Unmatched Dominance/C1053 Hate Killing Happy Christmas(1)
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Unmatched Dominance/C1053 Hate Killing Happy Christmas(1)
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C1053 Hate Killing Happy Christmas(1)

"Is that really necessary?"

The speaker was Peach Madam, who arched an eyebrow and gracefully descended onto the platform where Yu Yuan stood.

For the first time, her expression took on a grave tone. She then spoke in the colloquial language of the Silvermoon Empire, "Yu Yuan, if both Rony and Fernand have encountered grave dangers, it indicates that our adversaries possess extraordinary strength."

She turned to regard the astonished Pattinson and Elena.

"They're merely marauders and foreigners. Surely, someone of your caliber wouldn't bother with them, right?"

In her past life, the Medicine God Hong Qi had a brief yet illustrious existence, largely free from emotional entanglements.

As she saw it, Hong Qi was never hindered by women. He was always resolute and unflinching, willing to use any means necessary to achieve his objectives.

Would a woman, especially a foreigner, ever be of concern to Hong Qi?

She believed that the amorous encounter between Yu Yuan and the Asura girl was nothing more than a fleeting dalliance.

It wasn't like Yu Yuan to endanger himself for an outsider woman.

"It's mere curiosity," Yu Yuan clarified.

"It couldn't have been the Babel Chamber of Commerce! Since that white crane extended an invitation, they wouldn't launch an attack as they neared the Oblivion Starfield," Hu Caiyun deduced with composure, "It's more likely the act of a formidable, regular army of outsiders, or perhaps those human hunters known for preying on various factions."

After a brief pause, she continued, "Regardless of who it is, there's no need for contact before we enter the Oblivion Starfield."

Both Rony and Fernand, warriors with Ninth Level bloodlines, had sent urgent messages to Pattinson and Elena, urging them to flee immediately—a clear sign of a formidable enemy.

Hu Caiyun wasn't so conceited as to believe she could overpower Rony and Fernand alone, so she offered her advice earnestly.

Having allied with Yu Yuan, she hoped to leverage his strength and status to gain the Divine Soul Sect's favor and was keen to avoid any mishaps before reaching the Oblivion Starfield.

"No harm in just taking a look," Yu Yuan said with a smile, giving Pattinson a knowing glance before adding, "Forget about the Star Race's warships. Lower the defensive energy and channel all available power into increasing speed."

"Alright, alright!" Pattinson exclaimed with excitement.

Elena leaped into the air, landing squarely between Yu Yuan and Hu Caiyun. She shot Hu Caiyun a sharp look before turning to Yu Yuan and saying, "Thank you."

Yu Yuan remained composed.

The cauldron soul had stirred, and the Ice Concubine had grown stronger. His recent contemplation of the "Optimus Nine Slashes" had also borne fruit.

In the depths of his heart, he yearned for a brutal and bloody battle. The prospect of danger did not deter him in the slightest.

"Hold on a second!"

From below the stage, Benin suddenly spoke up, "I'm heading to the Star Race's warship!"

"Scared, are you?" Elena taunted.

"It's not about fear. By going there, I can prevent a lot of trouble." Benin said dismissively, focusing on Yu Yuan. "I'll persuade the Star Race not to stir up any extra trouble during this time."

"You're coming with me!" she commanded.

Hart nodded in agreement.

With a whoosh, a luminous glow enveloped Hart from the Silver Scale Clan. Clutching a gleaming silver ring, Benin gave Yu Yuan a slight nod and, with Hart in tow, dashed toward the Star Race warship.

In an instant, both she and Hart had vanished.

At that moment, Yu Yuan signaled to Pattinson to fully engage the "Gloomy Paradise."


Aboard the Star Race warship, Wilson of the Colman family was pleasantly surprised to see the Void Spirit Succubus approach without any forewarning. "What's this? Have you had a change of heart?"

"The Gloomy Paradise is making a swift departure," Asa announced.

"No need to fret. With the Dark Elfkind's warship nearby, we can afford to let them go," Wilson said with a slight smile, addressing Benin. "The humans aboard the Gloomy Paradise have wreaked havoc in the Spirit Realm. The Dark Elfkind's elites are scouring for her whereabouts."

"Dark Elfkind..."

A flicker of intrigue sparked in Benin's eyes, as if she had pieced something together. She suspected that Rony and Fernand's downfall might be at the hands of the Dark Elfkind.

"My lord, we've received no response from the Dark Elfkind," Asa whispered.

"Let them be. Once we reach the Oblivion Starfield and meet with them, all will become clear," Wilson said, his gaze fixed on Benin. "Congratulations on your breakthrough to the Eighth Level bloodline. At such a young age, your future standing within our race is sure to be remarkable."

Benin appeared somewhat restrained, not quite comfortable with his sudden warmth. As she watched the "Gloomy Paradise" pick up speed, she hesitated before speaking, "The Gloomy Paradise has made a discovery. I came to inform you all."

Upon hearing this, Asa reacted with surprise, "You mean to keep an eye on the Gloomy Paradise?"

"My teacher, Lady Fisher, instructed me to follow them," Benin responded.

Asa's demeanor shifted to one of reverence. "So it's Lady Fisher's directive!" Without seeking Wilson's consent, he promptly gave the order, "Track the Gloomy Paradise and find out where they're headed!"



A cluster of fragmented meteorites coalesced into a void swirling with stony debris.

A Galaxy Ancient Starship, crafted from bizarre ancient wood and now in ruins, emitted a constant stream of glittering golden light as alien beasts darted out from within.


The agonizing screams of the Dark Elfkind, as they were torn apart and their blood drained by the alien beasts, filled the air without end.

The brutal battlefield came to a close with the demise of the Dark Elfkind.

A Ninth Level Golden Rock Beast, with a body as imposing as a small hill, sprawled atop the destroyed Galaxy Ancient Starship, its claws caked with long-dried dark green blood.

An elder of the Dark Elfkind, of equal Ninth Level lineage, lay with his heart impaled, fine golden light spraying from within.

The Ninth Level Great Demon's eyes, cold and merciless, occasionally flickered with a savage gleam.


Its jagged, fearsome jaws snapped the neck of the Dark Elfkind elder, green blood trickling from the corners of its mouth.

A look of satisfaction and intoxication crossed the Great Demon's face, as if savoring the exquisite taste of blood and flesh.

The Eighth Level Golden Rock Beasts that followed it through the Galaxy Ancient Starship were also feasting on any surviving Dark Elfkind, relishing the sweet blood of their prey.

The Great Demons of the Demon Palace, known for their brutality and cruelty, would fully unleash their savage instincts once they burst forth from the Boundless Land.

The unfortunate non-humans scattered across the starfields who encountered the Demon Palace's forces often met a fate similar to this one.

They would not only perish but also be consumed by the Great Demons, leaving nothing behind, not even the remnants of their bones.

Across several meteorites lay the aftermath.

Several Yang cultivators from the Human Race were relentlessly pursuing and eliminating fleeing members of the Dark Elfkind. Among them was Rony of the Shadow Clan, drenched in blood and barely clinging to life.

The Shadow Clan was notorious for their exceptional evasive abilities and skill in concealing their whereabouts. However, when it came to combat, their prowess was far from remarkable.

At that moment, the meteorite field was saturated with the presence and demonic energy of Ninth Level Golden Rock Beasts, leaving Rony with nowhere to hide. Already gravely wounded and subjected to a relentless onslaught by the Yang cultivators' weapons, he was left with no choice but to await his inevitable demise.

Yue Mu of the Sword Sect brandished the Heavenly Water Sword, casting waves of sword light infused with the essence of water to suppress Fernand.

Meanwhile, the Asura General, also covered in wounds, had most of his natural spines shattered.

Yue Mu, a newly risen member among the Nine Great Sword Immortals of the Sword Sect, was especially adept at engaging in prolonged combat.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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