palace mama's expression became even darker as she sneered and looked at them, her voice ice cold: "Prince Consort's Mansion's guards sure have a bad temper. They actually dare to put on airs for their master, I really have witnessed it for myself!"

She walked to Tang Qing's side and extended her hand to support Tang Qing's arm, bringing him to the carriage outside.

"The number of people that can be used by Eldest Miss is really too little. Since these people are not worthy of such attention, Eldest Miss has to buy some people that can be used!"

palace mama said as she reached out to help Tang Qing into the carriage.

She had rented the carriage when she went out to purchase it, and it just so happened that she could use it now.

The guards were completely dumbfounded. When they came back to their senses, they realized that the horse carriage had already run far away with a "da da da" sound. (TL: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =)))

"Oh no!" Quickly go and report this to the young master! "

One of the guards said with an ugly expression. He rushed out before he could finish his sentence.

They didn't know that Tang Qing was anxious to follow the palace mama and were also afraid that they would be implicated, so when it was time for Tang Fei Yang to speak, her words naturally had a twisted meaning.

"We were originally following Eldest Miss to see the Li Family's Young Marshal. Eldest Miss was also extremely happy and kept smiling.

But when we arrived at the door, we saw palace mama. That palace mama scolded us for not letting the First Miss follow the Outer Man around randomly, and then she forcefully brought the Young Miss back to the carriage. " A person said.

"The young miss seemed to be extremely afraid of the palace mama. The palace mama grabbed the young miss's arm and took her away, although she was extremely unwilling, she did not dare to resist." said another.

"From what palace mama is saying, it seems like I need to bring Eldest Miss to the Fang Xing to buy someone." the last man added.

The few of them finished their reports one by one, their heads lowered as they waited for Tang Fei Yang's orders.

Tang Fei Yang's smile slowly disappeared as he frowned and thought about the words "buy someone from the Fang Bank". A sense of caution flashed past his eyes.

The palace mama was a member of the King Su, and now he brought Tang Qing to the Fang Xing to buy people. Could it be that he wanted to insert the Prince Su's Mansion's spies in?

After the enmity between the King Su and the Prince Consort's Mansion, he could clearly feel that the people from the King Su were obstructing the path of the Prince Consort's Mansion, whether it was in the open or in the dark.

The so-called guilty conscience of being a thief could not be any different.

In fact, the palace mama only wanted to add people on Tang Qing's side, but Tang Fei Yang suddenly thought of the fight.

Tang Fei Yang waved them off, and then turned to look at the inner room.

"Big Brother Li, may I know if the words of these three people match with what Vice General Shen has seen?"


Li Fei Yun walked out from the inner room, his gaze landing on the outside of the tea room with an indifferent expression.

"Looking at the way things are today, the King Su probably sees his eldest sister as a loophole to break through the Prince Consort's Mansion.

Wasn't Big Brother Li going to do something? With King Su's charm and methods, if he truly plans to start from his eldest sister, perhaps he will only need a few words to be able to ? "

Li Fei Yun let out a cold laugh, and drank the tea on the table in one gulp.

"Naturally, something has to be done."

He coldly pulled the corner of his mouth ?

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