Unmatched Dominance/C1004 Stepping into the Ancient Black Iron Ship
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Unmatched Dominance/C1004 Stepping into the Ancient Black Iron Ship
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C1004 Stepping into the Ancient Black Iron Ship

A cascade of brilliant light burst forth from the Dragon Slash Platform, soaring into the heavens.

Deep within the void, the torn realm wall, now bathed in this resplendent light, visibly began to mend itself.

"This, this..."

Hart from the Silver Scale Clan was equally astonished by the spectacle before him, momentarily distracted from the grim fate of his three fallen comrades.

He was well aware that the cost of repairing a shattered realm wall in the void often far exceeded the value of the Realm itself.

In the Outland Star River, few possessed the ability to mend a realm wall, with the Void Spirit Succubus being among the elite.

The Nirvana Realm was a significant territory for the Void Spirit Succubus, and their abandonment of its repair suggested they saw little worth in it.

Yet now, as the Sky Rift Valley reopened its spatial rifts and the realm wall continued to heal, Hart wondered if the realm might be on the cusp of a new era of prosperity.

"What is that stone?"

After her initial shock, Benin attempted to use her bloodline to sense the stone, but her blood surged chaotically, nearly causing her to cough up blood.

She no longer dared to gauge the Dragon Slash Platform with her power and instead turned to Yu Yuan with an inquisitive look.

Having never seen a Heaven Opening Divine Stone, only hearing of it in stories, she recognized the Dragon Slash Platform's uniqueness but couldn't link it to the fabled Divine Stone.

"It might just be something that could alter the current state of the Nirvana Realm," Yu Yuan replied, deliberately vague. "Just stay put and keep an eye on those spatial rifts that continue to open. When you spot a stable one you can identify, let me know."

With a whoosh, the Evil Cauldron soared from the sky, and Yu Yiyi, the cauldron soul, hovered joyfully at its rim.

Shortly thereafter, Yu Yuan sensed and saw a cluster of dark brown soul shadows, formed from myriad fragmented spirits. As they entered the microcosm within the cauldron, they were swiftly separated into six distinct souls, each descending to the lowest tier of the cauldron's inner staircase.

"Master, all the reawakened beasts of this Realm have perished in combat, leaving behind souls that are perfect for refining into Evil Devils! The monsters, transformed by the corruption of foreign abilities due to the tearing of the Void World Wall, are all prime candidates for becoming Evil Devils. This is indeed a treasure land for me!"

Yu Yiyi cheered as she maneuvered the Evil Cauldron, capturing the souls of fallen monsters.

Through the cauldron's vision, Yu Yuan observed numerous monsters emerging from the Nirvana Realm, engaging in brutal combat with one another.

"So many..."

He was taken aback by the sheer number of oddities lurking within such a secluded Nirvana Realm.


Hart, having concealed his shimmering silver armor, waited a while and, seeing no monsters approach, used a drop of his blood to sense the surroundings. He exclaimed in shock, "There's a plethora of uncontrollable mutated monsters! Even with the World Wall mended, this region remains inhospitable for the time being."

"Sir, where do you wish to venture?" Hart inquired once more.

"No, I have no desire to head towards the human race's congregating spots." Yu Yuan narrowed his eyes, disregarding Hart's curiosity, and instead instructed Benin, "Keep a sharp watch for me."

Benin let out a disdainful snort.

Time slipped away silently.

Yu Yuan once again sat before the Dragon Slash Platform, drawing upon the Realm's distinctive energies to purify his soul and fortify his body, infusing the Life Altar with vital energy and blood.

In the meantime, under Yu Yiyi's guidance, the Evil Cauldron roamed, gathering the souls of vanquished demons to be refined.

During this period, he conversed with Yu Yiyi, learning that in two to three months, the Dragon Slash Platform in the Sky Rift Valley would be restored to its original state.

The Nirvana Realm's Void Wall would take just over a month to repair.

With this knowledge, he waited with patience.

Benin and Hart, alien warriors both, had mourned the loss of their three companions for several days but had since recovered. They dared not stray far from Yu Yuan, remaining near the Sky Rift Valley.

Curiously, the tumultuous sounds of the mutated monsters battling outside the valley never ceased, yet not a single one ventured into the Sky Rift Valley again.

After some time, the clamor of combat from beyond the valley had all but disappeared.

Yu Yuan, through the Evil Cauldron, learned that of the many mutated monsters in the Nirvana Realm, two had emerged victorious from the relentless, savage battles. They were now in separate regions of this world, undergoing transformations and striving to reach higher echelons of their bloodline.

Yu Yiyi had amassed nearly a hundred high-level Evil Devils as a result of her actions.

"We'll wait a bit longer. The Dragon Slash Platform will soon be restored to its original state. Once a stable spatial rift emerges, we'll determine its general direction and make our departure at the earliest opportunity," Yu Yuan conveyed to the cauldron soul.

In the vast expanse outside the Nirvana Realm, an Ancient Black Iron Ship creaked and groaned as it made its way through the Gloom Star River, a massive flag with a blood skeleton wielding a sword and shield fluttering above it. The ship's hull, battered by the forces of the Galaxy Extraordinary Talent, emitted a constant shower of sparks.

Inside the sealed hull, a motley crew of non-humans from various races, clad in an assortment of garments, were loudly voicing their complaints. Their grievances were directed at the human cultivators from the Boundless Land.

These non-humans, who roamed the far-flung reaches of the galaxy, had hoped to strike it rich in a Realm teeming with precious minerals. Unfortunately, they encountered several formidable Yang cultivators from the human race and, after suffering a crushing defeat, they had commandeered the Ancient Black Iron Ship and fled in disarray, their destination unknown.

"What kind of forsaken place is this, to have a realm hidden within it?" grumbled a muscular one-eyed man with fiery red hair. He had been tending to his wounds in a corner when a glimpse of unfamiliar land through the crystal face window caught his eye. He leapt to his feet, exclaiming, "There! The Void Wall is shimmering with light. There could be treasures there!"

His words captured the attention of many who were engaged in fervent debate. Eyes turned in unison toward the sight, though most faces were marked by confusion, clearly unsure of the origins of this unexpected landmass.

Among the group, an elder from the Dark Elfkind, who had been absorbed in a hefty tome, now peered intently at the land, his eyes narrowed in scrutiny. After a moment, he declared, "That is the Nirvana Realm."

"The Nirvana Realm? The one under the dominion of the Void Spirit Succubus?"

"Isn't the Void Wall of the Nirvana Realm supposed to have shattered?"

"No, no! Judging by the direction, it must be the Nirvana Realm!"

This revelation sparked a surge of interest among the diverse assembly of non-humans. They scrutinized the Nirvana Realm from their vantage point aboard the Ancient Black Iron Ship, intrigued by its many peculiarities, and were soon filled with an eagerness to explore.

"Let's go and have a look!"

They quickly reached a decision.

Meanwhile, a team of five Yang God practitioners clad in armor and divine garments, their bodies radiating pure spiritual light, were methodically searching the Gloom Star River.

A stooped elder from the Filthy Spirit Sect was trailing a large fishing net filled with the severed heads of alien warriors.

He hauled it behind him as he navigated the dark expanse of the Gloom Star River, occasionally glancing at the captured heads and silently tallying the merit points they would earn him.

"The Ancient Black Iron Ship can't be too far from us; there's no need for concern."

A Yang cultivator from the Ghoul Glyph Sect stood on a dark yellow talisman that served as a flying carpet, effortlessly traversing the icy star river. "Our Artifact Sect from the Boundless Land still lags behind those foreign races in crafting large-scale equipment. Otherwise, our kin at the Soul Wandering Stage and Yin God Stage would have also ventured beyond the heavens."

"The weak, even if they reach the depths of the star river, will only become a liability," remarked a stately woman from the Red Devil Sect with a sneer.

This small squad, assembled from various northern Quietus Continent cultivation sects, casually conversed while tracking the Ancient Black Iron Ship.

They occasionally discussed the state of affairs in the Boundless Land, mostly events from the recent past.

Such as the turmoil in Luan Bird City and the anomalies in Horror Land.

Their lack of recent news was due to their prolonged drift through the Outland Star River, leaving them unaware of the battle that had taken place in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area and the intense conflict that had erupted between the Divine Soul Sect and the five paramount powers.

In the Sky Rift Valley, Yu Yuan abruptly awoke from his meditation, his brow furrowing as he declared, "A Galaxy Ancient Starship is drawing near."

Benin and Hart's faces instantly brightened as they gazed expectantly towards the heavens.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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