Unmatched Dominance/C1024 The Shackles Were Unlocked(1)
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Unmatched Dominance/C1024 The Shackles Were Unlocked(1)
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C1024 The Shackles Were Unlocked(1)

Five fierce warriors, brimming with tumultuous blood energy, traversed the starry expanse from the land of Gloomy Paradise. Swirling vortexes of Galaxy Extraordinary Talent enveloped them, which they either dispersed with their fists, crushed with the power of their bloodlines, or simply ignored.

Each of these warriors boasted bloodlines of the Eighth Level. Among them, two Asuras were sworn to serve Elena, two belonged to the Mondnacht Clan under Lambing's command, and one was a formidable member of the Crypt Clan, long allied with Pattinson of the Shadow Clan.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Lesser beings crumbled under the might of the Galaxy Extraordinary Talent, effortlessly cleaved by the leading Asura warrior's broad blade, nearly three meters in length. Clad in pale golden armor that radiated a daunting scent of blood, his battle-hardened presence was unmistakable.

He fixed a steely gaze on Peach Madam and let out a low growl. Columns of blood surged from his armor, shattering the oncoming waves of Galaxy Extraordinary Talent with explosive force.

"Hehe," Peach Madam chuckled, her radiant smile unfazed as she regarded him as nothing more than a jesting buffoon.

Enraged, he charged toward Hu Caiyun.

"What a shame that a treasure shielded you, sparing you from the annihilation of the Yin God."

Lambing, now outside the tower and beneath a shimmering silver barrier, stood atop a grand platform, flanked by two Internal Demon Clan women adept at morphing their alluring features. His hands roamed freely—one fondling the snowy chest of the woman to his left, the other gliding over the exaggerated curves of the woman to his right, venturing toward more concealed territories.

The Internal Demon Clan, a lesser branch of the Outland Devaputra, was predominantly female, known for their stunning beauty and seductive forms. These two, barely matured and merely at the level of demon guards, were Lambing's prized spoils from a raid on an Outland Devaputra nest, and he treasured them dearly.

Elena, far more voluptuous and infinitely wilder than the two Internal Demon Clan servants, rolled her eyes dismissively. "Lambing, pull yourself together and focus," she chided.

"With all five of them dispatched, what's there to worry about?" Lambing replied nonchalantly.

Meanwhile, Pattinson, the most composed of them all, had not remained on the platform. He stood at the fringe of the land, slowly crouching down to grasp two golden chains that stretched toward Yu Yuan and his companions.

The moment he clasped the chain, numerous tiny symbols sprang to life within it, causing the golden chain to burst forth with blinding radiance!

Countless dark golden streams of electricity surged from his palm, slithering like frenzied golden serpents along the chain toward the land behind.

The ground where Yu Yuan and his companions stood seemed dusted with golden powder, glowing brilliantly beneath their feet.

At that moment, Pattinson was the picture of concentration and earnestness. As soon as the first dark golden current reached the land behind, he employed his unique Bloodline Secret Technique to probe for Yu Yuan's true form after his departure from the Evil Cauldron.

He was determined to ascertain the level of power possessed by the boldest among the humans, who appeared to be their leader.

A covert dark golden current sparked beneath Yu Yuan's feet.


The sparks flickered momentarily before extinguishing in silence.

Subsequently, additional sparks followed, igniting and snuffing out one by one.

Pattinson, highly adept at reconnaissance and gauging an enemy's true combat strength, was jolted by the revelation.

The feedback from his dispersed dark golden current was akin to a tumultuous sea of blood, within which lay an island-like marvel, concealing the distinct scent of blood from various species of the Outland Star River.

"Disciples of the Blood God Cult from the Boundless Land, with bodies of extreme terror!"

Pattinson abruptly rose, his face as dark as stormy waters, sensing that he might have underestimated his opponent.

"Uncle Pattinson?"

The fiery Asura Clan girl, sensing his unusual demeanor, floated over. "What's wrong? Did we misjudge? Is that enchanting woman, surrounded by colorful mists, truly formidable?"

Pattinson shook his head, "It's not her."


Elena looked on in astonishment, then naturally turned her gaze to Zhan Ruonan and Sun Jun.

"There's no cause for concern."

Lambing, embracing two female slaves from the Internal Demon Clan, arrived from the high platform with a mischievous grin. He playfully slapped one witch's behind and tweaked the sensitive peak of the other's breast, signaling them to hang back. He then positioned himself in front of Pattinson and Elena, declaring with composure, "Should anything be amiss, I'll activate the artifact left by the old man."

Reminded of the formidable artifact belonging to Calves, the king of roving bandits, Pattinson inwardly breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't voice his concerns, but he sensed something amiss that warranted vigilance. It wasn't Peach Madam whom Elena suspected, nor the pair that bore the unmistakable aura of Yang Gods.

"Be extra cautious," he advised.

Crack! Clang!

A Djinn Clan warrior, towering over ten meters tall, brandished black iron chains like a frenzied black dragon, lashing out at a dark cauldron suspended in midair. "You think I'm scared of you, human?!" he bellowed.

Each time the Evil Cauldron neared Yu Yuan's true form, it was sent flying by the ferocious whip of the chains.

He harbored a deep fear of the Human Clan's artifacts from the Boundless Land, aware that their full potential was unleashed when combined with their wielder.

Preventing the union of the Evil Cauldron and Yu Yuan was a stalling tactic, buying time for his five comrades from the mainland.

Among these five Eighth Level powerhouses, some were even stronger than he was.

He was confident that once his allies arrived, Hu Caiyun, Zhan Ruonan, and Sun Jun wouldn't be able to assist Yu Yuan.

Then, he could focus solely on eliminating Yu Yuan.

What was there to fear from a mere Soul Wandering Stage human who hadn't even condensed his Yang God?

He fantasized about tearing Yu Yuan to pieces, savoring which part of his body to devour first.

The Djinn Clan, massive and savage by nature, still practiced the primitive custom of cannibalism. Humans from the Boundless Land might not be their preferred delicacy, but they were still esteemed as people of the Boundless Land.

To these otherworldly beings of the Djinn Clan, humans were akin to deities.

Devouring a deity was a feat worth boasting about for centuries!

"Such arrogance," Yu Yuan remarked coolly, gazing down at the towering Djinn warrior before shifting his attention to the land ahead.

He barely acknowledged the group of five formidable bandits with Eighth Level bloodlines in the desolate expanse of the starry river between the lands.

He was well aware that the marauding warriors rushing to the scene were merely puppets following orders. The true mastermind was someone else entirely. While his Yin God was out wandering, a great distance from the Evil Cauldron, the energy shield that protected the land vanished abruptly. It was clear that it was a direct attack on him. Then, the ferocious warrior from the Djinn Clan confirmed this with his actions.

He had intended to visit the Realm under the control of the Babel Chamber of Commerce, and given his amicable relations with President Lyi, he had no plans to wreak havoc. However, his patience was worn thin by the audacity of the bandits who dared to provoke him. If the tree desires stillness but the wind will not cease, then so be it... Yu Yuan let out a cold huff in the depths of his heart.

Beneath the shimmering light screen, the silhouettes of Pattinson from the Shadow Clan, Lambing from the Mondnacht Clan, and Elena from the Asura Clan became exceptionally vivid. They exchanged glances across the void. Confronted with Yu Yuan's icy stare, Pattinson's demeanor turned grave as he straightened up, readying himself for battle.

Lambing, with his striking features, remained composed, his eyes brimming with spite. With a swift motion of his long left hand, he mimed a throat-slitting gesture at Yu Yuan, followed by a chilling chuckle. The fiery woman from the Asura Clan, unabashed and provocative, flashed a flirtatious grin. In response to Yu Yuan's fixed gaze, she deliberately accentuated her voluptuous curves and seductively licked her lips, her eyes conveying a clear message of interest: "I hope you don't end up in my clutches."

Members of the Asura Clan, both men and women, were known for their candor, rarely concealing their desires.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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