Unmatched Dominance/C1052 Seven Cold Abyss Entrances
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Unmatched Dominance/C1052 Seven Cold Abyss Entrances
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C1052 Seven Cold Abyss Entrances

In the deepest reaches of the Boundless Land lay the Nether Abyss.

Lim Zhuyun, radiating a piercing coldness, stood at a peculiar site marked by seven enigmatic pits.

Her demeanor was one of grave seriousness as she intently observed the pits, scrutinizing them over and over, as if to confirm something.

The seven pits each had their own phenomena: some emitted a ghostly flame, others overflowed with a thick cold fog, and still others shone with a piercingly cold light. These manifestations were impervious to the surrounding seawater.

A massive cubic Ice Soul Crystal stood before her, casting her exquisite form in a light so pure it seemed to reflect her very essence.

Her gaze upon the pits was filled with agony, as though she were enduring constant torment, and her stunning visage contorted with the intensity of her suffering.

Only when the pain subsided did she resemble the beautiful woman from the Lim family of the Silvermoon Empire.

Suddenly, a sequence of enigmatic symbols she had never seen before emerged within the Ice Soul Crystal before her.

These symbols, seemingly the embodiment of the profound laws of extreme cold, made her head spin with just a glance.

Yet, instead of alarm, she felt a surge of elation, as if anticipating something wondrous.

With a whoosh, her body was abruptly drawn into the vast Ice Soul Crystal, becoming like an insect trapped in amber.

Inside, innumerable secret talismans fluttered into her body like a myriad of butterflies.

In that moment, the Ice Soul Crystal was pulled into one of the seven pits, the one radiating the extreme cold light.

No sooner had the Ice Soul Crystal entered the mysterious pit than a terrifying force, capable of crushing an Unrestrained Stage cultivator, surged forth, overwhelming all in its path.

Such power could only be withstood by the likes of Demon Gods or those with a Primordial Spirit.

The secret talismans that had entered Lim Zhuyun's body exploded into fragments of light, taking her place and shielding her from destruction. This light swiftly integrated with her flesh and soul, sparing her from harm and the immediate obliteration of her physical and spiritual essence.

Nevertheless, the ordeal left her unconscious.

After what seemed an eternity, Lim Zhuyun awoke to find the Ice Soul Crystal had come to rest at the seabed of a different ocean.

Disoriented, she drifted out from the Ice Soul Crystal, surveying her surroundings. She witnessed numerous points of extreme cold light descending to the earth beneath her feet, only to vanish abruptly.

The ground beneath her absorbed the endless cold light spots, much like a sponge soaking up water.

The depths of the sea before her seemed to be a magical array, swirling with Frost Energy that condensed into tiny, shimmering specks, merging into the earth below.

With her eyes closed, Lim Zhuyun tapped into the extreme cold power she had mastered to sense her surroundings. She was certain that this area of the sea was fervently swallowing and refining the specks of extreme cold, channeling them into the seabed beneath her.

"Strange..." she whispered to herself, when a sudden, sharp pain pierced her mind.

Simultaneously, she felt a foreign power coursing through her flesh and organs, a power linked to the profound truths of extreme cold from the Nether Abyss.

This power also triggered a memory of a recent encounter at the bottom of the Nether Abyss, where President Lyi of the Babel Chamber of Commerce had appeared discreetly.

It was President Lyi who had brought the massive Ice Soul Crystal, offering her a way out of the Boundless Land and revealing that it was part of a trade with the Chaos Roc.

Her departure was merely a fragment of that trade.

"Just a trade," she murmured, a cold smirk playing on her lips as she stood atop the Ice Soul Crystal and surged toward the sea's surface.


The icy crust blanketing the sea shattered, and she emerged onto the ice, beholding a frigid world blanketed in snow and ice, dotted with glaciers.

One glacier had been sculpted into the form of an immense white crane with outstretched wings.

At the head of the crane, a figure clad in white played a flute, the notes resonating with a longing for home.

Sensing her arrival, the flutist ceased his melody and cast a distant glance her way.

At the sight of the man in white, skilled in the power of extreme cold, Lim Zhuyun felt as though she had plunged into an icy abyss, fearing she could be effortlessly slain by him in an instant.

"President Lyi informed me you would be coming soon and asked me to take a look," the man in white spoke with a detached tone, "I am an associate of the Babel Chamber of Commerce."

Hardened by countless battles, Lim Zhuyun's resolve was ironclad, and she quickly regained her composure.

She inhaled deeply, the icy air brimming with forces that seemed to threaten her very flesh. With a slight furrow of her brow, she inquired, "May I ask, what place is this?"

The Oblivion Starfield, a desolate expanse that has long been nameless, is one of the seven Cold Abyss Entrances," the man in white explained.

"Seven? Cold Abyss Entrances?" Lim Zhuyun's heart jolted. She recalled the seven pits she had seen in the Nether Abyss before her arrival.

Could each Cold Abyss Entrance lead to a frigid world of its own?

"Exactly," the man in white, seemingly attuned to her inner thoughts, confirmed. "The seven Cold Abyss Entrances lead to seven distinct worlds of cold. They channel the Frost Energy from seven regions of the Outland Star River, refining it before funneling the purest, most chilling power into the Nether Abyss."

"So the Nether Abyss's mystery and its intense cold are the creations of the Outland Star River?" Lim Zhuyun exclaimed, astonished.

The man in white gave a slight nod.


Amidst the rush of the Gloomy Paradise, Yu Yuan, who was meditating on the high platform, suddenly shuddered.

"What's the matter?" Hu Caiyun inquired, puzzled.

"I feel as though I've been covertly observed," Yu Yuan said, furrowing his brow. "I've always suspected that the Chaos Roc knew my whereabouts. Just moments ago, that elusive Chaos Roc seemed to have been provoked, unleashing a burst of its fearsome energy."

Unbeknownst to him, Lim Zhuyun had just descended into the Oblivion Starfield through a so-called Cold Abyss Entrance.

Lim Zhuyun's current prowess, her ability to overpower the Devaputra, was entirely due to the assistance of the Chaos Roc.

Her arrival, significant to the Starry Behemoth, had triggered a response from the informed Chaos Roc.

"If you're connected to the Starry Behemoth, it can certainly sense you," Benin stated confidently from beneath another platform. "The ancient beings born at the dawn of time possess countless innate powers beyond our comprehension."

The creator of the Void Spirit Succubus, the progenitor of the Starry Behemoth's lineage, was also the Starry Behemoth itself.

Benin had learned of the Starry Behemoth's marvels from her teacher, Fisher, while being instructed in the secret arts of the Void Spirit Succubus, leading her to firmly believe in the creature's formidable abilities.

"That settles it," Yu Yuan said, not a trace of doubt in his voice. He nodded in gratitude to Benin and resolved, "I must hasten to the Oblivion Starfield. I can't shake the feeling that the Starry Behemoth is always silently watching me. Only there, with the protection of the Babel Chamber of Commerce and the Divine Soul Sect's experts, might I find safety."

"That Star Race warship is really bothersome," Hu Caiyun murmured.

Yu Yuan glanced at the Star Race starships targeting them, his expression darkening. "They're getting on my nerves too!"

"My father is up ahead!"

Elena sprang to her feet, a mix of excitement and anxiety in her voice. "That doesn't make sense! No matter how strong he is, he couldn't have gotten ahead of us from the Mondnacht Realm!"

"My big brother, my big brother..."

Pattinson from the Shadow Clan seemed to have picked up on Rony's movements through the Gloomy Paradise's secret device. "My big brother is ahead. He... he's telling us to avoid him, to not meet up."

"My dad's telling me to run too!" Elena was startled.

Exchanging a look with Pattinson, both could see the worry and urgency in each other's eyes. It was clear to them that for Fernand and Rony to tell their dearest to flee, they must be in grave danger, perhaps even captured.

"My father's in trouble!"

Elena's voice wavered, on the verge of tears. "He would only tell me to run if it were so!"

Taking a deep breath, Pattinson gave Yu Yuan an apologetic look and said, "Perhaps it's time we parted ways. I'm going to pilot the Gloomy Paradise to my brother's location. Whatever's happened, I need to be there."

"I'm going too!" Elena declared.

"I'll also take a look," Yu Yuan responded.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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