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Naturally, Tang Qing did not know what Li Fei Yun and Li Fei Yun had discussed, nor did she know who Tang Qian Yu had met during his disappearance. However, she had a few guesses.

Tang Qian Yu had married the Third Prince in her previous life, and Li Fei Yun was also a part of the Third Prince's faction, so it wasn't too big of a deal for Tang Qian Yu to take advantage of this opportunity to see the Third Prince.

Besides this reason, Tang Qing couldn't think of any other reason to disappear along with Tang Qian Yu.

However, all of these things were temporarily unrelated to Tang Qing. After being brought by palace mama to the carriage, she immediately fell limply into the carriage.

"Miss, are you tired?" The palace mama looked at Tang Qing who was huddled into a ball with a smile.

"After running for the entire day, my limbs no longer seem to belong to me." Tang Qing groaned in a low voice as he lazily reached to grab a pillow in the carriage and hugged it.

She was very tired, but she was still tense. Especially after seeing Li Fei Yun, she didn't dare to relax for even a moment.

Today, Shen Qian He's invitation not to retreat made her even more vigilant of the dangers lurking around his.

At that time, she had even thought that if Li Fei Yun wanted to force her, as long as the Li Family gave enough benefits to the Prince Consort's Mansion, these Prince Consort's Mansion's guards could even help Li Fei Yun guard the door!

When palace mama saw Tang Qing with her head lowered, her heart couldn't help but soften.

Perhaps it was because of the shape of her face, but this little girl looked even younger than her actual age.

Her face was white and tender, and her eyes were black and bright, making people feel like she was a child. It also made people unconsciously want to make this child happy and at ease forever.

But that wasn't the case. This child had a lot more heart than anyone else.

She was obviously exhausted to the extreme, but even though she was relaxed in front of him, her bright black eyes still maintained a sort of reason that made one's heart palpitate.

He didn't know how many times he had to suffer and how many times he had to despair to forge this calmness.

"Miss, if you're tired, then rest well. I'm here, I'm here to look for Miss." The palace mama said in a gentle voice.

Tang Qing shook her head, looking at palace mama's gentle appearance, she could see from her eyes that she was treating him with soft-heartedly and with heartache.

Her heart skipped a beat as she came to a sudden realization.

"Who does palace mama think I am?" she asked.

"It's not who you think it is," palace mama was slightly startled, smiled at Tang Qing, and said calmly.

"I just feel that Miss looks very similar to the Empress Li from back then. She looks soft and cute, but in her heart she knows it better than anyone else." If he were to truly make up his mind, then everyone would have to be ruthless with his methods.

So it was actually like this.

Tang Qing smiled as she shook her head. As a woman in the palace, even if it was at the beginning, it was still a good thing, but in the end, it would still gradually turn black.

So, palace mama's meaning was, she and Imperial Concubine Li were the same type of person?

"Madame Li is a very good person. She's very cheerful and knows very well what she wants." "When I was young, I was saved by Madame Li. I followed her from a young age until she entered the palace, gave birth to two children, and then passed away from illness."

The palace mama spoke of the matters of Imperial Concubine Li in a gentle voice. Following her description, a fresh and fresh figure slowly appeared in front of Tang Qing.

She was a gentle, kind, and gentle woman. There was a gap in her heart, and when it was broken, it would be broken. Her strength was so strong that it caused one's heart to ache.

"King Su..." Tang Qing thought of Feng Jiu Li. She vaguely remembered that when Feng Jiu Li's mother died, he was only six years old. Just like her, when her mother died, she was also only six years old.

Six years old was the time when they had already begun to understand things. It was also the time when children's memories were the most profound, yet also the easiest to blur.

"His Royal Highness the Prince is a good child. He has been very obedient since he was young." palace mama's voice became even gentler.

Tang Qing was slightly stunned, she hugged the pillow in her embrace tightly, and pressed the tilted corner of her mouth onto the pillow, revealing only a pair of curved, smiling eyes.

Seeing her like this, palace mama didn't know whether to laugh or cry. At the same time, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Actually, she also knew that using words like "obedient" on Feng Jiu Li was extremely weird.

But in her heart, no matter how Feng Jiu Li turned out to be, he would always be the obedient child she had in her heart who brought the medicine bowl to Empress Li Han to drink.

"Miss and Madame Li are the same type of person. The His Royal Highness the Prince is the same. Both of you are the same type of person. The only difference between them is that Madame Li is probably more kind-hearted than the both of you."

The palace mama said with a smile, she did not hide anything.

Tang Qing really liked the way the palace mama spoke, and also liked the way the palace mama looked at him when she spoke in a casual manner.

If it was someone else, they would have long been scared stiff by the sinister look that she occasionally revealed. Only the palace mama had a strong mind, it was as if she was not afraid of him at all.


"Is Mammy really going to take me to pick people? "Do you know that by doing so, you will bring quite a bit of trouble to your Prince?" Tang Qing said with a smile.

"What others think is what other people think. I only wanted to choose some people for you to use." The palace mama smiled gently, she did not care about these things.

Tang Qing knew that the reason she couldn't be bothered was because she felt that such a misunderstanding from the bottom of her heart wasn't able to bring Feng Jiu Li any trouble.

"With Miss's temper, I'm afraid she won't be able to tolerate them for long. Could it be that I have to wait for them to really poke a hole through the wall before I go and help Miss make up for the holes in her courtyard? "

palace mama laughed unconcernedly: "So, let them think what they want."

Tang Qing laughed, and her eyes curved, causing palace mama to have the urge to reach out and rub her.

"I won't hide it from you, among the people selected this time, there will be four people from the His Royal Highness the Prince, two men and two women. If you don't trust them, then don't choose them.

palace mama pointed to the pouch on Tang Qing's waist, and then wrote the word Su in her palm.

Su, with the voice of Su.

What palace mama meant was that the person with the word "Su" on the bag was precisely the four people she mentioned.

"His Royal Highness the Prince asked me to bring a message for Miss. Since you've given those four to her, in the future, even if you belong to her, I will only follow Miss's instructions." The palace mama said.

Tang Qing was still smiling merrily. Thinking of all of Feng Jiu Li's actions today, a strange feeling suddenly arose in his heart ? he somehow couldn't hold back from laughing out loud.

This person was really interesting.

Is this considered an apology?

This person was truly awkward.

All the anger he had felt at being tricked was gone at this moment.

Let alone Feng Jiu Li, who said that the four of them would be his own people in the future, even if he really wanted them to be his spies, so what?

Although they were neither family nor friends, Feng Jiu Li had still helped her to this point. She pinched her fingers and calculated that in his two lifetimes, besides Tang Su, Feng Jiu Li had been the best to her. He had helped her the most.

"Do you know kung fu?" Tang Qing asked.

"They are all first-rate experts, why not, miss?" The smile on palace mama's face grew wider.

"Of course, why not?" Tang Qing smiled as she played with her own white and tender fingers. "However, I would like to ask Grandma to tell him that although those four people are my people, they can still be his eyes."

As long as they were good talents from the Prince Consort's Mansion, they should be allowed to play their greatest role, shouldn't they?

"I will tell His Royal Highness the Prince." palace mama chuckled, her gaze gentle.

She knew Tang Qing would have such a reaction.

This child seemed cold and indifferent, but he knew what was good for him.

Every time she was treated well, people would feel that even if they treated her better and spoiled her a little, they would still be willing to do so.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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