Unmatched Battle Monarch/C29 Fight Again!
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Unmatched Battle Monarch/C29 Fight Again!
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C29 Fight Again!

The Pavilion Master of Treasure Pavilion's true name remained a mystery. All that was known was that thirty years ago, he arrived in Green City alone and, against the concerted opposition of the Shi family and the City Lord's Mansion, carved out his own path. He established the Treasure Pavilion and, within a few years, his cultivation soared from the Bone Forging Fifth Layer to the Divine Ability Stage.

This ascent sparked a deep unease within the Shi Family and the City Lord's Mansion. The Pavilion Master's journey was nothing short of a miraculous saga that earned him immense reverence throughout Green City. Among the people of Green City and the Savage Beast Forest, the most esteemed individual was neither Shi Zhenshan, the patriarch of the Shi family, nor Xia Qingtian, the City Lord, but rather the Pavilion Master of the Treasure Pavilion.

At the conclusion of the Pavilion Master's speech, a wave of applause swept through the crowd.

"Here's to the Pavilion Master!" Black Ghost's face twisted into a sinister grin as he eyed Shi Luo, his red lips parting to reveal a glint of bloodlust.

Shi Luo responded with a slight smile, poised to exit the private room.

"Young Master, please reconsider. That Black Ghost is a formidable Ninth Layer Qi Refining warrior, seasoned by years in the Savage Beast Forest. His combat skills and experience far surpass those of any ordinary man," Stone implored, his face etched with urgency and fear. Watching his young master's nonchalance, Stone felt a surge of despair. He resolved that, come what may, he would beseech his lord to no longer accompany his young master. The constant anxiety was bad enough, but a single slip could mean death.

Was this Black Ghost someone his young master should trifle with? To a killer like him, it mattered not whose son or heir you were.

"Oh, is he that formidable?" Shi Luo paused, taken aback. He hadn't anticipated such strength from a man who seemed just another face in the crowd.

"Yes, Young Master, please just appease him for now, and let's make our exit," Stone urged, his eyes brimming with hope and entreaty.

"Retreat? Not a chance. This is too good an opportunity to pass up. I'm going to give them a proper greeting."

With a dismissive wave, Shi Luo brushed the stone aside. As he took his stance, his gaze swept over the onlookers, his expression a mix of wild arrogance and solemnity. His black eyes sparkled with an unmistakable battle lust.

To Shi Luo, these people represented a tremendous fortune. Since his rebirth, he had been relentlessly honing his skills. Despite his rapid advancement, he had little experience in Life and Death Battles, which left him feeling a touch unfulfilled, given his reverence for combat.

Today, with challengers stepping forward, he couldn't possibly turn them away. If they were going to underestimate him, he was more than willing to use them as a sharpening stone for his skills.

Upon the Treasure Pavilion Master's declaration, Elder Ming ceased his conjecture. In just half an hour, a rudimentary arena had been erected in the square outside the pavilion.

The crowd surged forward, eyes alight with fervor and faces twisted in excitement.

Despite Elder Ming's diminutive stature, his authority was unchallenged, especially with the Treasure Pavilion Master himself overseeing the event.

"Ladies and gentlemen, by popular demand, the Treasure Pavilion is proud to host another arena battle, with no holds barred. The victor will be awarded a lifetime membership card to our establishment, entitling them to a 50% discount on all purchases," Elder Ming announced, his voice booming across the square and stirring a buzz among the masses. The prospect of such a lavish reward and the promise of significant savings in Spirit Stones whipped the crowd into a frenzy.

Meanwhile, the Treasure Pavilion Master, Xia Luo, Xia Qing, Shi Tian, and others were seated on the balcony of the fourth floor, gazing down at the spectacle below with a mix of ease and curiosity. Xia Luo alone occasionally cast concerned glances towards Shi Luo.

The Pavilion Master watched Shi Luo and Black Ghost on the arena with a faint smile, his demeanor calm and unreadable. He then turned to Shi Tian and his companions to speak.

"Nephews, who do you think will emerge victorious?" The Pavilion Master asked, his demeanor calm, his smile warm and inviting. Shi Tian and Xia Qing, the celebrated prodigies of Green City, had clearly earned his affection.

"Black Ghost has long been a renowned figure, seasoned in combat. His cultivation surpasses that of Shi Luo, giving him a surefire chance of victory," Shi Tian stated coolly, without a hint of malice toward Shi Luo, despite their past grievances. His words were logical and left no room for argument.

Xia Qing simply nodded, tapping his forehead in agreement, choosing not to add anything further.

"Always with the riddles. The match hasn't even started, and you've already written me off," Xia Luo complained, her lips pursed in discontent. The Pavilion Master, caught off guard by her remark, chuckled and responded:

"My dear niece, do you believe Shi Luo will come out on top?"

His tone was light and teasing, clearly enjoying the playful banter with Xia Luo.

"Absolutely, I believe he'll win. Don't you agree, Uncle?" Xia Luo retorted, her eyebrows arching defiantly.

"Ha! Very well, if Xia Luo says so, then I'm in agreement," the Pavilion Master replied, his laughter betraying his indulgence of Xia Luo's temperament. He then turned his gaze to Shi Luo on the stage, his expression a mix of resignation and depth.

"He is, after all, the son of old man Shi. He simply cannot meet his end here; otherwise, my days of tranquility would come to an abrupt end," he murmured to himself.


In the arena, Black Ghost and Shi Luo locked eyes, their heavy auras filling the air.

"Kid, today you'll learn just how formidable I am. Do you understand the meaning of 'no restrictions on life and death'? It means you're going to die," Black Ghost cackled menacingly. For cultivators like him, who constantly skirted the edge of mortality, fear was a foreign concept. It didn't matter that Shi Luo was the son of the Shi family head; they would cross swords with anyone who crossed them, even the Heavenly Emperor. In their world, only one rule prevailed: the strong reign supreme.

"Let's see how impressive your pathetic strength really is," Shi Luo said with a grin, but in a flash, his figure darted forward. His cultivation level was clearly inferior to his opponent's, and if he chose to defend, he would be stuck taking hits. The only way to gain the upper hand and ensure victory was to go on the offensive.

The crowd was taken aback to see Shi Luo actually initiate an attack. They couldn't believe someone would seemingly rush towards their own demise.

"Haha, what a fun little toy. I'm going to enjoy playing with you today," Black Ghost bellowed, his steps thundering against the ground. As Spiritual Force sparked, his black fur bristled, and a thick aura of malevolence enveloped the area. His menacing presence alone was enough to evoke the terror of a demon's arrival.

Black Ghost reached out, aiming a grab at Shi Luo's neck, clearly seeing no need for weapons against such a young opponent. His sharp claws, infused with killing intent and Spiritual Force, reached out like a sword exuding a chilling intent.

Shi Luo's face registered shock as he swiftly changed direction, his agile steps allowing him to evade the lethal strike.

"Not bad, kid. You've got some moves," Black Ghost said with a chuckle, his body then bulging outwards, growing another 30 percent in size. A more suffocating aura of malevolence filled the air, causing the onlookers' hearts to quake with fear, their spirits shaken as they stumbled back.

"Such power," Shi Tian and the others on the high platform murmured, their expressions turning grave. They hadn't anticipated that Black Ghost, at the Ninth Layer of Qi Refining, would possess such formidable combat prowess.

"Kid, I'm done playing games. I'm going to rip you to shreds right now," Black Ghost cackled. Despite his bulky frame, he moved even faster than before, closing the distance to Shi Luo in just a couple of strides. His palm surged with a powerful Spiritual Force as he launched an assault on Shi Luo.

Shi Luo's face paled as he shifted his steps once more, masterfully employing the Stars Change technique to dodge. Black Ghost's vicious strike hit the arena instead, causing it to quake and tremble as though it were on the brink of collapse.

"Why the act? You really think I can't see through you? Sure, your combat strength is formidable right now, but it's clear you've resorted to some secret art. In five breaths' time, you'll revert to your true form. You'll weaken, and here I was, thinking you'd be tough to handle, but you're just another piece of garbage. Had you played it safe, beating you might have been a challenge for me. But you thought you could take advantage of Shi Luo, thinking I'm an easy target. Well, I'm going to make you rue that thought for the rest of your life."

Shi Luo's low shout reached Black Ghost's ears, leaving him stunned. How could this be? How did such a young man guess his thoughts and know the duration of his secret technique? Shock overwhelmed Black Ghost as he glared at Shi Luo, who sported a sinister smile, and rage surged within him.

"Seeking death..."

Black Ghost zeroed in on Shi Luo, unleashing punch after punch, his Spiritual Force pouring out in torrents. Yet Shi Luo's movements were like a fleeting glimpse of a rare bird—graceful and elusive, with an enchanting agility that made him impossible to pin down.

The crowd was already in awe of Shi Luo's footwork. Each person wondered if they could withstand Black Ghost's fierce onslaught. No, it was utterly impossible. And to evade? That seemed even more daunting.

But the impossible was unfolding before their eyes with this teenager. His simple steps were laden with profound subtlety, inscrutable to onlookers.

"Unbelievable, truly unbelievable. The son of old Shi is indeed extraordinary—his intelligence is matched only by the complexity of his footwork. Even I can't fathom it. With such skill in close combat, he's practically unbeatable."

The Pavilion Master watched Shi Luo, his face alight with admiration and a hint of appreciation.

"Three breaths..."

Shi Luo called out, his steps growing even more nimble. At the sound of his voice, Black Ghost's face flushed deeper, his expression a mix of complexity and burgeoning fear.

"Four breaths... Five breaths..."

Right as Shi Luo's words fell, Black Ghost, who had been brimming with power, suddenly weakened, his massive frame contracting.

In that instant, Shi Luo halted, his piercing black eyes fixed on his opponent, a playful smirk playing on his lips.

"You've had your fun; now it's my turn. Collapse Fist!"

With a thunderous roar, Shi Luo advanced, each step resonating like thunder. His Spiritual Force surged as he drew his fists together, unleashing a furious assault on Black Ghost.

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