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No one was clearer than Feng Qiu about the consequences of provoking the Princess Yunyang.

That woman is crazy.

Qi Yun Yang had grown up with Prince Qi, he was a woman who could get on the horse and fight hard. His actions were even more brazen than some of the generals in the imperial city.

Feng Qiu would never forget the side of her that she saw her in when she was young.

To openly steal a marriage, was this something a woman could do?

However, Qi Yun Yang chose to do just that, and regardless of whether it was the late emperor or the Duke Wei, no one reprimanded her.

See you later, not only did this woman not weaken, she was even more ferocious than she was ten years ago.

At that time, Qi Yun Yang's husband had just been found, and she had brought him back home. However, he didn't expect that his daughter, Qi Xiao Ran, would be bullied right at this moment.

This woman was simply a weirdo. She had led her horse to break through the gates of her father-in-law, rushing in and taking him away.

For a woman who could cause a ruckus in the capital for a small matter, getting into her bad luck was only slightly better than Feng Jiu Li, right?

"You said that Little Wu made it?" Feng Qiu repeated herself. When she thought about Tang Qian Zi's expression when she returned, she realized that something was not right.

In fact, she already believed it.

But she would have preferred to see or guess wrong.

Tang Qian Zi was taught this by herself, how could she do such a thing?

"I never thought that it was done by Fifth sister at the beginning. I only thought that Miss Qi Family was bullied by others, but she is dressed exactly the same as me, and that drunk person, no matter how drunk he is, shouldn't he specifically look for someone as chubby as us?" Tang Qing's face was sullen, her expression expressionless.

"He dares to be presumptuous in a place like the State Protecting Temple. Who gave him the guts? If not for the fact that I happened to go to the side chamber to listen to Grandmaster Qing Yuan's sermon, I'm afraid that I would be the one being torn apart today. "

"How are you so sure that Little Wu did it?" But did Xiao Wu do anything wrong? " Feng Qiu frowned.

"There was no trace of the Fifth sister in the beginning, but after what happened later on, Qi Xiao Ran sought her own death and was stopped by me.

I called for people to go and report the situation, but Fifth sister stopped them, not saying anything.

If I go, I will lose my reputation, and just put the matter of the drunkard on my head. "

Tang Qing sneered.

"Does she think I'm stupid? He did it so obviously because he wasn't afraid of what I might do! But she was too much of a prankster.

I just had a few words with her yesterday, but she did this kind of thing today, and nearly caused Qi Xiao Ran to die, this is a life! "

Tang Qing's face revealed an expression of righteous indignation.

"There are so many girls in the hall. If that man isn't looking for her, why is he looking for someone wearing a pink and blue jacket and skirt?

"It's not like I'm that beautiful or eye-catching. If it wasn't for the people in our residence who contacted us, who would know what kind of clothes I'm wearing today?"

Tang Qing laughed bitterly, she pursed her lips and did not speak anymore, as though she was extremely infuriated, as though she was going to vent her anger on her even if she were to be scolded by Feng Qiu.

Feng Qiu did not have the strength to scold Tang Qing anymore.

She never thought that Tang Qian Zi would be able to do something that was so illogical and still filled with loopholes.

When she found out about what happened in State Protecting Temple at noon, she paid more attention to the matter of palace mama bringing people to Prince Consort's Mansion.

But now, she regretted not sending people to investigate in time.

It had been an afternoon.

Even if Jing Zhao Mansion and the Supreme Court were to be indifferent to the work, they would have already investigated everything. Furthermore, with Princess Yunyang, that crazy old woman, suppressing them, they would have already gathered all the evidence.

She almost wanted to kill that idiot Tang Qian Zi with a single slap. She could already imagine, tomorrow, that crazy woman Qi Yun Yang would definitely come to the palace and cry!

If Empress Dowager Wang still hated her for plotting against Feng Jiu Li, maybe she would be taking advantage of him again!


He really was an idiot!

"Alright, I understand. Qing Er, you go back first. Mother will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly for you, as long as you truly find out that it was Xiao Wu's doing, Mother will definitely personally break her legs to vent your anger! "

Feng Qiu looked at Tang Qing with a serious face, then comforted him with a few words.

After Tang Qing left, she immediately had her people call Tang Qian Zi over. They talked until the latter half of the night before she let the red and swollen face of Tang Qian Zi go back.

After Tang Qian Zi left, Qiu Ming walked forward and carefully told Feng Qiu about the orders for the few young misses from Tang Tian De.

Feng Qiu immediately fell onto the bed while clutching her chest, scaring the room full of servants.

During the chaos in the manor, Tang Qing had already taken a warm bath. After eating the food brought by the Kitchen, he laid on the bed satisfied.

Originally, she had asked the palace mama to bring a bag of salt back, but she didn't expect that with just a single move, Feng Qiu's plans would be disrupted.

Although the food was much less salty than normal, there was still plenty of nutrition in terms of the number of dishes. It would be much less troublesome for her.

"Miss, are you going to sleep now?" palace mama stood by the bed, holding onto the deerskin towel in her hand, she slowly absorbed the water in Tang Qing's hair, her movements extremely gentle.

Tang Qing narrowed his eyes sleepily, but she did not have the intention to sleep. Instead, she looked at palace mama with his sparkling eyes.

"Did you get the Black Sieve Vine?"

palace mama smiled and nodded.

Tang Qing immediately revealed a malicious smile.

"Jian Ru! Ming Ling! " Tang Qing shouted.

Two pretty young maidservants walked in from outside.

The two of them walked with light steps. When their movements were a bit faster, they seemed to float.

Tang Qing knew that it was because they had used their Qing Gong.

She raised her eyebrows and smiled. "I'll give you guys a mission to test your abilities. How about it?"

Jian Ru and Ming Ling looked at each other and obediently bowed, "Please give me your instructions, Young Miss."

"Grandma has brought some medicinal powder back today. Please help me sprinkle it on each window for two hours. When the time is up, come back and report to me, okay?" Tang Qing asked.

The two of them agreed obediently and each of them left with a large bag of powder.

"I thought Miss would tell them to bring the powder to the food." palace mama chuckled.

"I'm afraid this mama doesn't know that this Black Sieve Cane has a special property. If the sun shines on it, it will easily evaporate, and the smell is not very strong."

However, if you smell it for a long time, you will fall into a deep sleep, and then have more dreams. If you smell it a little longer, you might even see something that others can't see. "

palace mama was slightly startled, she had never heard of this characteristic of the Black Sieve Vine.

Tang Qing did not continue speaking. She narrowed her eyes and thought, then smiled gently at palace mama.

"Before Senior Sister goes to sleep, let Su Yun find some time to throw some things ?"

Su Yun was the other two people King Su gave him.

She muttered a few sentences under her breath as palace mama looked at her in shock. In the end, he was at a loss of whether to laugh or cry from her teasing.

"Miss, go to sleep. I will let them take care of these matters."

Tang Qing smiled slightly, then relaxed and fell asleep.

The past few days had been full of good scenes. She should have raised her spirits, only then would she have had the energy to take on the show ?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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