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** Ryan KRIZO **

It's all exhausted that I come home from work, it's been a week since I was hired in the empire of Terry YOUL as an architect and for the moment everything is going well even if my boss is a little intimidating. I worry every time I sketch I'll goof off because he's a super-gifted architect himself. I studied architecture in Nigeria and it has been two weeks since I returned. I applied for the position of architect at LES MAISONS ET BATIMENT YOUL and thank God I was favorably received. I have a very good salary and I don't complain about it at all. I was even happier to find a familiar face in the box: Maya!! She was the best friend of my little sister who now lives in France with her husband and their children. To tell the truth, Maya and I were not really friends, I saw her all the time with my little sister and I considered her as such. But sometimes we made outings, me, my gang, her and my sister. My friends and I came with one of our girlfriends because yes we were bad boys. Our strip was much coveted by the girls and we took advantage of it. We were three but one died in an accident and some time later our paths separated Brice and me. But now that I'm back I plan to make up time with my brother...well, if I manage to find him because I haven't heard from him for years I don't know if he's here in the country or s he is out of the country.

I spill my plate of spaghetti that I bought at the kiosk. When I get home, I grab a bottle of Sprite and sit in front of the TV to watch a game. Spaghetti from Diallo is the dish of all single people and I am one of them. I've always been but I've had relationships that aren't serious, just for sex and that's it. I am still young, so I do not want to imprison myself in a serious relationship that will lead to marriage. Yes I am very young and I want to take advantage of my youth and have fun but also, I still respect women. If I choose one as a date, I stay with her alone until I move on. Usually I move on because they start to get attached and want something more serious which is not part of our deal from the start. I need to find a girl because I'm a man and I need to empty myself from time to time. I don't want to jump from girl to girl to avoid getting one of those weird diseases.

My cell phone rings...I look at it and see Maya's name.

Me: Hello Maya!

“Maya: Hi Ryan. Sorry to call you, just to ask if…”

I hear noise and voices.

“Voice: Hello Hi Ryan, it’s Cynthia. By the way, I lost my buckle and I would like to know if you hadn't seen it in your car.

I start to smile because I know exactly what she wants.

Me: Hi Cynthia. No I did not see but I promise to look tomorrow if I go down because there I am knocked out.

“Cynthia: OK okay thank you in advance. Well I won't bother you, good evening to you. »

Me: Good evening Cynthia.

I cut and burst out laughing. This girl is looking for me, um, and she's going to find me. I see very well in his game and I don't mind that. She's a very beautiful girl with generous curves... I feel that she must be super good in bed. I finish my dish and go to the kitchen to wash up what I used and as I walk back to the living room, the doorbell rings. When I look in the peephole I think I'm dreaming but when I open the door I'm surprised.

Me: Bruce? Damn brother is that you?

Brice: Of course I am my brother in the flesh.

We fall into each other's arms and a long hug follows. I can't believe he's there in front of me when I was just trying to figure out how to find him. My everyday buddy, my brother, my best friend, my confidant. We decide to go our separate ways and I close the door and then go take a seat in the living room.

Me: But how did you find me?

Brice: I was passing the YOUL building when I saw you getting into your car. I hesitated for a long time because the last news you were in Nigeria but when I saw your posture I told myself no that's my friend so I followed you to have a clearer heart and there you are, you are well and truly in front of me. Damn how happy I am to see you again my brother.

Me: So am I. It's been too long huh.

Bruce: Yes. When did you come back?

Me: Two weeks ago.

Brice: Two weeks ago and you didn't try to see me? No but what kind of friend are you Ryan?

Me (laughing): I'm sorry buddy, I wanted to settle down better first to have time to look for you. But now things happened on their own.

Bruce: Yeah. So you know what we're going to do now? We're going to exchange numbers and tomorrow I'll call you to have lunch together. I had something to settle when I saw you pass.

Me: No problem. Tomorrow without fail we catch each other.

We exchange numbers and he leaves. I'm really happy to find him. At least I won't be alone in the city anymore.

The watch on my arm tells me it's noon and when I close the file I was working on, my cell phone starts ringing. I smile with all my teeth when I see Brice's name. I answer and he tells me he's just downstairs. I quickly get my keys and leave my office. As I walk towards the elevator I see Maya who is also heading there. She didn't see me.

Me: You must be really hungry to see how quickly you walk there.

Maya (turning around): Oh Ryan you're here. By the way, I have a file to close so I'm going to quickly get myself a takeaway and I'll come back to work while eating otherwise I'll suffer the wrath of M YOUL.

Me (entering the elevator): But why didn't you call to be delivered?

Maya: Let's say I wanted to stretch my legs a bit.

She presses the button and the elevator begins to descend.

Maya: Oh by the way, I would like to invite you to dinner tomorrow night in my apartment with my friends.

Me: Let me guess, that's Cynthia's idea right?

Maya: How did you know that?

The elevator opens and we go down and then go outside the building.

Me: Let's say I know you well enough to know that you're too reserved to invite a man over.

Maya (smiling): Is this supposed to be a compliment or is this a way of telling me that I'm stuck?

Me: A bit of both.

She hits me and I burst out laughing. We stop at my car and face each other.

Maya: So?

Me: Yes I will be there but do you mind if I come with Brice?

Maya: Brian? The same Brice?

I do. We met yesterday by pure chance and I have lunch like that with him. Besides, here he comes.

Maya: Alright it works. But tell him not to try to hit on one of my girlfriends.

Me: Say you and your other girlfriend instead because apparently Cynthia has a crush on me.

Maya: And you on her, I see.

Me: That's not wrong. Reassure me that she doesn't have a boyfriend.

Maya: She doesn't. At least not for real.

Me: That's cool.

When Brice joins us he winces when he sees Maya and the way he looks at her makes me believe that she has just had an effect on him.

Brice: Hello beautiful young lady. How are you doing ?

Me: Stop it's Maya.

Brice: My what? Maya? Maya Maya Maya is it really you?

Maya (laughing): Yes it's me Brice.

Brice: Good God you've become jo… woah but am I dreaming or what. I think I just had a crush.

Maya: I see that you haven't changed either.

Brice: No and get ready to have me in your hands because I have every intention of conquering you.

Me: That's good, we're invited tomorrow night to her house and her roommates.

Brice: I will be there with great pleasure.

Maya: It works then. Well I'm leaving. Good appetite to you.

Me: Same to you.

She leaves and Brice follows her with his gaze.

Brice: Man I think I just fell in love.

Me: Stop it's Maya. But it's not the first time you've seen her.

Brice: Yes, but she has changed a lot. What a beautiful woman she has become.

Me: Yes and you should do with the kind of girl she flirts. His girlfriend is a real bomb.

Brice: What are you in love with already man?

Me: Stop being stupid. I told you I'm too young for this nonsense. Until I'm 40, I refuse to fall in love and since I'm 27 right now, I'm enjoying it to the max and his girlfriend, fhum I'm going to have it.

Brice: What if you end up falling in love with her afterwards?

Me: There's no way dude. I'm immune to that. Well let's finish our speech at the restaurant. I have the slab myself.

As agreed we go to dinner with these single girls. Maya told me so well at her place that I had no trouble finding the house. She told me there were three so I bought three roses. The door opens on a really hot young girl. No, but where did Maya find her friends. Too bad I only sleep with one girl at a time otherwise I would have tried it with her too.

Me: Well good evening miss. Am I at Maya's?

She: Yes. Surely you must be Ryan and you Brice?

Me: That's right.

Her: OK come in. They are getting dressed.

We enter this apartment which is beautifully decorated and very clean. We feel that it is women who live there. She installs us in the living room and I give her a rose.

Her: Oh thank you very much, that's nice. I'm Olivia. Can I get you something to drink?

It is at this moment that Brice gets up to hand him the bottle of wine he has brought.

Brice: We'll wait during dinner.

Olivia: Thank you. Okay, I'll give you two minutes to go tell the others.

They are not long in joining us and I remain amazed by the beauty and elegance of Cynthia. She's damn gorgeous. We kiss each other and Maya invites us to the table. During the meal I can't take my eyes off Cynthia. If I just found her horny there, I don't know what's going on in my head. Above all, I must not succumb to its charm. I just want sex with her and then everyone lives on their own. I look at Brice who also keeps looking at Maya. I think there is one who is falling in love. We chat about everything and nothing until we finish dinner, after which we go back to the living room and continue chatting. There is a good atmosphere and even if I am not that close to Maya, I am happy that she introduces me to her friends.

Brice: Uh and if we were going to end the evening in a club? Tomorrow is Saturday and no one is working so we can go have some fun.

Me: Yes that's a good idea.

Maya: Uh it will be without me. I feel a little tired and clubs aren't really my thing.

Cynthia: Maya stop being stuck up and let's have some fun. You spend all your time working. Have a little fun. Olivia what do you say?

Olivia: I don't mind. In addition I need to evacuate a little the stress of the week.

Cynthia: You see Maya, everyone is in. Only you are left.

Maya: OK, that's understood.

We are installed in a living room and the atmosphere is always pleasant. We all drink booze except Maya. She is still as holy as before. A rapprochement has developed between Cynthia and me that I really like. I discover below her alluring air a cheerful girl. She loves life and having fun and I like that. Brice talks to him about Maya and Olivia. A moment Cynthia, gets up and pulls me. What does she want us to dance? So that's out of the question. I don't have the head to dance. I shake my head no and she brings her face closer to mine and whispers in my ear.

Cynthia: You won't have to do anything. Just let yourself be.

She says it so sensually that my senses wake up. I let myself be guided by her onto the track and there she begins a really, but really provocative dance. She rubs against me. When she sticks her posterior to my crotch I jump. She wants to kill me or what? She stays like this, wiggling against me and I feel that my fly is going to crack so subtly I put an end to it and lead us back to our living room. This girl just woke the beast. I have to control myself otherwise I risk doing anything. The evening ends on a good note and we go our separate ways. I feel cramped but I have to control myself. To tell the truth at the beginning I only wanted to sleep with her but after this dinner I liked her in another way. No it's not love, maybe the curiosity to know who is hiding behind this girl head in the air. I like his crazy side. When I arrive in front of my apartment, I realize that I have lost my keys. What the fuck is this again? I don't even know where they might be. I go down to search my car but nothing. I call Brice to ask him if he had them and he tells me that he saw them on the coffee table at the girls' but didn't think anything, surely thinking that I would have taken them. So I turn back to the girls and the welcome leaves me on my ass. Cynthia who comes to open me with a dress that is not only super short but transparent. What did I do to deserve all of this?

Cynthia: Ryan?

Me: Um sorry I forgot my keys here. Did you find it for me?

Cynthia: Oh yes. We didn't know which of you two they belonged to, we were expecting a call. Hold on, I'll get them.

She leaves the door open and when she turns around the show is just chic. Beautiful buttocks not very big but attractive as I like. Once in front of the table she bends down so much that the dress no longer covers her posterior and the thong she wore… I start to sweat there. She comes back and hands me the keys. I can't take it anymore.

Me: Alright, you won.

Cynthia (like): What?

Me: You turned me on all evening and now I'm about to explode.

Cynthia: Sorry but I don't know what you're talking about Ryan. Well I'm really sorry but I'm falling asleep.

Me: You're doing it on purpose, aren't you?

Cynthia: Seriously, I don't know what you're talking about. Goodbye.

She wants to close the door but I block her and pull her against me, grabbing her arm. Before she knew it our lips were already sealed. I just fell in love with her lips. I slide my hand under her dress and caress her curves. She lets out a moan. I make my way into her. Ayayaï the case is serious. She wraps a leg around me to allow me to rummage further. When I feel her losing her mind, I jerk my finger back and step away from her.

Cynthia: But what...

Me: Now we will be two to suffer. Good night Cynthia.

She looks at me surprised and I leave with a smile on my face. She wants to play? Well we'll play and we'll see who will crack first. But my hand to cut that it will not be me. The killer here is me.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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