Unmatched Dominance/C1043 Possessed by the Moon Demon
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Unmatched Dominance/C1043 Possessed by the Moon Demon
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C1043 Possessed by the Moon Demon

The crescent moon's light streaked across the galaxy, casting a broad swath of illumination.

At that moment, the Gloomy Paradise was ensnared by the magnetic field of a nearby landmass, unable to break free.

Streams of moonlight, though not able to arrive instantaneously, were destined to strike the immobile Gloomy Paradise eventually.

"My Gloomy Paradise!"

Pattinson of the Shadow Clan squatted down, channeling his bloodline to activate a hidden mechanism beneath the land, striving to escape the predicament.

Bertha, brandishing the Moon Blade aloft, let out a disdainful snort as the Moon Lakes at her feet twinkled.

Suddenly, numerous luminous Moon Blades coalesced and darted toward Pattinson, fluttering around him like graceful butterflies.

Pattinson's face contorted as he employed the Shadow Clan's unique Bloodline Secret Technique, leaving a residual image in his wake.

In a flash, he reached a raised platform and laid his hand upon a massive stone column.

He vanished into the column, delving into the earth below. Disregarding Bertha's assault, he prioritized adjusting the subterranean mechanism to evade the widespread lunar assault.

The Gloomy Paradise was the magnum opus of his brother Rony and himself. Calves and Fernand had merely supplied resources and funds. As the creators, their attachment to the Gloomy Paradise ran far deeper than that of Calves and Fernand, and naturally, they wished to prevent any significant damage to their creation.

"Have you lost your mind?"

Hu Caiyun exclaimed in shock, "Your Mondnacht Clan kin live on that neighboring land! Some of the moonlight from the waning moon will surely fall upon it!"

The land entangled with the Gloomy Paradise, much like the Mondnacht Realm, was home to Mondnacht Clan members of lesser bloodline status. Should the moonlight descend upon them, many would inevitably suffer, their souls scattered in an instant.

From Hu Caiyun's vantage point, at the Unrestrained Stage, she could even make out numerous towns on that land, despite the short distance.

Certainly, those towns were inhabited by members of the Mondnacht Clan.

"Casualties are an inevitability of war."

Bertha's voice was chillingly indifferent, but something was amiss. A vague shadow began to drift up from above her, slowly taking the form of a monstrous, belligerent Demon God.

"Demon God!" Hu Caiyun's face turned pale with alarm.

The Moon Demon Clan is one of the groups within the Outland Devaputra, with their Ninth Level Devaputra equivalent to a Demon God, a being comparable to the experts of the Unrestrained Stage among humans. Yet, the ancient Moon Demon residing within Bertha had not fully refined its physical form. In fact, this ancient Moon Demon was sharing a body with Bertha.

Yu Yuan understood why she seemed indifferent to the deaths of her fellow Mondnacht Clan members. Despite Bertha's previous gentle demeanor and her role in teaching Grace the Mondnacht Clan's intricate secret arts, she had been undeniably influenced by the ancient Moon Demon within her. Deep down, she wasn't truly concerned with the lives of her kin, especially when it involved the Chopping Moon cultivator, Nie Qingtian, the sworn enemy of all surviving Moon Demons. His sword and his direct disciples would be relentlessly targeted for destruction by any ancient Moon Demon that discovered them.

"Leave it to me. You should consider how to handle the fallen moonlight," Hu Caiyun said, casting a glance at Yu Yuan. Her vibrant sea of clouds surged toward Bertha and the cushion beneath her, woven from the waters of the Moon Lakes. "The two of you share a single soul, so you can't be counted as two Ninth Level powerhouses."

"At best, you're one and a half."

She appeared nonchalant, casually waving her sleeve and sending clusters of miasma clouds toward Bertha. Within the clouds emerged the great demons, human experts, Asuras, female demons turned mutated monsters, and vicious beasts from the stars—all of whom Hu Caiyun had slain and assimilated. It seemed that anything that perished at her hands could be resurrected in this manner.

"You reek of that human scent I detest," Bertha remarked, tapping her scepter lightly against the incoming miasma. A massive Moon Blade cleaved through the miasma, "If you're so eager to die, I'd be happy to oblige."

A dazzling moon energy burst forth from the "Moon Chasing Staff," aiming straight for Peach Madam within the colorful clouds.


From the heart of the tumultuous clouds, a radiant peach tree emerged, bathed in splendid light, along with the sound of Peach Madam's laughter. The intense moon energy was dissipated by the force emanating from the peach tree before it could even reach Peach Madam.

Standing beneath the peach tree, her smile unwavering, she said, "The Ninth Level bloodline of the Mondnacht Clan isn't all that impressive. You might as well eradicate her and refine her essence to become a complete Demon God." She was addressing the ancient Moon Demon.

"You, hailing from the Moon Demon Clan, can only be called a Demon God once you've refined the Ninth Level body of the Mondnacht Clan. Without a body, a Demon God is far too weak to be taken seriously."

The peach tree thrived, blossoming with radiant light, as if it were the most enchanting treasure between heaven and earth.

The ancient Moon Demon, sensing the peach tree's aura, suddenly became cautious and maintained silence behind Bertha.

At that moment, Yu Yuan's brow furrowed as he gazed into the distance.

A familiar figure emerged from the land, swiftly breaking through the barrier and entering the galaxy.

"Silvermoon Queen!"

Yu Yuan distinctly felt the presence of another ancient Moon Demon within Lee Yupan's body.

Given her own strength and the speed at which she traveled in the Mondnacht Realm, it would have been impossible for Lee Yupan to have reached the Gloomy Paradise so swiftly without assistance.

After a brief reflection, Yu Yuan realized that Bertha must have helped her.

Both women, one elder and one younger, harbored Moon Demons within them.

"My lord, my lord!"

The ancient Moon Demon behind Bertha became intensely agitated at the arrival of the Silvermoon Queen.

A Ninth Level Demon God, a mighty being who had resided within Bertha for centuries, displayed such humility and excitement upon the queen's arrival, indicating that Yuefei, the self-proclaimed ancient Moon Demon, held a far more prestigious status than the one within Bertha.


A voice inquired from within the crescent moon crystal on Silvermoon Queen's brow.

"My lord! It's me, Gel! I am still alive!"

The ancient Moon Demon emerging from Bertha called out eagerly, seemingly ready to rush forward and prostrate before the Silvermoon Queen.

"Yu Yuan, I truly did not wish to encounter you in the Outland Star River."

The Silvermoon Queen spoke, touching her forehead, and Yuefei emerged, also hovering behind her. "Entering the Outland Star River so prematurely was unwise. The perils outside are far greater than you imagine."

"Greetings, Your Majesty."

Yu Yuan offered a respectful bow and smiled, "Back at the Absence Relic, I interfered with your plans. Please forgive me."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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