Unmatched Battle Monarch/C21 Zhan Shi Wei
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Unmatched Battle Monarch/C21 Zhan Shi Wei
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C21 Zhan Shi Wei

"Oh, so you've given up on wordplay and now you're resorting to a physical fight?"

Shi Luo let out a cold, mocking laugh as he eyed his cousin with disdain. His face, a mask of malevolence, was etched with bulging veins. His dark eyes glinted with a frosty sheen, reminiscent of the lethal gleam of swords, and his fists creaked with tension. Despite this, Shi Wei managed to maintain a clear-headed rationality.

Shi Luo couldn't help but inwardly sigh with respect. Most teenagers faced with such provocation would have lost control by now. Yet, his cousin, though seething with rage, was still holding onto a sliver of composure. That alone spoke volumes of his potential for greatness.

But it was a pity that he had to face him, a Battle Emperor relentless in pursuit of his enemies' demise. Such a confrontation spelled a sorrowful destiny.

"Do you have the guts to face me in battle or not?"

Shi Wei, his face a livid red with fury, demanded in a low growl, stepping forward with barely concealed lethal intent in his eyes. It was clear that he was ready to strike Shi Luo down, regardless of whether the challenge was accepted.

"Young master, you mustn't! That Shi Wei is a Seventh Layer Qi Refining Cultivator. You're no match for him!"

From below the stage, Stone called out in a frantic and urgent tone. Although his young master had effortlessly bested Liu Hu and withstood a blow from Shi Wei, Stone still doubted his master's ability to confront Shi Wei directly.

"Tsk tsk, looks like we're in for quite the spectacle."

"Everyone knew there was bad blood between the Shi family patriarch and the Second Master, but who would've guessed it would escalate to this point, with the younger generation now turning on each other?"

The crowd murmured with a mix of resignation and intrigue, clearly anticipating the imminent clash.

"Looks like you'll have your way whether I agree or not. So why should I play the coward? You want a fight, you've got one."

Shi Luo bellowed, stepping forward with a presence that belied his modest frame. His aura was as piercing as a colossal sword thrust into the heavens, not just sharp, but exuding a solitary, defiant battle spirit.

The crowd watched in awe. Who could have imagined that the Shi family's once-considered waste would shine so brilliantly today? His strength was not only formidable, but he also possessed an indomitable spirit, ready to take on any formidable adversary. Should today's events become known, Shi Luo's former infamy would shatter in an instant, giving way to the meteoric rise of Green City's new prodigy.

"You're certainly clever; I'll give you that. I'm no match for you, but today, you're going to die no matter what."

Shi Wei couldn't stand the shame of being toyed with any longer. Whether Shi Luo's words were truth or lies, he was intent on using his iron fists to slay Shi Luo and reclaim his fragmented honor. Before his words could fully settle, Shi Wei had already sprung into action. With a flurry of palm strikes and kicks, the oppressive force of a Seventh Layer Qi Refining warrior permeated the air, causing those with lesser strength below the stage to visibly tense.

A subtle Spiritual Force enveloped him, creating a cacophony of wind explosions in its wake. Onlookers turned their heads, their faces growing solemn in an instant.

"Collapse Fist, Collapse - Ground Stomp!"

With a low growl, Shi Wei's body thundered to the ground, resonating like a muffled clap of thunder. His form became as imposing as a great bell, and in the next instant, his fist, charged with Spiritual Force, hurtled towards Shi Luo's chest.

The crowd's faces turned as Stone, familiar with the Shi family's techniques, cried out in alarm. The Collapse Fist was a renowned battle skill of the Shi family, characterized by its solid and substantial strikes, and its formidable power. Mastered to perfection, it could cleave mountains and shatter stones, an unstoppable force.

"Be careful, Young Master!"

"Collapse Fist, huh?" Shi Luo paused, registering the dense and sharp energy of the incoming fist. Truth be told, Shi Wei had honed this technique well, and with further cultivation, it was bound to become a deadly weapon.

Shi Wei's lips curled into a smug grin as he watched Shi Luo's stunned look, his movements quickening with satisfaction. But before his fist could connect, Shi Luo's figure shifted, retreating with the grace of the wind.

His deep gaze locked onto the fist, a glint of recognition flashing in his eyes.

With a slight parting of his lips, a fierce shout erupted.

"Collapse Fist? You think you're the only one who can use it?" As Shi Luo retreated, his body landed with a booming impact. A faint Spiritual Force shimmered around him. His punch met Shi Wei's head-on. It was as solid and heavy as a mountain, yet his footwork flowed like water, agile and fluid. The fusion of strength and grace, stability and elegance, lent Shi Luo's rendition of the Collapse Fist not just immense power, but an aesthetic beauty as well.

"How can this be?" Shi Wei was in disbelief, feeling the tide-like force that, while not as strong as his own, was still a match. They collided and both were forced back, but Stone was utterly astonished. He had been with his young master since childhood, remembering every detail, even the most mundane. Yet, he had never witnessed his young master practice any combat techniques, let alone the Shi family's renowned Collapse Fist.

The enhancement of cultivation could be attributed to the assistance of elixirs, beyond his control, but mastering combat skills wasn't something that could be achieved overnight. His young master had been training for only a few days, and his rapid progress in cultivation was already astonishing. But today, his young master's sudden display of a battle skill had completely dazzled him.

The crowd, unaware of the significance, was not shocked. Still, they sensed something extraordinary about the glove fist technique. Shi Luo's relaxed and confident demeanor made them increasingly suspect that he had been concealing his true capabilities, and today, he seemed poised to stun everyone with his prowess.

But who could have known that in his past life, Shi Luo was a Battle Emperor, a veteran in combat skills? He had seen it all. Even though this Collapse Fist was new to him, after observing the first move, he could anticipate the subsequent ones and even refine their weaknesses.

Shi Wei's Collapse Fist was mighty and impressive, but it had a glaring flaw: it was too cumbersome. Against a swift and nimble opponent, it would be as useless as a chicken rib. However, with Shi Luo's own graceful steps, it could be transformed into a superior combat technique.

"Collapse Fist, huh? Very well, I'll show you the true might of the Collapse Fist."

With his fighting spirit kindled by Shi Wei, Shi Luo was ablaze with fervor. As his words fell and he steadied himself, his legs powerfully kicked off the ground, propelling him forward to overwhelm Shi Wei with unstoppable momentum.

"Collapse Fist draws its power from the body's physical strength, with Spiritual Force as its aid. First Collapse: Stomp the earth to gather strength; Second Collapse: Solidify the waist to unleash power; Third Collapse: Condense Qi into the fist..." Shi Luo's voice thundered softly, his form growing increasingly swift with each word.

His silhouette danced through the air with an ethereal grace, yet the ground shook and dust billowed with each step he took. He exuded a dashing elegance, matched by an underlying solidity. His muscles tensed and bulged against his clothing as he transformed his open palms into clenched fists, a commanding presence emanating from him.

"Seventh Collapse: Decisive Strike; Eighth Collapse: Total Annihilation." His overwhelming aura surged like a dragon frolicking among the waves, pummeling Shi Wei with relentless iron fists. Despite Shi Wei's status as a Seventh Layer Qi Refiner, he stood no chance against Shi Luo, bolstered by the Fifth Layer Qi Refining and the might of Collapse Fist.

"Impossible? Absolutely impossible?"

Shi Wei's cry echoed as the iron fist struck him, sending waves of excruciating pain through his body and causing his organs to quiver. Yet, what truly astounded him was the ferocity and flawlessness of Shi Luo's punches, leaving no room for resistance. He was like a wooden post, helplessly molded by Shi Luo's hands.

"Impossible? Everything is possible."

As Shi Wei's face contorted in madness, Shi Luo's movements became even more rapid. With a swift kick, he snapped Shi Wei's thigh, the crack resounding through the air. In just a few moments, the once domineering and fierce Shi Wei was reduced to a helpless cur, utterly unable to fight back. The onlookers were left in stunned silence, the heavy, deathly quiet signaling an outcome no one had anticipated.

Even those who had harbored a sliver of confidence in Shi Luo were taken aback. They had thought, at best, he might fight to a draw, perhaps even gaining a slight upper hand with some luck. But who could have predicted such a turn of events?

A Seventh Layer Qi Refiner was being thoroughly dominated and beaten by a Fifth Layer Qi Refiner, without the slightest ability to retaliate.

"You tried to frame me, you tried to play me. Did you really think I, Shi Luo, would be so easily bullied?"

Watching Shi Wei curled up in a corner of the arena, Shi Luo harbored no thoughts of mercy. As he hurled insults, his attacks were swift and fierce.

"You think you're tough just because you're my cousin? Today, I'm going to give you a lesson from my second uncle. Today you're after me, but tomorrow, you might turn on your own father."

The barrage of insults poured into Shi Wei's ears. Seething with rage, yet too afraid to speak, he glared at Shi Luo with eyes brimming with hatred.

"I told you to watch me, to keep your eyes on me!" Shi Luo raged, his gaze threatening.

With a powerful kick, Shi Wei screamed as his leg snapped.

"Wait, there's another..." Shi Luo paused, a thought striking him. He spun around to face Wang Heng.

Wang Heng, already petrified by Shi Luo's wrath, had no fight left in him. Meeting Shi Luo's stare, he broke down and knelt, choking back sobs.

"Young master, it wasn't me. The Second Young Master, he ordered me to kill you."

Shi Luo shook his head at the sight of the weeping Wang Heng. What a coward, not even as tough as Liu Hu. Despite his contempt, Shi Luo wasted no time. He leaped down, reached out, and scooped up Wang Heng as effortlessly as an eagle snatching a chick.

"I'm all about fairness. I'm warm-hearted and always ready to lend a hand. Weren't you eager for a duel just moments ago? I'm happy to oblige."

With a hearty laugh, Shi Luo hoisted Wang Heng onto the arena and unleashed a brutal beating. Onlookers turned to see Liu Hu, already a battered mess, gasping for air. Shi Wei cowered in the corner, shaking and glaring at Shi Luo with a twisted face, while Wang Heng suffered a relentless pummeling from Shi Luo.

"This... This is just too... cruel, isn't it?"

The crowd struggled to find the words, but ultimately settled on 'cruel' to describe the scene. Meanwhile, Stone had been thoroughly impressed by Shi Luo's ferocity. Cheering wildly, he waved his arms and went to collect his winnings from the footboy.

As Shi Luo reveled in the thrill of pummeling his opponent, he was jolted by a sudden surge of sharp and powerful Spiritual Force from behind. The rising tide of murderous intent sent a shiver down his spine, and he was instantly gripped by a sense of life and death peril.

"You cur, how dare you treat others so contemptuously?"

A furious bellow erupted, followed swiftly by an eagle claw strike aimed directly at Shi Luo's crown.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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