Unmatched Dominance/C1054 Hate Killing Happy Christmas(2)
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Unmatched Dominance/C1054 Hate Killing Happy Christmas(2)
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C1054 Hate Killing Happy Christmas(2)

His Heavenly Water Sword could weave a flawless net of blades, slowly and methodically wearing down his opponent until their soul was utterly extinguished in complete silence.

At this moment, Fernand found himself ensnared within the meticulously crafted sword net, with no hope of escape.

With each passing second, his wounds deepened.

He was incessantly bleeding, his bones shattered, and his internal organs ruptured. The vast blood energy within him was being subtly permeated and eroded by the precise sword intent.

Several Yang cultivators from the Filthy Spirit Sect, Fiend Sect, and Voodoo Cult employed various dark arts in concert with Yue Mu, leaving Fernand disoriented, barely able to feel the pain of his flesh and blood, unable to concentrate or extricate himself from the sword net.

Zhan Ruonan and Sun Jun refrained from intervening, merely observing from the sidelines.

Ironically, it was Rony and Fernand's misfortune to encounter a warship of the Dark Elfkind, sparking a confrontation.

Despite being Ninth Level kings of roving bandits, they did not face a significant disadvantage against the Dark Elfkind, who boasted only one Ninth Level bloodline and numerous Eighth Level clansmen, leading to the outbreak of battle.

The Ninth Level Golden Rock Beast from the Demon Palace had assimilated a cluster of meteors infused with the blood of Rock Clan warriors.

The formidable demon, wandering near the Oblivion Starfield, detected the clash between the Dark Elfkind and the two bandit kings and stealthily approached.

Seizing the moment when both parties were significantly weakened, it launched a ferocious assault.

The Dark Elfkind's Ninth Level powerhouse was taken by surprise and killed, and their uniquely designed Galaxy Ancient Starship was torn asunder by the Golden Rock Beast in its true form.

Rony, grievously wounded and now besieged, was likely on a path to certain death.

Given their understanding of the Heavenly Water Sword, it seemed inevitable that Fernand, caught in Yue Mu's carefully woven sword net, would meet his end.

"Hmm! Gloomy Paradise!"

Sun Jun abruptly turned, his gaze locking onto the soaring land bound by golden chains, his expression one of shock.

Zhan Ruonan, equally startled, quickly turned to witness the land soaring past.

"Wait, why did I encounter the Gloomy Paradise?" She was filled with doubt.

She was unaware that the Gloomy Paradise had been initially confined by Bertha of the Mondnacht Clan to a tract of land, immobilized for an extended period. Later, it was entangled by a Star Race warship and dared not travel at its usual speed, significantly delaying its entry into the Oblivion Starfield.

Meanwhile, the meteor cluster refined by the Golden Rock Beast was swiftly navigating the edges of the Oblivion Starfield.

The Gloomy Paradise's slow pace and the meteor cluster's speed led to their unexpected reunion.

"I hope Yu Yuan has already left," Zhan Ruonan began to worry about Yu Yuan, aware of the events that had unfolded in the Boundless Land and his favorable disposition towards the Red Devil Sect.

She also knew that the cultivators and demons loyal to the five supreme forces would show no mercy to Yu Yuan upon encountering him.

"He and Peach Madam are both on the Gloomy Paradise," Sun Jun, sensing her thoughts, spoke in a hushed tone, "What do we do? If a conflict erupts, should we intervene?"

"Just watch," Zhan Ruonan whispered.


"Big brother!"

Pattinson stood at the forefront of the Gloomy Paradise, his eyes brimming with tears, his body shaking violently.

Rony was besieged by a group of Yang cultivators, his flesh gruesomely torn from his body in chunks.

His clothes and armor were in tatters, revealing deep, bone-exposing wounds, and his waist was riddled with thumb-sized bloody holes that oozed blood continuously.

As Rony attempted to flee, his body would shudder violently, as if wracked by a potent poison.

The human Yang cultivators either looked on with cold detachment or conversed with smiles, inflicting new wounds on Rony in a cruel game of cat and mouse, in no rush to end his life.

This was a profound insult to Rony.

With each labored step and searing breath, Rony's vision blurred, but he could still hear Pattinson's cries and feel the vitality in his brother's blood.

With a violent shudder, he bit down hard on the tip of his tongue, ignoring the metallic taste of blood, and once more used the secret arts of blood to send a message: "Get away! Don't come any closer! If possible, avenge me in the future! Don't come here to die; I need you to live! Live well!"

Bloodcurdling screams erupted from Pattinson's chest as he watched in horror. Clenching his fists until his knuckles turned white, he recognized the assailants of his own brother: numerous Yang cultivators and a Ninth Level Golden Rock Beast.

Yue Mu, wielding the Heavenly Water Sword, had crafted an intricate web of blades that now ensnared Fernand. Pattinson felt a rush of blood to his head, an urge to charge forward and slaughter the human cultivators surrounding his brother. But his reason prevailed; he knew he was no match for any of the Yang Gods.

Rushing in would only lead to a fate more tragic than his brother's. Rooted by a deep-seated fear of humans and Great Demons alike, and heeding his brother's stern admonitions, Pattinson took several deep breaths to steady himself, striving to assess the situation with clarity and make the most rational decision. Unbeknownst to him, his lips were now bloodied from biting them in an effort to maintain his focus.

"It's useless, you old fool!" Elena cried out, her eyes fixed on Fernand, her gaze taking in the bloody wounds marring her father's body. Yet, her legs refused to move. The Eighth Level Asura warrior, released by Hu Caiyun, was desperately holding her shoulders, urging her to stay put. As she met his gaze, the warrior's expression was one of sorrow as he shook his head, pleading, "No, don't throw your life away!"

The warrior, with the blood of the Eighth Level coursing through his veins, had understood the futility of their situation with a single glance exchanged with Fernand. He knew the general's intentions and what was within his power to do – which was to prevent Elena from making a fatal mistake.

"Hong, Hong..." Yue Mu, one of the Nine Great Sword Immortals, narrowed his eyes and spotted Yu Yuan atop the Gloomy Paradise. Comparing him to the images from the Boundless Land, he recognized the newcomer. With mixed emotions, Yue Mu hesitated, contemplating whether to feign ignorance of any past encounters with Yu Yuan.

With a swift thrust, a rapier as thin as a cicada's wing pierced Rony's chest, pinning the king of roving bandits to the unforgiving earth. Green lightning crackled from the blade, ravaging Rony's flesh and soul. A man dressed in the garb of the Thunder Sect landed behind Rony and crouched down, gripping the sword's hilt. Looking up at Pattinson with a gentle smile, he spoke softly, "Would you like to come closer and witness his demise?"

He gently rotated the sword hilt.

Overcome with emotion, Rony released a heart-wrenching howl that echoed with the movement of the sword.

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