Unmatched Dominance/C1051 They Parted Unwillingly
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Unmatched Dominance/C1051 They Parted Unwillingly
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C1051 They Parted Unwillingly

The various powerful tribes of the Outland Star River have always viewed humanity as their most formidable enemy. When the Divine Soul Sect introduced their groundbreaking ideas and began to implement them, any encounter between the two sides inevitably led to a brutal and decisive battle. Such conflicts typically ended with the total extermination of one party, leaving the defeated with no chance of even being enslaved.

Given these hostilities, it was nearly impossible for human and Outland Star Race women to become romantically entangled. Yet, here was Elena, openly displaying her close relationship with Yu Yuan, even boldly taking his arm and introducing him with pride to the onlookers. Wilson was left somewhat bewildered by the scene.

"She's nothing but a bandit!" declared an elderly female Star Race warrior of the Colman family, her disdain for Elena palpable. "You've brought shame upon the Asura Clan! Your father may have turned to banditry, but he once had his moments of glory."

"But now..." she scoffed, "his small measure of glory is likely to be tarnished because of you!"

Fernand, once a general of the Asura Clan, had a history of distinguished service and a brilliant past. Despite his current status as a bandit, many Outland Star Race warriors still retained a modicum of respect for him.

"I don't need your judgment! Old hag, watch your tongue!" Elena retorted fiercely, her anger flaring. She scorned the old woman, who possessed only an Eighth Level bloodline, "At your age, to be merely at the Eighth Level, with negligible combat prowess and talent, you have the audacity to criticize me?"

Wilson's brow furrowed as he turned to consult Asa, the elder of his tribe, seeking guidance with an inquisitive look. The Ninth Level bloodline elder, who knew Wilson well, responded with a Bloodline Secret Technique, "This human youth seems to be at the Soul Wandering stage. It's quite peculiar. By the standards of the Vast Ocean, someone of his rank shouldn't even be allowed in the starry skies."

After a moment's reflection, Asa added, "There's something concealed about him. I can't penetrate his personal domain of Qi and blood, nor can I accurately discern his sea of consciousness. There's definitely something unusual about him."

Wilson gave a barely perceptible nod.

"There's no need for him to worry, but as for Peach Madam..." Asa hesitated, then added, "She's extremely tricky! Her combat prowess is immeasurable, and I'm not entirely sure I can handle her."

"Got it," Wilson replied.

Following their discreet exchange, he chose to disregard Elena and cast a commanding glance at the incensed female elder of the Star Race.

The elder, on the verge of further quarreling with Elena, felt a sudden chill and promptly fell silent.

Being from the Colman family herself, she wouldn't dare cross Wilson and resigned herself to silence.

"Benin, are you certain you won't join us on our battleship?"

Wilson was considerably more composed, no longer pressing the issue, as he patiently sought the consent of the Void Spirit Succubus girl.

With a gracious smile, Benin shook her head. "Thank you, but it's really not necessary."

"Very well."

Wilson didn't insist. It was as though he hadn't noticed Yu Yuan or anyone else. "Once we reach the Oblivion Starfield, I'll visit your teacher. We've heard that Senior Fisher will also be there."

"Understood," Benin replied softly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please exercise caution. Don't... meet with misfortune before entering the Oblivion Starfield," Asa, of the Ninth Level Bloodline, warned with a meaningful look at Hu Caiyun. "The Babel Chamber of Commerce has informed us that any invited parties with personal vendettas are free to settle them before entering the Oblivion Starfield."

"However, once inside, private duels are strictly prohibited."

Asa tapped his forehead, remembering to add, "Also, we've been informed that powerhouses from the five greatest forces have been spotted near the Oblivion Starfield, seeking information. It's in your best interest to hope you don't encounter them, or else..."

His gaze left Peach Madam and he ascended, surrounded by a gentle swirl of starlight.

He was well aware that with the current turmoil in the Boundless Land, Peach Madam was not affiliated with the five greatest forces. Should they cross paths, she would either be eliminated or captured and sent back to the Boundless Land.

"Hey, what's your name?"

Yu Yuan, who had been mostly silent, let a peculiar smile slip as his gaze fixed on an elderly member of the Star Race about to depart. The attire of this elder stood out from the rest, clearly not of the Colman family lineage. Though he blended into the Star Race crowd without drawing attention and never sought to distinguish himself, the Colman family members nearby treated him with great reverence.

"Becker, my name is Becker," the old man, possessing an Eighth Level bloodline, responded with a hint of bewilderment. After noticing Yu Yuan's intense gaze, he hesitated before adding, "Curtis, Becker."

"The Curtis family!" The Shadow Clan's Pattinson, along with the Void Spirit Succubus and Hart, all showed a subtle shift in their demeanor.

"Do you know someone named Beru?" Yu Yuan inquired, still smiling.

Becker was visibly startled, his eyes shining with an extraordinary light. "That's my brother! Do you have any news of him?"

Yu Yuan shook his head. "I've only heard of him."

"Oh." Disappointment washed over Becker's face, and his interest in the conversation seemed to vanish. He trailed behind the puzzled Wilson and Asa, making his way to the Star Race's warship.

"Is the Curtis family that renowned?" Yu Yuan asked, taken aback.

"The Curtis family is the preeminent family within the Star Race today!" Pattinson said, inhaling deeply with a respectful tone. "The current Star Race Patriarch, Barol, hails from the Curtis family. And the Nine Stars Sage you mentioned is none other than Barol's uncle!"

"Barol was mentored by Beru in his youth, learning the Star Race's bloodline secret techniques. Beru played a crucial role in Barol's rise to become the patriarch and the strongest among the Star Race. Beru is a venerable sage with an exceptionally esteemed position within the clan." Pattinson shared some insights about Beru.

Yu Yuan now realized the immense stature of the Nine Stars Sage who had led the Star Race into the Boundless Land.

The Colman family to which Wilson belonged was not in the same league as the Curtis family, backed by Beru. The latter had once produced a Tenth Level powerhouse, only to fall at the hands of the Demon Phoenix from the Demon Palace.

Another individual, Barol, a Tenth Level Bloodline expert, was in his prime.

"What position does Canli of the Bright Clan hold?" Yu Yuan inquired further.

"Canli? The Canli born with the Life Altar?" Elena gasped in surprise.

Yu Yuan gave a confirming nod.

"She's the true pride of the heavens! Canli is the Bright Clan's most precious gem! Someone like Wilson isn't even fit to carry her shoes." Elena spoke of Canli with a sense of reverence, "She's a prodigy who has been groomed to be the future leader of her clan since childhood!"

Benin, Hart, and the other foreign delegates nodded in agreement, sharing the sentiment.

Yu Yuan stroked his chin, quietly taking stock of the situation.

The initial group of visitors who arrived at the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area through the realm passage from the Delude Devil Abyss, invited by the Divine Soul Sect and the Babel Chamber of Commerce, was indeed extraordinary.

Beru, the Nine Stars Sage from the Curtis family, was a senior to the current patriarch, Barol.

Canli, on the other hand, was destined to be the future leader of the Bright Clan.

Thus, Mia of the Dark Elfkind, Sansom of the Banshee Clan, and the others must each have their own remarkable origins. It remained to be seen if they were still among the living.


"The Gloomy Paradise has fallen under the control of Peach Madam. I've noticed the Shadow Clan member's demeanor," Asa declared upon his return to the Star Race's warship. "Peach Madam is an evil cultivator from the Boundless Land. She might be looking to join the Babel Chamber of Commerce."

"Rogues do not deserve to accompany us into the Oblivion Starfield," Wilson stated firmly.

"Rogues won't cause any trouble, even in death. But, this involves a human expert at the Unrestrained Stage..." Asa mused for a moment, his eyes brightening with an idea. "It's simple. I'm aware that the Dark Elfkind's warship isn't far from us. I'll notify them to take out Peach Madam in the Gloomy Paradise trailing us."

The Star Race clanspeople cheered in agreement at his words.

With Hu Caiyun's descent into the Spirit Realm leading to the extinction of life from the Dark Elfkind's domain, the Dark Elfkind had every reason to seek retribution or even assassinate her. The Babel Chamber of Commerce would have little ground to object.

As long as they remained outside the Oblivion Starfield, the Babel Chamber of Commerce permitted the settling of personal vendettas. In doing so, they could achieve their goals bloodlessly. The Dark Elfkind would be indebted to them and might even present valuable gifts upon arrival in the Oblivion Starfield.

"Benin's bloodline has undergone a transformation," interjected Becker from the Curtis family. "At the very least, she can ascend to the Ninth Level. In the future, she may even have a remote chance at reaching the Tenth Level." His statement sent a ripple of excitement through the Star Race clansmen present.

"We must ensure the Dark Elfkind take caution. Anyone else can fall, but Benin must survive!" Wilson urged, his tone laced with urgency. The Star Race clansmen understood his intentions all too clearly.

"Don't worry, I'm fully aware of the stakes."


"Damn it!" Elena, standing on the dais, clenched her fists in fury. Her blood energy surged forth, crackling through the air.

"They left the Star Sky Cannons deployed!" Elena fumed. "The star energy pulsing within them is blatantly obvious. Do they think we're blind?" The Star Race battleships, which could have swiftly evaded them, maintained a deliberate pace.

Moreover, the elongated prismatic crystals were still trained on the Gloomy Paradise, as if they had been forgotten.

Pattinson was no fool. Wilson of the Star Race certainly hadn't forgotten; he simply didn't regard the raiders or the Gloomy Paradise as threats. He even suspected that if Yu Yuan and Hu Caiyun were not aboard, they would have already been under fire.

"The Star Race must be plotting something else," Peach Madam remarked to Yu Yuan with a nonchalant air. "It's not a concern, is it?" Yu Yuan, his eyes narrowed in thought, gave a noncommittal nod in response. "No need to worry."

The Silvermoon Queen, with her Mondnacht Clan lineage, was crafted by the ancient Moon Demon. The Silver Moon Sect's Spiritual Spells and Secret Arts bore striking resemblances to those of the Moon Demon Clan. The enigmatic Moon Sect Master, rumored to possess the Mondnacht bloodline, was even aided by the Divine Soul Sect in ascending to divinity.

Lost in contemplation, he suddenly recalled Lau Ying, the prodigious girl from the Silver Moon Sect, and the Fallen Star Eyes.

Wilson, who had just departed, wore clothes adorned with intricate star patterns, sparking certain associations in his mind.

The Blood God Cult, a prominent force in the Boundless Land, bore a striking resemblance to the Blood Devil Clan from the Outland Star River. Both had the ability to extract blood from formidable alien beings to augment their own strength.

The Silver Moon Sect was split into the Star Sect and the Moon Sect, sharing similarities with the ancient Moon Demon Clan and the Mondnacht Clan from the Outland Star River.

"You're on the right track, and there's no need to dwell on these connections," Yu Yiyi perceived his musings and reassured him. "To handle the Nagas, the intelligent races of the Outland Star River have provided substantial assistance to humanity's ascension."

"This includes imparting knowledge about the intricate nature of star power, moon power, and blood."

"The people of the Boundless Land are incredibly intelligent, possessing limitless potential. They have delved deeper into these exotic rules and principles, creating spells and artifacts of greater lethality, which ironically could be used to annihilate them."

"It may seem odd, but while they may have been the mentors for some human sects, in the sophisticated manipulation of power, human sects are not only on par with them but have long since surpassed them."

Yu Yiyi helped him untangle the knots of confusion within.

"I believe the true origin lies with the Starry Behemoth," Yu Yuan gazed into the gloom behind him, a shadow looming in his thoughts. "The Chaos Roc must have pinpointed my approximate location when I broke free from the heavens."

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