Unmatched Dominance/C1001 Heaven Opening Divine Stone
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Unmatched Dominance/C1001 Heaven Opening Divine Stone
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C1001 Heaven Opening Divine Stone

Five young individuals from different races, lacking the necessary bloodline strength, were incapable of soaring through the galaxy using their physical prowess alone. The Nirvana Realm, long abandoned, rarely saw the passage of Galaxy Warships from any intelligent race. Consequently, these five were trapped, with no means of escape.

Yu Yuan and Yu Yiyi had a private discussion and concluded that their physical strength was formidable enough to rival an Eighth Level Great Demon, even without being Yang Gods. The peculiar "Life Altar" they possessed might even give them an edge over such a demon.

Yu Yuan was eager to depart the Nirvana Realm without relying on a Galaxy Ancient Starship, confident in his ability to withstand the galaxy's turbulent energies. Yet, the realization that he was in the Nirvana Realm, with the Sky Rift Valley and its origin, the Dragon Slash Platform, close behind, gave him pause. He decided to bide his time and explore the realm further.

Subsequently, he sent the five young men away, instructing them to steer clear of the Sky Rift Valley and fend for themselves.

"Heaven Opening Divine Stone, Dragon Slash Platform..." Yu Yuan mused as he observed the two stones, their seams oozing with a luminous, liquid-like brilliance. The Dragon Slash Platforms, once fractured by the decline of the Divine Soul Sect, were now beginning to merge within the Sky Rift Valley.

He placed the two halves of the Dragon Slash Platform carelessly in the valley, where they occasionally emitted dazzling spatial fissures, ejecting streams of light imbued with spatial energies. This Flowing Light seemed drawn to the Dragon Slash Platform, disappearing into the stone in an instant.

Upon closer examination, Yu Yuan noticed that the two shattered halves of the Dragon Slash Platform appeared to be slowly healing, fueled by the influx of spatial energies.

"Could the Dragon Slash Platforms be self-repairing within the birthplace of the Sky Rift Valley?" Yu Yiyi wondered aloud, her voice tinged with amazement as she hovered over the cauldron, deep in thought. "It must be the Dragon Slash Platforms that caused us to be drawn into the Nirvana Realm, right?"

After a moment of contemplation, her eyes sparkled with realization. "Master, if we can fuse the broken Dragon Slash Platforms back together, their power will surely be immense! There's no need to rush our departure. Let's wait patiently for the two halves to become one."

She had a sudden realization. If it were possible, she wanted to retrieve the Dragon Slash Platform left behind in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area and place all three fragmented pieces together in the Sky Rift Valley.

Only by reuniting the three pieces of the Dragon Slash Platform could the Artifact unleash its full, most formidable power!

She found herself reminiscing about the first master of the Dragon Slash Platform, who wielded its complete form and achieved legendary feats.

"Have you noticed that the appearance of these two Dragon Slash Platforms is causing an increase in the number of spatial cracks here?" Yu Yuan inquired.

"Indeed, I have," Yu Yiyi affirmed with a gentle nod.

"In my view, the restoration of the Dragon Slash Platforms seems to be inducing the formation of even more spatial cracks."

Yu Yuan's countenance grew somber as he continued, "I'm somewhat concerned."

"Concerned about what?"

"I'm worried that the proliferation of spatial cracks might eventually stabilize. This could draw the attention of the Void Spirit Succubus, leading to an influx of more powerful beings from other races coming to investigate."

"That's a valid concern."

"For now, we'll just have to watch and wait, hoping that no unforeseen events occur after the two Dragon Slash Platforms are repaired in the Sky Rift Valley."

Subsequently, Yu Yuan remained in the valley, practicing the Evil Body Refining Skill to temper his physique and assimilate the lifeblood and soul energy that would enhance him.

Having recently entered the Soul Wandering Stage, he had endured the brutal battles of the forbidden area and beheld the combat prowess of formidable individuals from various realms, which swiftly solidified his own mastery.

As the Dragon Slash Platform neared restoration in the Nirvana Realm, he seized the opportunity to further amplify his strength.

Meanwhile, Hart, Benin, and three other young members of foreign races roamed the expanse of the Nirvana Realm, their search fruitless.

"Apart from mutated flora, there's a dearth of valuable spiritual materials and gems," lamented Baruch of the Crypt Clan, emerging from an underground cavern and shaking his head. "We've scoured the depths, hundreds of meters below, and found no veins, hence no rare minerals."

Another member of the Crypt Clan gave a subtle nod in agreement.

"The barrier of the realm has been shattered, allowing harmful extraterrestrial powers to contaminate our world," observed Hart of the Silver Scale Clan, who had come to this realization long ago. "I've ventured into similar environments before. Many are just like this one—devoid of worth. The few life signs I did encounter..."

At that point, he seemed to recall something horrific and involuntarily shuddered.

"What's wrong?" Benin inquired with concern.

"The remaining three were directly ravaged by the realm wall, leaving them utterly exposed to the cosmos. Yet, life persists even there. The beings that survived, though, had to endure corruption and chaos. They were meant to perish in mutual slaughter, but somehow, they clung to life," Hart explained, taking a deep breath. "They've devolved into mindless beasts, driven only by a lust for killing."

"Our kin, many with bloodlines far stronger than mine, were... devoured by them."

Hart's face was ashen.

"Devoured?" exclaimed the Mondnacht Clan girl in horror.

"Yes, I witnessed it myself!" Hart confirmed, then tried to lighten the mood. "We should count our blessings that the Nirvana Realm shows no signs of life, becoming a true realm of silence. Otherwise, the five of us would have stood no chance against being consumed."

"Why did that happen? Weren't those creatures once intelligent?" the Mondnacht Clan girl pressed.

"There's something you should really grasp," Hart began, patiently clarifying for her. "Our bloodlines, like yours and mine, are decent. But even with that, adapting to the Nirvana Realm is challenging. We must constantly purge the impurities and malevolent thoughts from our bodies."

"If we were weaker, with only a Third Level bloodline, or lower, the sudden influx of foreign powers with the tearing of the realm wall would still be instinctively absorbed into our flesh."

"In such a state, we'd quickly descend into madness, becoming beasts devoid of reason. We'd turn on each other, consuming our fellows or any other creatures after slaying them."

"And in this state, despite lacking intelligence, we could still advance our bloodline limits through such carnage. Eventually, we'd become those very monsters, knowing nothing but endless conflict, unaware of our own identities, driven purely by instinct," Hart concluded.

Benin nodded thoughtfully, adding, "Exactly. Those with high-level bloodlines are immune to the corruption of alien powers and remain unaffected. But many of our weaker kin could easily spiral into madness with the destruction of the realm wall. Naturally, the majority would perish swiftly, eliminated to prevent any future threats."

Only a handful of survivors managed to endure and grow stronger, turning into bloodthirsty fiends.

The five young members of various intelligent races roamed the hills and forests of the Nirvana Realm, yet they discovered few unusual spiritual materials or pieces of valuable information.

As time slipped by, these elite warriors from the Outland Star River struggled due to their insufficient bloodline strength and the pristine conditions of their native realms.

Unlike Yu Yuan, they were unable to harness power from the tainted energies that had been permeated by alien abilities.

Not only were they incapable of this, but they also needed to periodically purge their bodies of inadvertently absorbed toxins, cosmic dust, and the harmful abilities of different blood and flesh.

"This is unsustainable," declared Benin of the Void Spirit Succubus Clan one day, as she flicked away the dim gray light from the corner of her eyes. "Without a Galaxy Ancient Starship passing by, we won't last long in the Nirvana Realm. Our supply of energy gems is finite, and once depleted, we'll have no means of replenishment."

Hart grimaced. "I brought the fewest energy stones. It won't be long before I'm completely out."

"We probably won't last until the arrival of a Galaxy Ancient Starship, given that the Nirvana Realm has been forsaken with hardly any explorers," Benin said through clenched teeth. "Our only chance for survival lies in the Sky Rift Valley, with its ruptured spatial rifts! It's fraught with danger and uncertainty, but we have no choice but to take the risk."

The rest of the group, all in dire straits, discussed the matter briefly and swiftly came to a consensus.

Despite being exiled by Yu Yuan and their reluctance to encounter him again, faced with the prospect of death, they steeled themselves for a return to the Sky Rift Valley.

Upon their return, they were immediately struck with astonishment.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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