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It was already very late by the time he returned to Prince Consort's Mansion from the tooth shop.

Tang Qing picked a total of ten people, other than the ones given by the four Feng Jiu Li, the remaining six were people that Tang Qing had prepared and raised, so she could put them in the shop outside in the future.

The palace mama handled the shop personally, and it was also the main reason why palace mama went out today.

Now, he had bought a small courtyard with many buildings and a front door.

Just this one courtyard, had almost used up all of the reserves at the side of Tang Qing's hand.

She planned to open a medicinal cuisine, not only for the sake of earning money, but also for the sake of a few major matters that would happen in the future.

However, that was a matter for the future. Since the medicinal cuisine workshop had only just begun, she was in no hurry. She only hoped to be safe.

The news of Tang Qing bringing ten people back to the palace quickly spread to the inner courtyard.

Four men and six women.

When this group of people came together, the scene was not small either.

Just as they entered Tang Qing's courtyard, someone came to invite Tang Qing to go speak.

"Senior, please settle him down first." Tang Qing chuckled as she reached out to hammer her aching hands and feet, revealing the exhaustion on his face without concealing it at all.

"Don't worry, Miss." palace mama looked at her with heartache.

She quickly settled all ten people down, and rearranged the entire courtyard's manpower arrangements so that when Tang Qing returned, she wouldn't have to worry about anything.

When Tang Qing arrived at the main yard, she saw that they were eating.

Everyone went in and out as if they didn't see her.

Tang Qing didn't mind as well. She walked to the end of the corridor and leaned against a pillar as she sat down. After a while, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

After an unknown period of time, she felt that there was someone standing before her.

Tang Qing suddenly opened her eyes, only to see Tang Tian De staring at her with an ugly expression.

Her face was full of anger, but it was as if she was scared by her earlier glance, and her expression was a little drowsy.

"What kind of expression is that?"

Tang Tian De's refined face looked quite miserable. The old master of the Han Lin Academy felt that he had lost a lot of face because of being scared by his daughter.

"Is the father going to blame the daughter for being ugly again?" Tang Qing revealed a strange smile, raising her head and looking at him seriously.

Tang Tian De's entire being was in a bad state, he looked at Tang Qing's situation.

He kept having the feeling that if he nodded, this damned girl might immediately pull out a dagger from somewhere and cut his flesh again!

[This bastard has been crazy ever since he was young!]

Tang Tian De clenched his fists. Even though he knew that Tang Qing was threatening him, he endured his anger and was obediently threatened.

"What are you doing being ugly? Could it be that if you're ugly, my face will not look good? "

Tang Tian De snappily snorted and frowned: "Stand up and talk to me!"

Tang Qing lazily stood up, her small face pale white as she looked at him. When her large black eyes seriously stared at him, he once again felt uncomfortable.

"With such an ugly expression, could he be sick?" Tang Tian De frowned.

"I've been a bit too weak these days, so I don't have much energy."

Tang Tian De's voice became softer, softer as well. He looked no different from the eldest daughter, who was infatuated with her father.

Tang Tian De's expression became slightly better.

Although he felt that Tang Qing was raised to be a weirdo and he would occasionally go crazy, it seemed like it wouldn't be hard to control him.

"Your mother, Ru Su, is an adult. When it's time to eat, she eats very well. Unlike you, you don't even understand what's important to you?

It's only been a few days. Look at how hungry you are ? This look! "You sure are capable. Those who don't know better might think that the mansion has treated you too harshly!" Tang Tian De was a little dissatisfied.

What he feared most now was to be told that if he married the princess, he would ruin the daughter of his wife. The pain of being punished to kneel before the month was still fresh in his mind.

Now that he saw that Tang Qing was actually thinner than before by a few rounds, he immediately felt that his entire knee was throbbing in pain.

"Someone, come!" He immediately shouted.

"Master." The servant standing by the door immediately walked over.

"Go and instruct the Kitchen that starting from tonight's dinner, the Palace's young ladies are not allowed to allow Ru Su to return to her normal food." Tang Tian De said as he frowned.

The servant quickly obeyed.

Tang Tian De looked at Tang Qing a few more times and felt that Tang Qing, who had lost a few laps, was actually the proof that their Prince Consort's Mansion mistreated her.

"Eat more!" He frowned and snorted, seeing Tang Qing obediently nod her head, he was no longer willing to waste words with her: "Go see your mother, she has something to ask you."

Tang Qing still nodded obediently. No matter how Tang Tian De looked at her, he felt that his daughter was no different from before.

But the more obedient Tang Qing was, the more he felt that her daughter was crazy, and the more she hated that Feng Qiu wouldn't do something to make him crazy, and that she would lose his face as a Prince Consort's Mansion.

He frowned and thought about it, but decided to say a few words to Feng Qiu in the evening.

Now that the Kaiser had set his eyes on the Prince Consort's Mansion, he did not want the matters of the previous dynasty to affect him anymore.

Once Tang Tian De left, the good expression on Tang Qing's face became a little less serious.

Tang Tian De thought that she was crazy, but Feng Qiu wasn't.

Feng Qiu would only test her step by step. As for her, all she needed was to show a part of what Feng Qiu had guessed.

"Qing Er, come quickly, let me see you. Have you been injured in State Protecting Temple today?"

Just as Tang Qing entered the house, she heard Feng Qiu's extremely concerned words.

Tang Qing looked up and saw Feng Qiu sitting in the main seat. Her face was still somewhat pale.

She did not stand up as she usually did. Her legs and legs had not recovered by now.

"I made mother worry. I'm fine, I'm not injured. The one injured is the young lady from Princess Yunyang's family." Tang Qing said in a low voice as she walked to Feng Qiu's side.

Feng Qiu had already known about it from the guards, but the Tang Qing she had seen from the guards' mouths couldn't be connected to the Tang Qing in front of her.

It was like when this girl wasn't by his side, she would look different.

"What exactly is going on? I heard that you are arguing with your Fifth sister, Qing Er, this is not something you do normally. "

Feng Qiu patted the back of Tang Qing's hand and asked gently, "What happened to you recently? Mother, why do I feel like you've been a bit impatient recently? "

Tang Qing lifted her head, revealing a somewhat sorrowful expression.

"Mother, does everyone in the manor dislike me?" she asked.

"How could that be?" Feng Qiu revealed a surprised expression, then his expression changed and she said angrily: "Could it be that someone is talking nonsense in front of you?"

Tang Qing revealed a sorrowful look, the anger in her voice could not be hidden.

"Then why am I not moving all the guards in the manor? Why did the Fifth sister want to scheme against me, and even send someone to the State Protecting Temple to scheme against my reputation! Does she want me to die? "

"What did you say?" It's actually made by Little Wu? "

Hearing that, Feng Qiu's face suddenly changed!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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