Unmatched Dominance/C1012 She Didn't Want to be too Lively
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Unmatched Dominance/C1012 She Didn't Want to be too Lively
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C1012 She Didn't Want to be too Lively

With a crisp snap, the bloodied scabs fell from Yu Yuan's body, shedding like the peeling bark of an ancient tree. Among the detritus, one could make out the colorful specks of the miasma's potent essence, tiny as a fingernail, yet capable of killing a cultivator at the Yin God level.

Moments later, Yu Yuan stood, his upper body bare, revealing a physique both strong and lean. Hu Caiyun's gaze lingered on his muscular form, radiating a robust masculinity, and for a moment, she was transfixed.

Not a trace of poisoning...

As surprise registered on her face, Yu Yuan retrieved a pristine black robe from his Universe Ring. With a mere gesture, the remnants of his old clothes and the bloodstains disintegrated from his skin. Once he was redressed, a glance at the Astral Shield brought a pleased smile to his lips. The Shield's formidable power had just purged the virulent miasma that had been ravaging his flesh, cleansing him along with the scabs.

This Heaven Level artifact had proven its worth in his time of peril. Without the Astral Shield's intervention, he would have had to depend on a pill furnace and several rare medicinal ingredients, immersing himself within the furnace to achieve detoxification. His expertise in the matter was undeniable.

Yet, he suspected that Peach Madam would not afford him the luxury of time to neutralize the poison.

"You're aware that during my tenure as Sect Master of the Medicine God Sect, I devoted myself to the study of poisons. You also know of my ventures into the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea, where I refined its toxic essence for alchemy," Yu Yuan said, adjusting his robe with deliberate calm. "Peach Madam, do you truly believe your concocted miasma can corrupt me?"

She fell silent.

"Hehe," chuckled Yu Yuan, casting his gaze upward at the Evil Cauldron. From within, the Ice Concubine emerged, her ice-blue crystalline form rising like a frosty goddess. Her eyes, devoid of human warmth, fixed on Hu Caiyun with an icy stare.

A frigid mist billowed forth from the Ice Concubine, and as it enveloped the area, the miasma-born aberrations began to freeze, their forms crackling in the cold.

Peach Madam's face shifted as she stood amidst the colorful sea of clouds. "The Evil Cauldron!"

She remembered leaving the Ember Waters, where Black Xie, a guard at the Devil Palace, had mentioned a severely damaged cauldron hidden in the sea's depths. It was likely that Yu Yuan, whom Black Xie had emphasized, had come into possession of the Evil Cauldron.

In this realm, she had witnessed Yu Yuan wielding the Evil Cauldron, but she hadn't anticipated that in such a brief span, the cauldron could nurture a formidable Evil Demon akin to the Ice Concubine!

What truly alarmed her was the Ice Concubine's use of an extreme cold mist, which seemed capable of suppressing the toxic miasma she was emitting.

"The intense cold from the Nether Abyss has always been particularly effective against the toxic miasma from the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea," Yu Yuan said with a grin. "I forgot to mention, the current Devil Envoy of the Devil Palace evolved from the Plague Demon of the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea."

"I'm aware!" Peach Madam retorted sharply.

"Before coming here, I encountered her in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area," Yu Yuan explained, gesturing towards Ice Concubine. "The miasma released by the Plague Demon, which targets the soul, can be neutralized by the extreme cold. The Devil Envoy didn't fare well there."

The cold mist continued to billow out, freezing the clouds of smoke Peach Madam had unleashed to hunt down the outlaws, now turned to ice by the Ice Concubine's power.

With the Ice Concubine at his side, Yu Yuan confidently strode across the land of ice crystals.

With a casual flick of his scabbard, the colorful smoke transformed into peculiar forms, and the blood crystals from the outlaws' blood burst apart.

Peach Madam let out a muffled groan.

Feeling a surge of fear, she quickly pulled back the vibrant sea of clouds. Three separate clouds enveloped Hart, Benin, and Touzet of the Dark Elfkind.

Wisps of colorful mist seeped into Touzet's nostrils and ears.

Soon after, Touzet began coughing up blood, his eyes hollowing out as if an insidious consciousness had invaded him, stirring up his own dark emotions.

The unfortunate survivor from the Spirit Realm had sought vengeance against Hu Caiyun, but lacking sufficient power, found himself at the mercy of Peach Madam's control.

"Hong Qi, let's agree to stay out of each other's way!"

As Peach Madam maneuvered the vibrant sea of clouds and began her retreat, she proclaimed, "I have no intention of lingering in the Nirvana Realm! I'll have them launch the Ancient Black Iron Ship to exit through the Domain Boundary! Before I depart, I'll inform you of Heixun's location, as well as that of the white crane and its rider!"

Realizing she couldn't eliminate her target swiftly, she quickly pivoted her tactics.

"Keep the girl from the Void Spirit Succubus behind," Yu Yuan commanded.

"As you wish!"

Peach Madam was refreshingly decisive. With a flick of her sleeve, Benin, who had been engulfed in the mists, was abruptly ejected from the cloud sea.

The cloud sea continued its rapid withdrawal, seemingly heading toward the Ancient Black Iron Ship.

Benin, discarded from the clouds like refuse, trembled slightly, her delicate face etched with despair.

Medicine God Hong Qi, reincarnated, a master of deadly toxins and the Evil Cauldron...

The exchange between Peach Madam and Yu Yuan was like an arcane scripture to her ears.

She could scarcely believe that Yu Yuan, appearing so youthful, had lived two lifetimes and was the revered sect master of the Medicine God Sect in the Boundless Land.

The Medicine God Sect's reputation resonated profoundly in the far reaches of the Outland Star River.

Hong Qi had introduced several of his deadly concoctions to the galaxy's depths, spreading them across various Domain Boundaries with effects mirroring those in the Spirit Realm.

Upon realizing Yu Yuan was the Medicine God reincarnate, Benin was overwhelmed with despair.

"Medicine God! Hong Qi!"

Even Hart from the Silver Scale Clan was stunned by their conversation. A small world belonging to his clan had been utterly devastated by one of Hong Qi's poisons, leaving not a single plant alive.

Though Hong Qi had never ventured beyond the Boundless Land, the infamy of his poisons had earned him a reputation rivaling that of many Unrestrained Stage cultivators.

Outside the Nirvana Realm, there are five Yang God evil cultivators from the northern part of the Quietus Continent. They will be my targets," declared Peach Madam, who was under the influence of her inner demon, as she swiftly distanced herself from Yu Yuan. "You needn't thank me. Since you possess power that has caught my attention, we can coexist peacefully."

"Rest assured, I'll keep your secret safe. Knowing that you are Hong Qi and that you've clashed with the Devil Envoy, I'm convinced that you're not aligned with the five supreme powers."

"I'm certainly not!"

As Yu Yuan drew near with a sly smile, she quickly interjected, "It's just not lively enough for me, so..."

A flurry of soul thoughts escaped, streaming towards the Dragon Slash Platform in the Sky Rift Valley, lifting the Veil of Star Concealment.

"We all hail from the Boundless Land. After the rare chance of meeting deep within the galaxy, we can't always hide away from each other." Yu Yuan gazed upward with a smile, watching the resplendent divine lights fade away beyond the realm's barrier.

The Nirvana Realm, long sealed, reemerged within the Gloom Star River, prompting the Yang God evil cultivators, who had been fruitlessly searching, to transform into bolts of lightning and surge forward with cries of excitement.

"Hong Qi! What are you doing?" Peach Madam shrieked.

"Weren't you eager to hunt them down?" Yu Yuan replied with a grin, "I'm letting them in for you. Watch as you slay each one before me. You were right; in the eyes of the five supreme forces, I'm a traitor to the Boundless Land, a menace associated with the Divine Soul Sect."

"I'm curious to see if they have the courage and strength to keep attacking me out here!"

He looked up, his gaze icy as he watched the Yang God evil cultivators slowly come into view.

Peach Madam was taken aback by his words. "Are you suggesting that you're already guilty of terrible crimes? Just like in your past life, are you the target of universal scorn? Do the five great powers all wish for your early demise?"

Libre Baskerville
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