Unmatched Dominance/C1047 He Didn't Want to Delay Any Longer!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1047 He Didn't Want to Delay Any Longer!
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C1047 He Didn't Want to Delay Any Longer!

The Silvermoon Queen slowly retreated, positioning herself at the fringe of Gloomy Paradise.

Bertha, the Mondnacht Clan's female priestess, continued to harness the refined lunar energy within Moon Lake to aid Gel in purifying the Yin Sunflower Essence. Once she learned of Yu Yuan's connection to the Divine Soul Sect, she became cautious, wary of making any hasty moves.

Yu Yuan glanced over to see a massive peach tree, the life essence of Hu Caiyun, shedding its peach blossoms into the colorful sea of clouds.

The dazzling peach blossoms emanated a divine power, their patterns teeming with a sinister vitality.

Yuefei, having taken over Calves, had undergone a complete transformation from male to female, embodying the form she had previously revealed. Her eyes, curved like crescent moons, shone with a chilling light that sent shivers down one's spine.

Yet now, she was engulfed in a deluge of peach blossoms.

The sky was awash with peach blossoms, encircling her like a vast ocean, while brilliant rays of light lashed out like sharp blades.

With a snap of her sleeves, Yuefei pulverized the blossoms into a fine dust, scattering glimmers of light in every direction.

More blossoms sprouted from the branches, relentlessly pursuing Yuefei.

Yu Yuan, perceiving with his blood and soul power, detected distinct auras emanating from the core of each blossom: the crystallized lifeblood of formidable demons, the condensed souls of humans at the Yang God Stage, the chaotic fury of mutated monsters, and the bloodthirsty frenzy of vicious beasts.

Hu Caiyun, having reclaimed her Unrestrained Stage, appeared capable of extracting and refining the residual powers of all oddities within the colorful clouds, infusing them into the peach blossoms to strike at her foes.

Upon closer inspection, he realized that the clash between Yuefei and Peach Madam wouldn't be resolved quickly.

Yuefei, formidable in her own right, had yet to reveal her true power deep within the colorful clouds. She seemed to be contemplating the unique bloodline within Calves's body, along with the various artifacts and treasures he possessed.

"Bertha, is it?" Yu Yuan's focus shifted to the elderly woman of the Mondnacht Clan. With a smile, he said, "Release the constraints on Gloomy Paradise. I'm pressed for time and need to make my way to the Oblivion Starfield without delay."

Pattinson of the Shadow Clan had just triggered a hidden mechanism beneath the land's surface.

Despite all efforts, the Gloomy Paradise remained ensnared by the gravitational pull of the neighboring landmass.

The Gloomy Paradise was trapped, unable to break free.

Such an unusual land as the Gloomy Paradise, if it lingered too long in this region, would inevitably attract the attention of those with ulterior motives.

Whether it be the humans and demons of the five supreme powers or the regular armies of alien races, the presence of the Gloomy Paradise could spell additional trouble for all involved.

"I've only imprisoned the king of roving bandits, not you!" Bertha huffed with indignation.

Her words conveyed that as a priestess of the Mondnacht Clan, she bore no guilt in clamping down on the rampant bandits.

Yu Yuan, if dissatisfied, was free to take flight and leave the Gloomy Paradise behind.

In her own way, she believed she was justifiably aligning herself with Gel.

The fact that Gel had suffered grievously from the Yin Sunflower Essence pained her, and she was expressing her own distress.

"If you insist..."

With a mere thought, Yu Yuan called forth the Dragon Slash Platform and, with his free hand, delicately grasped the ashen stone.

Before the astonished eyes of Pattinson and Elena, he shattered the firefly photomask and stood amidst the starry expanse awash with corrupt energies.

He gazed upon a landmass comparable in size to the Mondnacht Realm, noting its shimmering barrier.

The Dragon Slash Platform in his grasp emitted beams of light akin to temporal fissures, and the swath of stars before Yu Yuan appeared to be cleaved by the radiance.

Simultaneously, numerous vials brimming with exotic toxins orbited close to Yu Yuan.

One vial uncorked, releasing a stream of toxin essence from myriad plants of the Nirvana Realm, cascading toward the distant land.

The silver barrier, already weakened by the Dragon Slash Platform and the rift-like beams, became exceedingly brittle.

As the essence of toxins, harvested by the vile demons, drenched the land, the barrier combusted upon contact, flaring up in an instant.

"What are you doing?!" Bertha exclaimed in alarm.

The Silvermoon Queen's face turned ashen.

"That stone, coupled with the deadly poison he gathered from the Nirvana Realm, can dissolve the barrier of an entire realm!" Benin of the Void Spirit Succubus Clan couldn't contain his horror, his complexion deathly pale. "Please, don't do this! That land will turn into another Nirvana Realm! Every member of the Mondnacht Clan will either perish or be transformed into mutated monsters!"

Members of the Mondnacht Clan who lacked the credentials to ascend to the Moon Night Clan resided on the adjacent land and in the Mondnacht Realm. Their existence mirrored that of a vast mortal kingdom, with most clan members' bloodlines falling below the Fifth Level. Vulnerable to corruption by the malevolent star energies, one could easily foresee the dire consequences they might face.

The same horrors that befell the Nirvana Realm could, without doubt, be replicated here.

"Bertha, do you believe that the magnetic field can still contain the realm's wall if it dissolves?" Yu Yuan asked with a smile. "Moreover, do you truly wish to witness the extinction of the entire Mondnacht Clan on your watch?"

"No! I don't want that! I know what must be done!" Bertha exclaimed, her resolve fortified. The potential disaster depicted by Benin and Yu Yuan shattered her mental defenses. Her fear-driven clarity, once clouded by Gel's influence, returned in full force. "I will release you now!"

The Moon Chasing Staff transformed into a beam of light, descending upon the land that housed both towns and minor kingdoms. It burrowed into a hidden subterranean chamber.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The land shuddered thrice, unmistakably, and the "Gloomy Paradise," previously immobile, burst forth unrestrained.

Yu Yuan, with a carefree smile, ceased his actions and floated down to the "Gloomy Paradise."

"There, that's more like it."

He withdrew the Dragon Slash Platform and, surveying the land now behind the "Gloomy Paradise," advised Bertha, "I suggest you make haste to mend the fractured edge of the realm's wall. If left unattended, the fissure will only widen, and the land will continue to suffer."

"You heartless fiend!" Bertha hissed, her gaze fixed on him with venom.

Eventually, she had no choice but to depart from the "Gloomy Paradise" aboard her Moon Lake, ignoring Gel's howls of fury and rage.

"Gel, we are no match for him; we cannot defeat him," Bertha whispered, her voice tinged with helplessness. "Besides, I can't bear the thought of you dying at his hands!"

"I am determined to fight alongside Lady Yuefei!" Gel shrieked.

"She may not be victorious either..."

Bertha whispered under her breath, and the Moon Lake cushion beneath her transformed into a sphere of moonlight, propelling her away from the Gloomy Paradise and descending into the airspace above the land where the realm wall had been breached.

From within the cushion, several Moon Lakes shifted towards the fissure, their radiant moonlight surging forth in an effort to mend the tear.

She was aware that Yu Yuan wasn't merely spouting nonsense. If the crack's "poisonous fire" continued to rage unchecked, the realm wall of this territory would dissolve, and her kin from the Mondnacht Clan might face extinction.

As the steward of this Starfield, she would be held accountable, undoubtedly facing thorough investigation.

Moreover, she couldn't overcome her own inner turmoil.

Time passed.

Rony, the king of roving bandits from the Shadow Clan, along with Fernand, the Asura General, arrived without any entourage aboard a compact Galaxy Warship.

"The Gloomy Paradise was here!" Rony declared, unafraid as he stepped before Bertha with a stern look on his face. "I also noticed you wielded the power of the waning moon in an attempt to obliterate the Galaxy Ancient Starship I crafted! Priestess, where might the Gloomy Paradise be now, and my brother?"

Both possessing Ninth Level bloodlines, neither he nor Fernand feared Bertha.

Having finally repaired the fractured realm wall after considerable effort, Bertha gazed at the other two kings of roving bandits who had belatedly arrived. She reflected briefly before speaking, "They've headed to the Oblivion Starfield. And you?"

"My daughter has been taken," Fernand stated, his expression grim.

"My brother, along with the Gloomy Paradise, has been taken hostage!" Rony exclaimed.

The ancient Moon Demon, Gel, had once again merged with Bertha, and the two exchanged thoughts swiftly.

Before long, Bertha reached a decision. She eyed the Galaxy Warship upon which the two men had arrived and remarked, "It's not as swift as the Gloomy Paradise; it simply can't keep pace."

Rony retorted, "I don't need your reminder on that matter!"

"I can assist you," Bertha offered, her resolve influenced by Gel. "You're both aware that this sector of the galaxy is under Mondnacht Clan jurisdiction. We have numerous sentinels and a wealth of resources at our disposal."

Fernand was visibly taken aback by the statement.

Bertha, a member of the official army of the outer realms and the legitimate priestess of the Mondnacht Clan, was expected to despise all bandits.

So when Bertha offered to help them, it made them suspicious and uneasy.

"The one who has taken over Gloomy Paradise is our common enemy," Bertha clarified.

"Go on," Rony prompted.


The Gloomy Paradise had resumed its voyage.

Yu Yuan squinted as he gazed at the swirling, colorful sea of clouds, noting that the battle between Peach Madam and Yuefei was reaching its climax.

"Yu Yuan, I can shatter her Mondnacht Clan body. When her soul attempts to flee, that's when you'll assist me!"

Peach Madam, having witnessed Yu Yuan's devastating attack on Gel with the Broken Soul Slash, was confident that Yuefei, without her Demon Body and in the same Soul form as Gel, would not withstand such a strike.

She sought an alliance with Yu Yuan, aiming to defeat Yuefei in Gloomy Paradise without incurring severe losses.

"Don't worry. Once she's without her Demon Body and left with only her soul form, she'll have no chance of escape."

Yu Yuan chuckled, glancing at the Evil Cauldron that was slowly emerging from a nearby tower. "She won't just be unable to escape; she'll be refined by the Evil Cauldron and become yet another formidable Evil Demon!"

In that moment, he felt Yu Yiyi's presence and knew that after this period of refinement, Yu Yiyi's body had undergone a remarkable transformation.

It was clear that Yu Yiyi had grown even more powerful.

Besides Yu Yiyi, four other formidable Evil Demons were ready to join her in battle.

With the cauldron soul now tangible, and the four powerful Evil Demons serving as the nexus of the formation, not to mention the Ice Concubine at his disposal, Yu Yuan was certain that the ancient Moon Demon stood no chance of escape.

Even with the addition of the Silvermoon Queen, whose capabilities were unknown, Yuefei's fate was sealed.

"Yu, Yu Yuan..."

Lee Yupan, who had remained in Gloomy Paradise throughout, overheard his conversation with Hu Caiyun and observed his unwavering confidence. With a look of concern, she spoke up, "Could you possibly spare Yuefei out of consideration for me? You're aware she's not targeting you, but is here for Nie Qingtian's sword sheath and sword spell."

"Let her go?" Yu Yuan's mouth curled into a wry smile. "On my first visit to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, it was her lingering Devil Soul that caused trouble. Your Majesty, are you aware that many of the trial participants perished because of her?"

"The part of her that remained in the forbidden area is not privy to many things," the Silvermoon Queen clarified.

Yuefei, who stayed behind in the forbidden area, was unaware of her other self's schemes. However, the Yuefei residing within the Silvermoon Queen was privy to everything.

Yet, even with full understanding, the Yuefei within the Queen remained indifferent. As the most powerful of the ancient Moon Demons, her only concern was Lee Yupan, who bore the Mondnacht Clan's bloodline. The fate of others, including the citizens of the Silvermoon Empire, meant nothing to her.

"Please, do me this favor and spare her life," Lee Yupan implored once more upon noticing Yu Yuan's silence. "The ancient Moon Demon Clan has few experts left. With the Outland Devaputra forging close ties with the Divine Soul Sect, there's no need for total annihilation."

Yu Yuan was somewhat taken aback, watching the former queen plead for the sake of a Moon Demon. He mulled over the situation internally.

"Of course, I'm willing to exchange some valuable information for her survival," the Silvermoon Queen added.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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